Virtual Constellations Issues and opportunities Committee on Earth Observation Satellites Virtual Constellations Issues and opportunities Jean-Louis Fellous – SIT Chair Team CEOS Plenary 2016 Agenda Item 7.5 Brisbane, Australia 1st – 2nd November 2016 CEOS Plenary 2016, 1-2 November 1
Introduction Seven Virtual Constellations are currently active One about the atmosphere: the AC-VC One about land: the LSI-VC Four about the ocean surface: the SST-, OST-, OSVW- and OCR-VC One about the water cycle: the P-VC All VC Leads took part in tag up teleconferences with the SIT Chair Team in January-February and June-July All VCs contributed to SIT-31 in April, and to the VC-WG Day and the SIT Technical Workshop in September The following progress report is based on the VC inputs. It contains the latest information on their current activities and plans One critical issue has been identified and is put to CEOS Plenary attention
AC-VC Input to VC report and issues for consideration Committee on Earth Observation Satellites AC-VC Input to VC report and issues for consideration Jay Al-Saadi and Ben Veihelmann CEOS Plenary 2016 Agenda Item 7.5 Brisbane, Australia 1st – 2nd November 2016 CEOS Plenary 2016, 1-2 November 3
Atmospheric Composition Virtual Constellation (AC-VC) AC-VC-12 held October 2016, the first AC-VC meeting held outside Europe/USA. Hosted by Korea National Institute of Environmental Research (NIER) and Yonsei University NIER plans to apply to become a CEOS Member next year 2nd Atmospheric Composition OSSE workshop to be hosted 11/2016 by ECMWF to further international collaboration on Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas constellation requirements
Atmospheric Composition Virtual Constellation (AC-VC) – cont’d Air Quality Constellation Welcomed first participation by Chinese colleagues, will work to embrace LEO GaoFen-5 Successful preparatory validation campaigns conducted this year include the Korea-US Air Quality Study (Seoul, ROK) and CINDI-2 (Cabauw, NL) Greenhouse Gas Constellation Proto GHG-VC coming into existence approximately end of decade (several LEO passive sensors and one active LEO sensor) Affirmed support for open data policy with Chinese missions and surface measurements Ozone Trends Deliverable VC-02 for total ozone dataset harmonization is on schedule Work on tropospheric ozone and nadir profile trends has started
CEOS Plenary 2016, 1-2 November Committee on Earth Observation Satellites LSI-VC Update Bianca Hoersch, Jennifer Lacey and Adam Lewis CEOS Plenary 2016 Agenda Item #7.5 Brisbane, Australia 1st – 2nd November 2016 CEOS Plenary 2016, 1-2 November 6
LSI-VC Update Background Re-established at the 2015 CEOS Plenary with renewed Terms of Reference and Implementation Plan. Led by ESA (Bianca Hoersch), GA (Adam Lewis), and USGS (Jenn Lacey). Over 20 members representing 12 agencies (CNES, CSA, CSIRO, DLR, EC, ESA, GA, ISRO, JAXA, NASA, NOAA, USGS). 2 successful meetings: LSI-VC-1 (February, hosted by ESA at ESRIN) and LSI-VC-2 (July, hosted by USGS in LA, USA).
LSI-VC Update (cont’d) Analysis-Ready Data LSI-VC served as the forum for developing the CEOS Analysis-Ready Data definition (now known as CARD4L – CEOS Analysis-Ready Data for Land). CARD4L underpins a large amount of the future data architectures work being progressed within CEOS. The CARD4L definition has been presented for endorsement by CEOS Plenary.
LSI-VC Update (cont’d) Requirement and Gap Analyses LSI-VC is working to help CEOS better understand its LSI commitments and capacity. Currently investigating how to bring together requirements (from communities of practice, using a common framework) and the necessary observing capabilities – to establish a standard ‘CEOS Approach’ to LSI requirements and capabilities analysis. Looking at previous examples such as the process used by GEOGLAM to map requirements and capabilities. Also investigating tools and processes including the USGS-NOAA Requirements Capabilities & Analysis for Earth Observations (RCA-EO) and CEOS information systems (e.g., MIM Database, COVE, IDN, ECV Inventory, Data Policy Portal).
LSI-VC Update (cont’d) Future Tasks and Challenges Establish a team to define CEOS SAR Analysis-Ready Data to integrate into CARD4L. Progress the LSI-VC approach to requirement and gap analyses and perform some preliminary studies in support of the CEOS Carbon Strategy.
