The products from different independent vendors will appear at your website and the users can do shopping at your website. In Open Source Multi Vendor Marketplace script Shopping Cart Script, each vendor can manage their own admin panel and customize the products and settings according their desire. Vendors do not interact or interfere with each other products and sales. The root administrator can have full control of the products listings, sales and transactions.Multi Vendor Marketplace script The transaction happens between the root admin and the one who purchase the product. Finally the payments are distributed to each Multivendor E-commerce software based on the product sold through the admin. All the vendors can manage their own records of products sold and transaction for each product. You can set your own commission rates and auctions for the products displayed. The script is highly customizable where you can modify the homepage banners, categories, ids, contact details and other necessary information’s. The script has responsive page layouts and it suits all the screens. Best Multi Vendor E-Commerce solution PHP Solution supports numerous products such like accessories, gadgets, home appliances etc. The script has user friendly navigations and highly secured codes.
Tags: Multi-Vendor Marketplace Script Multi Vendor Marketplace Website Script Multi Vendor Ecommerce Solution Multivendor e-commerce Software Features: 1 Year Free Technical support 6 Months free updates Easy Customization 24*7 Customer Support
User Demo: tivendor/index.php tivendor/index.php Admin Demo: tivendor/admin/login.php
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