An Overview for the Spring 2017 Semester edTPA An Overview for the Spring 2017 Semester
W’s of edTPA What: Who: Why: “performance-based, subject-specific assessment and support system … to emphasize, measure and support the skills and knowledge that all teachers need” Who: Like previous student teaching experiences, the process involves you, your Cooperating Teacher, your University Supervisor, and students Why: edTPA serves as a standardized form of assessment. edTPA serves as the same type of career-entry assessment requirement as those for aspiring lawyers, doctors, architects and professionals in many other fields.
Getting started The edTPA Handbook Tk20 Available as a hard copy or digital download on Tk20 Covers everything from Task instructions to video-recording guidelines Your first and best resource for all questions Tk20 Must use paid Tk20 account Any account related questions/password resets: contact Susan Tiso, (203) 392-6544 Entire edTPA portfolio is uploaded to your account, with every task you need to do. If it is missing/incomplete, contact Susan Tiso.
Who is the best person to contact if your portfolio is missing a task? Your University Supervisor Susan Tiso Dr. Todaro Your Seminar instructor
Recording: Getting Started
Getting Appropriate Permissions In order to video record minors, you must have written consent from a parent or legal guardian Forms will be sent out for you to send home with students If a student’s parent/guardian does not consent, you cannot record them Move your camera or ask the student to move to another part of the classroom Get these permissions as early as possible!
Video Usage Ok to: NOT ok to: Keep files on flash drive or personal secured device Use in portfolios NOT ok to: Upload to social media Show to friends or family
Is it okay to show a “funny” clip of a student to your classmates? Yes, as long as you are showing them on your device and not sending it to them Yes, you can text/email/send it to them as long as they are also a student teacher in your seminar section No, but you can talk about the experience No, and you cannot talk about the experience
Appropriate Recording Equipment Smart Phone iPad * Surface Pro * PC Tablet Digital Camera/Camcorder * Available for reservation through the Office of Educational Services
Available Recording Accessories Tripod Swivl
Reserving Equipment Decide early if you want to borrow equipment or use your own Done via Google Form Link will be sent by the end of the first week of class First come, first served Reservation period of 2 weeks, can be extended if demand is low
Editing Video
Recording Guidelines Length Resolution File Type Size Continuous clip Varies by task and concentration, see handbook Resolution Recommended: 256Kpbs (standard) File Type .avi, .qt, .mov, .mp4, .wmv Size Must be less than 500 MB, “target” 200-300 MB Continuous clip Can add subtitles or blur out faces of students who you don’t have consent to record
What is a “continuous clip”? OK: Not OK: X Video X X Video X Video X
If a student you don’t have permission to record runs through the frame halfway through a lesson, you should… Delete the clip and start the lesson over Submit the clip as is Blur the student’s face with editing software Use a different part of the lesson for your task video Trim out the part of the video with the student in it
Video Compression On mobile device: On PC desktop/laptop: Use an app like Video Compressor Compressed video will automatically be added to your photo/video roll On PC desktop/laptop: Use “Any Video Converter” program, set to specifications in handout On Mac desktop/laptop: Use “Any Video Converter Lite” program, set to specifications in handout
Uploading to Tk20 Similar to uploading assignments for any other class Files must meet specifications laid our in instructions Only hit “Submit” once you are done with ENTIRE portfolio Cannot make edits or add content after submission
Transferring Files to edTPA/Pearson Everyone will hit “Submit,” which will send your portfolio to be reviewed by someone at SCSU 40 students will also be given vouchers to submit to Pearson to be evaluated by a 3rd party Those students will create accounts with Pearson AFTER hitting “Submit” they will hit “Transfer to Pearson”
What should you do after completing and uploading your first task? Hit “Submit” at the bottom of the tab to submit the task Hit “Save” to save your information and move on to the next task or close the window Nothing; Tk20 saves your data automatically after you upload something Hit “Transfer to Pearson” so that your task can be evaluated
Help! Tk20 questions Problems with your placement Susan Tiso-, (203) 392-6544 Problems with your placement Personal- University Supervisor Administrative- Dr. Todaro, CC: Ellen Goggins, (203) 392-5906 Questions about edTPA requirements Dr. Todaro, CC: Your Seminar Instructor Video/Technology issues Office of Educational Services-, CC: Maggie Kinsella-Shaw, (203) 392-5906