Water Cycle and Groundwater REVIEW
Who will be A, and who will be B? Decide who will be Partner A and who will be Partner B. If you are in a group of three, just take turns one after the other. On slides that say Partner A on them, Partner A will ask B the question. B can look at notes or the study guide, then answer. Partner A lets them know if they are correct or not, and shows the answer on the slide.
An aquifer is water stored underground. Partner A What is an aquifer? An aquifer is water stored underground.
Partner B How does infiltration occur? Infiltration occurs when water soaks and seeps into the ground and fills the spaces (pores) in the soil or rocks below.
Permeable rock is rock that water is able to move through. Partner A What is permeable rock? Permeable rock is rock that water is able to move through.
Partner B Why does an aquifer form over impermeable rock? An aquifer forms when water collects in a layer above impermeable rock (rock that water can’t soak through).
Partner A True or False: Aquifers do not contain very much water, since they are under the ground. False: Aquifers contain most of the fresh water needed by humans, more than in lakes and rivers!
Partner B How does a well work? A well can pump or bring up water from below the ground, from an aquifer.
The water table is the highest level of an aquifer. Partner A What is a water table? The water table is the highest level of an aquifer.
When is the water table high? Partner B When is the water table high? The water table is high when there has been plenty of rainfall or precipitation, so the aquifer has filled up.
When is the water table low? Partner A When is the water table low? The water table is low during a time of low precipitation or drought, because the water level in the aquifer goes down.
Partner B What is the difference between PERMEABLE ROCK and IMPERMEABLE ROCK? Permeable rock can have water move through it and can soak up some water. Impermeable rock will not let water move through it.
Partner A Define the following terms; Evaporation, condensation and precipitation Evaporation – Water changes from a liquid to a vapor from being heated by the sun. Condensation – Water changes from vapor to liquid droplets, in clouds. Precipitation – Water falls from the sky as rain or snow.
Partner B Define the following terms; Runoff, infiltration, groundwater Runoff – Water that flows downward from higher points to rivers, lakes, oceans, and the ground. Infiltration – Water soaks and seeps into the ground by filling spaces in rocks and soil. Groundwater – Water that is stored under the ground from infiltration.