Kenneth S. Casey and Anne O’Carroll CEOS Plenary October 2016 CEOS SST-VC Kenneth S. Casey and Anne O’Carroll CEOS Plenary October 2016 CEOS Plenary 2016, 1-2 November 11
Sea Surface Temperature (Polar orbiting) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ERS-2 ATSR-2 Optical (TIR) Polar Orbiting ENVISAT AATSR Sentinel-3A SLSTR Dual view capability Sentinel-3B SLSTR Sentinel-3C/D SLSTR POES AVHRR/3 (pm orbit) METOP-A METOP-B (AVHRR/3, IASI) (am orbit) METOP-C Metop-SG A (METimage, IASI-NG) AQUA & TERRA (MODIS) S-NPP (VIIRS) JPSS-1 (VIIRS) FY-3A JPSS-2 (VIIRS) FY-3B,C,D (VIRR) FY-3B,C,D (VIRR) METEOR-M1 MSU-MR METEOR-M2 MSU-MR METEOR-M3 GCOM-C SGLI Aquarius SAC/D (NIRST) OCEANSAT-3 (TIR) Passive Microwave, Polar & non sun-synchronous Orbiting HY-2A HY-2B,C,D GPM-Core GMI AMSRE TRMM GCOM-W1 (AMSR-2) GCOM-W2 (AMSR-2) GCOM-W3 (AMSR-2) WindSat FY-3A, B,C (MWRI) FY-D, F (MWRI) In orbit Approved Planned/Pending approval CEOS Plenary 2016, 1-2 November
Sea Surface Temperature (Geostationary) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Meteosat-9 (SEVIRI) EU Meteosat-10 (SEVIRI) EU Meteosat-11 (SEVIRI) EU MTG-I1 EU MTG-I2 EU MTG-S1 EU GOES-13 (Imager) US-West GOES-14(Imager) US-west GOES-15 (Imager) US-East GOES-R (ABI) US GOES-S (ABI) US MTSAT-1R (Japan) MTSAT-2 (Japan) Himawari-8 (Japan) Himawari-9 (Japan) FY-2E FY-2F (China) FY-4 0/A,B,C (China) Elektro-L N1 (Russia) Elektro-L N2 (Russia) Elektro-L N3 /4(Russia) COMS (Korea) COMS 2A/B (Korea) Kaplana (India) INSAT-3A (India) INSAT-3D (India) INSAT-3D R/S (India) In orbit Approved Planned/Pending approval CEOS Plenary 2016, 1-2 November
SST-VC highlights The SST-VC spent the last year focusing on a narrower number of activities specifically identified in the CEOS Work Plan: Satellite Oceanography User Workshop, Melbourne, 9-11th Nov 2015 videos available together with CEOS/WGCapD. Welcomed Dr Pradeep K. Thapliyal (ISRO) in October 2015 as new member. Presentations on PMW constellation for SST to SIT-31, CGMS-44, and SIT TW including impacts on analyses and forecasts. SST-VC presentation to IOVWST in Sapporo, May 2016. 5th SST-VC meeting, 10th June 2016, Washington DC. VC-1: 81 Group for High Resolution SST (GHRSST) products now in archive. VC-19: Progress on SST-VC white paper, on next generation SST constellation, aim for publication early 2017.
OST-VC Input to VC report and issues for consideration Committee on Earth Observation Satellites OST-VC Input to VC report and issues for consideration Philippe Escudier and Hans Bonekamp CEOS Plenary 2016 Agenda Item 7.5 Brisbane, Australia 1st – 2nd November 2016 CEOS Plenary 2016, 1-2 November 15
CEOS Plenary 2016, 1-2 November Missions Now-Future Launch Date 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 13 14 26 Reference Nadir Missions (Non Sun-Synchronous) 20/08 Jason-2 FR/EU/USA Jason-CS-A/Sentinel-6-A EU/USA J-CS-B EU/USA Jason-3 FR/EU/USA Complementary Nadir Missions 02/13 Saral/AltiKa FR/India Sentinel-3A EU Sentinel-3B EU Sentinel-3C EU Sentinel-3D EU 04/10 CRYOSAT-2 EU 08/11 HY-2A CN HY-2C CN HY-2B CN HY-2D CN Broad-Coverage Mission SWOT USA/FR Compira - Japan Operating Development Proposed Feb 2016 CEOS Plenary 2016, 1-2 November
OST-VC activity report Important Milestone Next OST-VC meeting starts Thursday 3rd November during the Ocean Surface Topography Science Team (OSTST) international meeting in La Rochelle (France). The agenda for this meeting includes : OST-VC general status, round table on current status and plans Status of the action requested by CEOS SIT to produce a catalogue of existing Cal/Val facilities maintained and used for OST Discussion chaired by Pascal Bonnefond Discussion on the potential benefits of a second generation of OST-VC that would allow to improve significantly the overall space and time coverage of the virtual constellation and on how to proceed As an introduction to this discussion, CNES will present some elements of its on-going CNES phase 0 study on this topic Any other business
OST-VC activity report (cont’d) Recent achievements Two recent successful launches: Jason-3 and Sentinel-3 represent major milestones for the future of the Ocean Surface Topography virtual constellation Jason 3 is now operational and Jason 2 orbit has been successfully shifted to an interleaved track with Jason 3 to optimize the overall coverage In-orbit assessment of Sentinel 3 altimetry mission has confirmed its quality On-going activity Ocean Surface Topography Science Team renewal : On-going assessment of the proposals received in response to NASA and CNES/EUMETSAT announcement of opportunity Selected teams to be announced by the end of 2016
