Suicide IS The Answer? When No One Knows Your Pain When No Hope Is In Your Sight When You Feel You Can't Go On Presented by LiJing
Suicide Case Study Kate was a 23-year-old fashion assistant buyer for a large department store. Over a 2-year period she became somewhat depressed. She attributed her poor mood to exhaustion brought on by the constant strain of her job. She began going to a psychotherapist but stopped after only a few sessions because she didn’t think she could be helped. Feeling hopeless, she occasionally gave some thought to suicide; it would provide a release from the constant strain she was under-and Why not? She had nothing to live for. On a number of occasions Kate made comments to her friends like
Suicide Case Study “Nothing seems to be going right; sometimes I feel like stepping in front of a truck” or “Probably the best thing for me to do tonight is to take all the pills in my medicine cabinet and just not wake up tomorrow morning.” Her friends knew that Kate was depressed, but they thought she would snap out of it, and they did not take her comments about suicide seriously. When Kate do not come for work for 2 days and did not answer her phone, a friend went to her apartment. She found Kate dead in her bed with a variety of empty pill bottles next to her. Kate had left a short note in which she simply apologized for not being a better person.
Suicide Case Study Why do people commit suicide? Are there Reasons other than depression and stress? Can suicide be prevented?
Issue involved with Suicide Gender and Age Culture Timing of Suicides Myths about Suicide
Myths about Suicide Myth Reality People who talk about suicide won’t commit suicide All suicidal behaviors are designed to end life Only very depressed persons commit suicide Suicide rates are higher in winter than in Summer
Depression Stress Fantasy Explanations Psychodynamic Explanations “I wish I were dead”
Fantasy: Final Fantasy? Reuniting with a deceased person Rebirth Self-punishment Revenge “This would not have happened if you had been nicer to me”
Learning Explanations Imitation Behavioral Contagion when (1) an individual wants to do something. (2) is restrained from doing it because society said it is wrong (3) sees someone else do it and “get away with it” (4) thinks that he/she can get away with it also Rewards
Cognitive Explanations Poor Problem Solving Skills Hopelessness Hopelessness is the belief that “thing s won’t get better” Delusions and Hallucinations Reasons for Not Committing Suicide
Factors that reduce suicidal intent Survival and coping beliefs: “I still have many things left to do” Responsibility to family: “It would hurt my family too much, and I would not want them to suffer” Fear of suicide: “I am a coward and do not have the guts to do it” Fear of social disapproval: “I would not want other people to think I did not have control over my life.” Moral objections: “I am afraid of going to hell”
Physiological Explanations Low Levels of Serotonin Low Levels of Cholesterol Genetic Factors
Mode of Action Low levels of serotonin Stress Depression and lack of inhibition Low levels of serotonin Suicide Genes Low Levels of Cholesterol
Suicide Prevention Education Therapy, Medication and ECT Crisis Management
Case Study Why do people commit suicide? Suicide is a complex behavior. Yes, depression, hopelessness, and stress are major causes of suicide, but… What should be done when someone talks about suicide or makes a suicide attempt? The most important thing is that you should not ignore the real or implies threat. Can suicide be prevented? Often yes, but in many cases no, either because the treatments do not work or because people do not come in for treatment.
Suicide Culture Religion Imitation Depression Behavioral Contagion Rewards Stress Suicide Fantasy Genetic Factors Low Levels of Cholesterol Delusions and Hallucinations Low Levels of Serotonin Poor Problem Solving Skills Hopelessness
Suicide is NOT the answer I Wish for You a Beautiful Life When No One Knows Your Pain When No Hope Is In Your Sight When You Feel You Can't Go On I Wish for You a Beautiful Life Thank you for your attention