Committed to Building a Pipeline of Future Health Care Professionals HOSA 101-The Basics Committed to Building a Pipeline of Future Health Care Professionals
What is HOSA? HOSA is a national student led organization for secondary and postsecondary/collegiate career and technical education students enrolled in health science (and pre-technical health science) programs, or for students who are interested in or are planning to pursue a health career. HOSA develops the physical, mental and social well-being of its members by building confidence in their ability to develop skills that will lead to career entry and advancement in their chosen health profession.
Mission To enhance the delivery of compassionate, quality health care by providing opportunities for knowledge, skill and leadership development of all Health Science Education students, therefore, helping students meet the needs of the health care community.
Career & Technical Student Organizations
Why HOSA? HOSA members practice, refine and seek recognition for skills gained in the Health Science Classroom. The Health Science instructor serves as the HOSA Chapter Advisor. The Health Science classroom and HOSA provide students with the skills required to enter or advance in their chosen health profession.
Why HOSA? HOSA members are engaged in a variety of activities outside the classroom and develop a practical understanding of health care issues, environmental concerns and survival needs of the community, nation and world. HOSA will serve more than 150,000 students in over 3,600 local chapters in 49 state associations.
Why HOSA? HOSA… is committed to attracting qualified students to the health professions. offers opportunities to develop, practice and refine leadership skills. creates an environment that motivates learners. recognizes high performing members and teams through HOSA’s National Competitive Events Program. is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Health Science Education Division of ACTE.
HOSA Goals To promote opportunities in the health professions. To develop effective leadership qualities and skills. To develop character. To build pride and self-confidence.
How Does HOSA Work? A HOSA chapter is formed by Health Science students who are pursuing a career in the health professions. HOSA chapters are encouraged to recruit students interested in health care but are unable to enroll in a Health Science course. Chapter members elect local officers. Chapter members participate in school, community, regional, state and national activities.
How Does HOSA Work? HOSA members are involved in community-oriented, career-related and leadership development activities. Members from local chapters attend regional and statewide conferences for leadership training and chapter management workshops. Members prepare themselves for a variety of competitive events that reinforce classroom learning. HOSA’s Competitive Events test students’ competencies and skills in their chosen health profession.
How Does HOSA Work? HOSA State Associations are led by elected state officers. A HOSA State Advisor represents the sponsoring state agency and is responsible for state officers. Chapter members participate in local, regional and state meetings and conferences. 49 State Associations
Key Program Elements The student-led organization is highly motivational 56 standard-based competitive events comprise the National Competitive Events Program High level involvement by the health care community in HOSA projects and activities
Medical Reserve Corps and HOSA Partnership Since 2006, HOSA has been honored to have a partnership with the Medical Reserve Corps, a national network of local volunteers committed to improving the health, safety and resiliency of their communities. MRC volunteers include medical and public health professionals, as well as others interested in strengthening the public health infrastructure and improving the preparedness and response capabilities of local jurisdiction. MRC units identify, screen, train and organize the volunteers and utilize them to support routine public health activities and augment preparedness and response efforts. If you would like to learn more about MRC or participate in the MRC Partnership event please find information at the following locations: (Emergency Preparedness Category) or for more information on the Medical Reserve Corps please visit their web site at
U. S. Public Health Service and HOSA Partnership The U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) Commissioned Corps is an elite team of more than 6,000 well-trained, high qualified public health professionals dedicated to delivering the Nation’s public health promotion and disease prevention programs and advancing public health science. The HOSA-PHS Partnership will result in activities in the Health Science classroom and the HOSA Chapter to inform HOSA members of the opportunities in joining one of America’s seven uniformed services, the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps. Don’t forget to look on HOSA’s web site for the competitive event called Public Health Emergency Preparedness! For more information: or contact 1.800.321.HOSA
National Competitive Events Program Health Science Events Dental Spelling Medical Spelling Dental Terminology Medical Terminology Medical Math Knowledge Tests Concepts of Health Care Human Growth and Development Pathophysiology Pharmacology Nutrition Health Professions Events Biotechnology Clinical Nursing Clinical Specialty Dental Science Home Health Aide Medical Assisting Nursing Assisting Personal Care Physical Therapy Sports Medicine Veterinary Science 5,000 HOSA members participated in 55 recognition and competitive events at the 2011 in Anaheim, CA
National Competitive Events Program Leadership Events Extemporaneous Health Poster Extemporaneous Speaking Extemporaneous Writing Healthy Lifestyles Interviewing Skills Job Seeking Skills Medical Photography Prepared Speaking Researched Persuasive Speaking Speaking Skills Team Leadership Events Community Awareness Creative Problem Solving Forensic Medicine HOSA Bowl Parliamentary Procedure Career Health Display Biomedical Debate Medical Reading Health Education Public Service Announcement Recognition Outstanding HOSA Chapter Outstanding State Leader National Recognition Program Kaiser Permanente Healthcare Issues Exam National Service Project Barbara James Service Award Outstanding Alumni Member Chapter Newsletter HOSA Week Emergency Preparedness Events CPR/First Aid Public Health Emergency Emergency Medical Technician Preparedness Epidemiology Medical Reserve Corps Partnership Life Support Skills CERT
National Leadership Conference Held Annually in June The Road to the NLC National Leadership Conference Held Annually in June State Leadership Conference Held in the Spring - Ask the State Advisor for Qualification Requirements District Leadership Conference This Conference is Held in the Winter in some States Local HOSA Chapter & Health Science Classroom Members are Chosen to Represent their Chapter in Regional or State Competitions
HOSA NLC: An Unforgettable Experience Leadership Academies Recognition Networking Competitive Events Educational Symposiums Friendships
HOSA Membership HOSA members develop qualities and skills to assume leadership roles in their future health care professions.