OSVW-VC Input to VC report and issues for consideration Committee on Earth Observation Satellites OSVW-VC Input to VC report and issues for consideration Paul Chang CEOS Plenary 2016 Agenda Item 7.5 Brisbane, Australia 1st – 2nd November 2016 CEOS Plenary 2016, 1-2 November 19
OSVW-VC report – Updates Capacity building and user outreach 5th training course in the Use of Satellite Wind and Wave Products in Operational Marine Forecasting, South African Weather Service, Pretoria, SA, December 12-16, 2016 (EUMETSAT, NOAA and SAWS) Next OSVW-VC meeting Will be scheduled in conjunction with the next IOVWST meeting which is scheduled for May 2-4, 2017 at Scripps, San Diego, California Review action items Continue efforts to integrate IOWVST and OSVW-VC activities Leadership OSVW-VC Co-Chair nomination pending after Julia Figa (EUMETSAT) left in early 2016
OSVW-VC – Recent achievements ISRO had a successful launch of ScatSat-1 on September 26, 2016 at 09:12 IST: ScatSat-1 is a Ku-band scatterometer Follow-on to ISRO’s OSCAT sensor with several improvements In Orbit assessment ScatSat-1 is underway First look images can be seen at 1/scatsat-1-latest-products Joint (ISRO, NASA, NOAA, EUMETSAT) Cal/Val activities will commence once instrument checkout is complete
Source: WMO OSCAR database and direct interactions with agencies CEOS Ocean Vector Surface Winds Virtual Constellation (OSVW-VC) Current status and outlook – NRT data access Ku-band Combined C- and Ku-band C-band 10/06 06/99 Design Life Extended Life Proposed Operating Approved METOP-A Europe METOP-C Europe METOP-B Europe Post EPS Europe QSCAT USA CFOSAT China/France GCOM-W2 Japan/India/USA? Advanced Scat series India Launch 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Meteor-M N3 Russia Oceansat-3A India HY-2B China FY-3E China FY-3G China Oceansat-2 India 03/04 Oceansat-3B India ScatSat-1 India HY-2A China No NRT data access committed RapidScat USA Here we present the overall Scatterometer mission schedule, highlight in orange the short term period and then in red that no open NRT data access is committed, apart from the ASCAT series and RapidScat on a best effort basis, although there are currently missions flying (and about to fly) that could palliate the impact of OSCAT discontinuation for NRT applications ISRO has a commitment to scatterometery continuity Source: WMO OSCAR database and direct interactions with agencies CEOS Plenary 2016, 1-2 November
CEOS Plenary 2016, 1-2 November Committee on Earth Observation Satellites OCR-VC Update Paul DiGiacomo, Paula Bontempi and Craig Donlon CEOS Plenary 2016 Agenda Item #7.5 Brisbane, Australia 1st – 2nd November 2016 CEOS Plenary 2016, 1-2 November 23
OCR-VC Current activities OCR constellation successfully expanded with OLCI on Sentinel- 3A; Level 1B data now publicly available; Level 2 data by early next year. Congrats to ESA/EUMETSAT! Reprocessed life of mission VIIRS OCR data now available from JPSS Ocean Color EDR team using NOAA MSL12 enterprise processing system (for more details see NASA’s PACE (Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem) mission is scheduled to launch in 2022/23 and will expand upon the NASA Goddard legacy of measuring ocean color from space
OCR-VC Current activities (cont’d) OCR-VC briefed the SIT Technical workshop on the International Network for Sensor Inter-comparison and Uncertainty assessment for Ocean Color Radiometry (INSITU-OCR) as a potential model for coordinating VC et al. validation activities; see we-do/insitu-ocr/ for the INSITU-OCR agency mapping exercise Collection of existing data as well as planning and investments for new and improved ocean color vicarious calibration observations continue by ESA, NASA and NOAA OCR-VC contributed to the 2016 GCOS Implementation Plan OCR-VC made significant contributions to the Blue Planet Implementation Plan, now formally accepted as a GEO initiative OCR scientists actively contributing to the development of Aquawatch, the GEO Water Monitoring and Forecasting Service.
