Welcome Class of 2018
Counselors Ms. Choi: A-Da Mrs. Coleman: De-H Mrs. Nedwick: I-Mo Mr. Ireta: Mu-Se and ELD Mr. Napora: Sh-Z
Contacting Your Counselor Your counselor is available to support you with Academic Planning and Course Selection Guidance College and Career Planning/Preparation Social/Emotional Support and Intervention How to contact your counselor Visit your counselor during daily walk-in times, before school, during lunch, or after school. This method is best if you have a concern or question that can be addressed quickly. Make an appointment in the Counseling Office with Mrs. Smilor or Mrs. Jimenez. This method is best if you have a concern or question that may take more time to address. For an urgent matter which requires immediate attention and cannot be addressed through the other methods, you may come in to see your counselor anytime. Please first check in with your teacher and the Counseling Secretary.
Visit the NPHS Counseling Website http://www.nphs.org/counseling/
Tips for 10th Grade Students Develop effective study skills Time management Identify and utilize efficient study methods that work for you Seek help when needed and access academic resources (attend teacher tutoring hours, form study groups, consult with counselor) Maintain good grades Your grades should be an accurate reflection of your abilities. Reasonably challenge yourself, but be careful not to take on more than you can handle Monitor your grades Communicate with your teachers Regularly check your grades using Q Maintain a healthy lifestyle Successful students get adequate sleep, eat nutritious foods, and have a balance between their home, school and social lives!
Stay Informed Listen to Bulletin announcements & check the NPHS Counseling Website and Calendar of events Read the Naviance Email, Panther Tale Get involved in school activities (clubs, athletics, etc.) Get to know your teachers, see your counselor and ask questions Register and use Naviance!!!
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Credits (230) Courses (requirements by subject)
NPHS Graduation Requirements SUBJECT Credits Terms ENGLISH 40 Credits 4 Terms SOCIAL SCIENCE (World, US, Gov/Econ) 30 Credits 3 Terms MATHEMATICS * SCIENCE (1 Life, 1 Physical) 20 Credits 2 Terms VISUAL PERFORMING ART or a F.L. 10 Credits 1 Term PHYSICAL EDUCATION HEALTH 5 Credits 1/2 Term ELECTIVES 75 Credits TOTAL 230 Credits *** *Must pass Algebra 1 (requirement can be met in 8th grade but middle school classes do not count toward 30 high school math credits) *Must pass the California High School Exit Exam (Language Arts and Math)
Flow chart links Math http://nphs.org/counseling/math.htm Science http://nphs.org/counseling/documents/ScienceFlowChart _2013-2014.pdf Art http://nphs.org/counseling/documents/SequenceofInstru ction.pdf
ACADEMIC TRANSCRIPT Cumulative GPA (Grade point average earned for all high school courses-including foreign language in the 8th grade) Scholastic Transcript (Unweighted GPA excluding PE or Athletic PE) Weighted GPA A=5 B=4 C=2 D=1 H/AP/IB classes on the transcript…weighted GPA will not be ranked.
RANK IN CLASS Rank in class The Conejo Valley Unified School District no longer reports Rank In Class on the Academic Transcript.
NPHS Four year College Requirements SUBJECT Credits Terms ENGLISH 40 Credits 4 Terms SOCIAL SCIENCE (World, US, Gov/Econ) 30 Credits 3 Terms MATHEMATICS (at least Algebra 2) SCIENCE (1 Life, 1 Physical- Chemistry Required for UC’s) 20 Credits 2 Terms VISUAL PERFORMING ART 10 Credits 1 Term WORLD LANGUAGE (30 RECOMMENDED) ELECTIVES Highly recommended to go above and beyond required classes PHYSICAL EDUCATION (Graduation Requirement) HEALTH (Graduation Requirement) 5 Credits ½ of a Term “A-G” includes College Prep and higher level courses All courses must be completed with ‘C’ grade or higher. CSU/UC approved course list for NPHS is available online at https://doorways.ucop.edu/list or on Counseling Website
Post High School Options Gap Year -Travel -Volunteer 4 Year College/University Work Community College Career/Technical Schools Military
College and Career Center in Student Services Mrs. Ricafort and Mr. Colangelo in the College and Career Center are available to answer college and career related questions and assist you with Naviance Room B-1 Computers are available for college and career research Catalogs, CDs, and various other materials from colleges, summer and gap year programs, etc. are available SAT/ACT/PSAT/AP flyers, guides, and prep books are available
COMMUNITY COLLEGES 107 Campuses No specific course requirements must be met prior to entrance SAT/ACT tests are NOT required Transfer Program to UC’s/ CSU’s/ Independent Colleges (TAG)
4-Year University Options California Public Universities -California State Universities (CSU’s) 23 CSU campuses -University of California (UC’s) 9 UC campuses Out-of-State Public Colleges & Universities Private Colleges
Cal State Universities (CSU) Admission Requirements Fulfill the minimum A - G subject requirements Fulfill the examination requirement ACT or SAT Reasoning Exam (CSU does not require the score from the Writing section) Admission is determined by an eligibility index
University of California (UC) Admission Requirements Fulfill the minimum A-G subject requirements Fulfill the examination requirement SAT Reasoning or ACT with Writing SAT Subject exams are not required, but may be submitted if they add value. Visit the UC website for more information. Admission is determined by Admission Index & Comprehensive Review. All campuses use the same 14 factors to evaluate applications but may apply them differently and make admission decisions independently. Be sure to review the process of each campus.
Private/Out-of-State University Admission Requirements Admission requirements vary by institution, but most follow similar UC/CSU guidelines in terms of subject requirements and examination requirements Students must check with the individual college’s admissions office or visit the college’s website to determine their current admission requirements
NAVIANCE An interactive college and career preparation site Connects with the Common Application Helps you develop resumes, offers tips for essays, etc. Allows you to maintain contact with your counselor as you go about the college search and application process Offers a customized scholarship search for NPHS students Naviance link: http://www.nphs.org/counseling/naviance.htm
ORIENTATION AND REGISTRATION Video presentation dates are EITHER 2/15 OR 2/16. Registration dates (with counselors) are 2/21-2/27.
REGISTRATION NPHS counselors will individually, with the student present, review the COURSE REQUEST FORM in our offices. Your child’s paper application, with parent signature, and the Academic Transcript will be present to assist all present to make the best choices.
COLLEGE TESTING PSAT (Oct. 2015) SAT Reasoning Test SAT Subject Tests (2 different subjects) ACT www.act.org www.collegeboard.com
COLLEGE AND CAREER CENTER College Speakers Financial Aid Catalogs Career Development Speakers Employment Opportunities PSAT, SAT, ACT Information
Majors Program Arts, Media and Communication Business Engineering and Environment More information available in the College and Career Center Health Sciences Industrial Technology Public Human Services See Mr. Colangelo Room B-1
SPECIAL INTEREST AREAS Co-Curricular Participation (2.0 grade point average required) Regional Occupational Program Work Experience Adult Education Summer School Community College Courses School-To-Career Information A lot to Offer- GET INVOLVED!