Eczema - A Chronic Skin Condition by Pharmacist West Auckland
Eczema, as we all know is a skin condition that affects both children and adults, alike. Because of this skin condition, the skin turns red often with blisters, itchy, dry, rough and crack. Doctors & pharmacist all over the world encounter numerous cases of eczema every day.
Based on their inputs and medical researches, following are the types of eczemas: Atopic, as the name suggests, is related to the immune system. This skin condition, first shows its symptoms during early childhood and persists till youth. Atopic Eczema -
This type of eczema is commonly known as dermatitis and occurs as a skin reaction. Now, this skin reaction may be due to contact with a foreign substance. Dyshidrotic Eczema:
It is a common skin condition causing the skin to appear oily with yellow patches, mostly on face and scalp. Dandruff on the scalp is one of major cause of seborrheic eczema. Seborrheic eczema:
As the scratching continues, the patch becomes thick, dry & rough. Skin covering forearms, lower legs & wrists, etc., is most vulnerable to this type of eczema. It is normally caused by an insect bite. Neurodermatitis: This eczema develops as a itchy blotch which increases with scratching.
Even with new advances in medical researches, still there is no concrete treatment for eczema. Neurodermatitis: There is no definite duration for the disease, in some cases it disappears over time while for some it stays as long-lasting condition. Although, treatment can be provided by pharmacist west auckland for recovering from the inflammable itchy skin.
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