OCR-VC Current status Recent meetings Ocean Science Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA, 21-26 February 2016; numerous OCR-VC related sessions and expert contributions. IOCCG-21, Santa Monica, CA, USA, 1-3 March 2016 (hosted by NOAA and NASA). Ocean Optics XXIII, Victoria, BC, Canada, 23-28 October 2016 (sponsored by NASA); included IOCCG Exec Committee meeting Forthcoming meetings IOCCG-22, Perth, Australia, 7-9 February 2017 (hosted by CSIRO) Options for future European satellite vicarious calibration adjustment infrastructure for the Sentinel-3 OLCI and Sentinel-2 MSI series, 21-22 February 2017, ESA/ESRIN, Frascati, Italy (hosted by ESA) International Ocean Color Science meeting, May 2017, Lisbon, Portugal (hosted by ESA, EUMETSAT, EC and NASA). 3rd Blue Planet Symposium: The Role of the Oceans in Earth’s Life Support System, College Park, MD, USA, 31 May-2 June 2017 (hosted by NOAA)
P-VC Input to VC report and issues for consideration Committee on Earth Observation Satellites P-VC Input to VC report and issues for consideration Riko Oki and Steven Neeck CEOS Plenary 2016 Agenda Item 7.5 Brisbane, Australia 1st – 2nd November 2016 CEOS Plenary 2016, 1-2 November 27
CEOS Plenary 2016, 1-2 November P-VC Roadmap Other missions of interest are: Current: Cloudsat (CPR), MSG/Meteosat-9/-10 (SEVIRI), GOES 13/14/15 (Imager), MTSAT-2 (Imager/MTSAT), FY-3B/C (MWRI), Meteor-M N1 (MTVZA). Future: EarthCARE (CPR), MTG-I1 (FCI), GOES-R/S/T (NOAA), DMSP FO (MWI), FY-3 D/F (MWRI), Meteor M N2-1/-2 and N3 (MTVZA), Meteor M3 series (Advanced MTVZA), PATH, ACE, GPM FO on-orbit failure ?? MW Imager and Precipitation Radar continuity gap M-T extended to 2020 CEOS Plenary 2016, 1-2 November
Recent achievements, on-going activities VC-16: P-VC Data Portal (PVCDP) and links to CEOS Water Portal (CLOSED) PVCDP was released deployed at Further refinement is continuing including a new version release and addition of partner data sets. VC-17: Support to ECV precipitation parameters The GPM constellation remained stable with full Core Observatory capabilities. JPSS-1 and Metop-C will be added in 2017 and 2018, respectively. The premature loss of DMSP F19 has impacted early morning sampling. Megha-Tropiques was extended to 2020 by CNES/ISRO (Deliverable #1). P-VC members submitted space-based precipitation measurement-related white papers to the U.S. 2017 NRC Decadal Survey team in response to two RFIs (Deliverable #1). Cross-Calibration Working Group focus remained on improving passive microwave radiometer inter-calibration and made contributions in antenna temperature and geo-location correction (Deliverables #2, #3, #4, and #5).
Recent achievements, on-going activities (cont’d) Precipitation Processing System/Mission Operation System (PS/MOS) continued to produce and distribute all GPM Standard Data Products and specialized NRT products (IMERG, GSMaP) to public users. The IMERG NRT version is currently available with 3-4 hour latency. The GSMaP real-time version is currently available with 30 minute latency in the GMS-8 regional area. GPM Standard Data Products were reprocessed to V04 (Deliverables #2, #3, #4, and #5). Multi-month OLYMPEX Ground Validation Campaign in the U.S. Pacific Northwest was completed in February. This was the 7th and final major GPM field campaign. (Deliverable #2). Precipitation Measurement Missions (PMM) Science Team selections were completed. The 60 research proposals selected included activities in multi-satellite inter-calibration, algorithm development, and flood and landslide applications areas. Japanese PMM Science Team selections were also completed and 41 research proposals were selected (Del. #2, #3, and #4).
