The Water Cycle
The Water Cycle Objective: Students will identify and classify the stages of the water cycle using illustrations and captions and by analyzing written and oral text by the end of the lesson. CCSS: RI 4 3, RI 4.4, RI 4.5, WA 4.2b, WA 4.2d
The Water Cycle Essential Question: What are the stages of the water cycle?
What is the Water Cycle? The water cycle is the movement of water from Earth to the atmosphere (sky) and back again. The 5 stages are: Evaporation Accumulation Transpiration Condensation Precipitation
Evaporation Evaporation is the process of changing liquid to gas when heat is added. Water turns into water vapor when heated.
Accumulation Accumulation is when water vapor collects to form puddles, lakes, streams, rivers, and oceans.
Transpiration Transpiration occurs when moisture, carried through plants roots to the tiny pores on the underside of leaves, evaporates from the plant leaves into the atmosphere .
Condensation Condensation is the process of changing from gas to liquid when heat is taken away. When cool, water vapor collects to form a cloud that gets heavy and turns into liquid.
Precipitation Precipitation is any form of water that falls from clouds to Earth, such as rain, snow, sleet, or hail.
Water Cycle