HOSA Career Interests 32% 27% 23% 6% 5% Dental Nursing 4% Medicine Other Medical Careers 6% Dental 5% 4% Physical Therapy Pharmacy
Membership Categories Secondary Postsecondary/Collegiate Members-at-large Professional Alumni Honorary
Membership - Secondary The Secondary Division is composed of secondary students who are or have been enrolled in a Health Science program or an organized career awareness program or who are interested in, planning to pursue, or are pursuing a career in the health professions.
Postsecondary/Collegiate Membership Division The Postsecondary/Collegiate Division is composed of students enrolled in a 2-year, 4-year or certificate program.
Alumni Membership Division The Alumni Division is composed of persons who have been a member of HOSA. Alumni Division membership is free to all previous HOSA members. HOSA Alumni members may run for a position on the HOSA, Inc. Board of Directors.
Professional Membership Division The Professional Division is composed of persons who are associated with or are participating in Health Science in professional capacities. Professional Division members pay affiliation fees, but may not vote, make motions, hold office or compete in events.
Honorary Membership Division Honorary members are those who have made significant contributions to the development of HOSA and/or have rendered outstanding service to the organization. Honorary members have access to all privileges of membership except voting, making motions, holding office and competing in events.
Membership Opportunities Education through Competitive Events. Networking opportunities to meet people in the health care industry. Learn about a variety of different health care specialties and explore what the health professions offers
Membership Opportunities Meet people with different backgrounds, life experiences and future goals and discover HOSA’s diversity. HOSA offers inspiration to excel in health science and accomplish goals. HOSA connects you with the health care industry and offers exciting opportunities for internships, scholarships and professional mentors.
2011-12 National HOSA Executive Council 2011-12 Regional Challenge The initial Regional Membership Challenge was issued by the 2005-2006 the National HOSA Executive Council to build a much larger pipeline of future health professionals! 2011-12 National HOSA Executive Council
2011-12 Regional Challenge The winner of the Regional Membership Challenge receives “The HOSA Cup”. membership challenge is called “The HOSA Cup”. “The HOSA Cup” was awarded to Region I with Alaska HOSA taking it home with the largest percentage increase in Region I. The Regional Membership Challenge was won by Region I and Alaska HOSA received “The HOSA Cup” for being the state with the largest membership increase in Region I.
2011-12 Regional Challenge The HOSA Cup is a friendly competition between the three HOSA Regions and the 50 States Organizations. At the 2012 National Leadership Conference in Orlando, Florida, the region and state with the largest percentage membership increase in the region will receive The HOSA Cup and a plaque. The HOSA Cup will be engraved with the winning region and state and will be passed down each year to the next Regional Membership Challenge winner.
2011-12 Regional Membership Challenge Demonstrate your HOSA pride by encouraging and achieving extraordinary membership growth! Let the Challenge Continue… GOOD LUCK!
HOSA Regions Region I Region II Region III Alaska Arizona California Colorado Hawaii Idaho Kansas Louisiana Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Mexico Oklahoma Oregon Texas Utah Washington Alabama Arkansas Florida Georgia Illinois Indiana Iowa Kentucky Minnesota North Dakota Puerto Rico South Dakota Tennessee Wisconsin Connecticut Delaware Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan North Carolina New Hampshire New Jersey New York Ohio Pennsylvania South Carolina Vermont Virginia Washington D.C. West Virginia
Ways to Increase Membership Send chapter updates to National HOSA for publication in E-Magazine to encourage HOSA involvement in your state/region School visits Promote HOSA in Middle Schools Local officers and members work together with other schools to increase membership within state and region Promote community interest in HOSA Use fliers, posters, announcements, etc. to inform students about HOSA Come up with your own ideas to campaign for membership. Be creative!
HOSA: Committed to Building A Pipeline of Future Health Care Professionals
National HOSA 6021 Morriss Road, Suite 111 Flower Mound, TX 75028 Contact HOSA National HOSA 6021 Morriss Road, Suite 111 Flower Mound, TX 75028 Phone: 800.321.HOSA (4672) 972.874.0062 Fax: 972.874.0063 Website: E-Mail: 2011-12 HOSA National Executive Council