Recent achievements, on-going activities (cont’d) VC-18: Programs for improvement of global precipitation products PPS began producing a GIS translation of the IMERG multi-satellite data product distinguishing surface rain and frozen precipitation in addition to the total precipitation GIS product. P-VC is supporting the CEOS Disasters Working Group in the Landslide Pilot in addition to the Flood Pilot. GPM Applied Sciences element conducted 4 webinar tutorials on precipitation data products, data access web-tools and their use, data import and usage techniques in GIS, and programing modules/scripts for reading GPM data products. VC-22: Response to precipitation-related aspects of CEOS Strategy for Water Observations from Space P-VC members contributed to C1, C2, C3, and C4 responses (e.g. Huffman et al./White Paper and precipitation-soil moisture synergistic observation case study, Ferraro et al. GEO CA-08 support, post-GPM study report and sampling analysis for WSIST FS study team)
Issue Concern remains regarding microwave radiometer (GCOM- W2/W3, DMSP FO) and precipitation radar continuity. NASA TROPICS cubesat constellation and JAXA post-GPM study suggest alternative technology paths. Efforts are being made to obtain MTZVA-GY/Meteor-M N2 data to replace DMSP-F19 observational capability lost earlier this year No SIT Chair/CEOS Plenary action requested.
Multipurpose Passive Microwave constellation CEOS SST-VC Kenneth S. Casey and Anne O’Carroll CEOS Plenary October 2016 CEOS Plenary 2016, 1-2 November 33
CEOS Plenary 2016, 1-2 November Current situation FY-3E does not have MWRI -> Both continuity and redundancy of PMW constellation sought including with 6-7GHz channels including for use at high latitudes. CEOS Plenary 2016, 1-2 November
CEOS Plenary 2016, 1-2 November Summary of expected benefits Use of Passive Microwave Radiometers (PMW) for SST retrievals is an essential component of global constellation of SST sensors. Provides temperature of ocean under clouds, not possible from infrared sensors, albeit with poorer spatial resolution. Important in high-latitude regions and in areas of extensive and persistent cloud cover or in case of a large volcanic event. Impact studies of SST analyses / ocean forecasts show PMW needed for: Verification of SST analyses (and inter-comparisons) at the poles. Aerosol regions (robust to IR sensitivity displayed in these regions). Improves feature definition (e.g. fronts) esp. where persistent cloud. Impact studies show improvement in RMSD (e.g. 0.02K global to 0.05K regional). Particularly important at high latitudes. Retrievals of Ocean Surface Salinity Measurements give better performance when using SST analyses including PMW data. CEOS Plenary 2016, 1-2 November
CEOS Plenary 2016, 1-2 November Recommendation Currently there are risks and gaps identified in constellation, therefore continuity and redundancy of PMW for SST continue to be sought. Precipitation-VC confirmed support and mutual interest, for those PMW’s including surface imaging channels and higher frequency channels suitable for rainfall measurement (GCOM-W2/3 AMSR2; FY-3/MWRI; GMI-like follow-on). Recommendation: Given the current risk to the current and continued PMW constellation for SST and the need for a redundant capability of PMW with ~7 GHz, CEOS is requested to coordinate and encourage its agencies to ensure the continuation of the existing capability and to facilitate the coordination of agencies to ensure continuity and redundancy of PMW for SST. Impact studies have shown that these data are particularly important for SST analyses and ocean models at high latitudes, particularly the Arctic, aerosol regions, persistent cloudy regions, feature definition and overall contribute to an improvement in ocean forecast skill. CEOS Plenary 2016, 1-2 November
Thank you for your attention! The CEOS Plenary is invited to endorse the SST-VC / P-VC joint recommendation Thank you for your attention! CEOS Plenary 2016, 1-2 November 37
Proposal for the endorsement of a new CEhOrSe Working Group Committee on Earth Observation Satellites Proposal for the endorsement of a new CEhOrSe Working Group J.-L. Fellous CEOS Plenary 2016 Agenda Item #7.5b Brisbane, Australia 1st – 2nd November 2016 CEOS Plenary 2016, 1-2 November 38
Dear Jono Please accept my apologies for my total lack of sense of humor yesterday and this proposal as a tribute to your kind and friendly attitude at all times!
Rationale for a WGCupDay VC-WG Day were organized on three occasions so far: Tuesday 16 September 2014 Tuesday 16 September 2015, and Tuesday 13 September 2016 In all cases this was the third Tuesday of September They addressed Constellation User Projects and Data AnalYsis (CUP DAY) It is proposed to set up a Working Group CupDay* WG CUPDAY Leads could be Jonathon Ross and myself ToRs: organize the annual VC-WG Day on the 3rd Tuesday of September * Pronunciation may range from “Cop Die” to “Cube Di” (no relationship with Data Cube)