IS NOW. . . The Center for Mobility Equity
the Center for Mobility Equity About the Center for Mobility Equity 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization Managed public transportation services in Howard County, Anne Arundel County and Prince George’s County for 25 years (1989-2014) as CMRT. Public transportation services in Howard County is now managed by the Regional Transportation Agency (RTA) CMRT no longer manages public transit, the organization now focuses on mobility management and advocacy Center for Mobility Equity manages two grant funded programs which are Travel Training and the Transportation Resource Information Point (TRIP)
Howard County Public Transportation Now managed by the Regional Transportation Agency As of 2015, the RTA public transportation system includes 15 bus routes traveling through Howard, Anne Arundel, Prince George’s Counties and the city of Laurel. RTA offers ADA Mobility services to customers who are unable to ride RTA fixed-route system due to disability or who qualify due to their age. RTA Mobility is a curb-to-curb, shared ride transportation service. RTA offers two Mobility programs: ADA Mobility and General Paratransit
RTA ADA Mobility Services Required by law and follows Federal ADA guidelines Eligibility: Anyone with a physical, cognitive, or emotional disability which prevents them from being able to use fixed-route bus service Certification Process: Requires 2 part application and a face-to-face interview. Determination will be made within 21 business days of in-person interview. Trip Service Area/Times: Trips must begin and end within ¾ of a mile of a current fixed-route stop. Service is available on the same days/times as the fixed route service.
RTA ADA Mobility Services cont. ADA Trips: Trips must be scheduled between 2-7 days in advance. RTA Mobility does not provide same day service. Unlimited trips per day for any purpose. ADA Fare: The fare will be between $2.50 and $4.00 for each one-way trip. Exact fare or pre-paid ticket is required. Personal Care Attendant or Guest: The PCA and one additional guest rides are free. Any additional guest(s) including children five and older must pay full fare and are limited to space availability.
RTA General Mobility Services Additional service (above and beyond ADA requirements) funded by Howard County Eligibility: Must be Howard County resident, 60 years of age or older. If applicant is younger than 60 (18-59) Applicant is required to completed GPT medical information form. Trip Service Area/Times: Trips must begin and end within Howard County. Medical trips to Baltimore City to selected major hospitals are available Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Service is available only Monday – Friday between 8:00a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
RTA General Mobility Services cont. GPT Trips: Trips must be scheduled between 2-7 days in advance. RTA Mobility does not provide same day service. Riders are limited to one (1) round trip per day. GPT Trip Limitations: Trips are only provided to medical appointments, senior centers, social service agencies, employment, college. GPT Fare: The fare for Howard County residents is $2.50 and each one-way trip. Exact fare or pre-paid ticket is required.
Travel Training Program Began in February 2011. Curriculum adopted June 2011. Over 1,500 human service agency professionals trained to date Expanded to include small group and one-on-one training in 2014 CMRT receives grants from the State and Federal government which means our services are FREE! Designed for individuals with physical, cognitive, and emotional disabilities as well as seniors, veterans, and others. Serves all of Central Maryland
Serving Central Maryland
What is Travel Training? Travel Instruction (also known as travel training) is a short term, designed to teach people with disabilities and seniors to travel safely and independently on fixed-route public transportation in their community. Individuals with disabilities and seniors learn travel skills while following a specific route, typically to a school or job site. The goal of travel training is independence. Allowing each individual to get where they need and want to go without relying on paratransit, organizational, or parent/family transportation.
Types of Travel Training Train-the-Trainer Small Group One-on-One
Travel Training Principles Every person should be able to move about with purpose and without harm Everyone should be self advocates in all phases of their travel training Everyone should be allowed the dignity afforded by independent travel and to accept the risks associated with such travel All people should be valued and treated respectfully and with dignity without regard to age, race, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, disability, national or ethnic origins, economic factors, etc.
A Day in the Life Where did you go? How did you get there? Who did you see? What did you purchase?
Riding the bus can help you to… Access employment opportunities Go on job interviews Go to the grocery store, church, the mall and other places Be an active member of your community Become and/or stay independent Visit friends and family Stay active
appropriate for everyone? Is Travel Training appropriate for everyone?
Skills the trainee NEEDS Training Model Skills the trainee NEEDS Travel training builds on current skills Travel training addresses the gap between current skills and skills needed for independent travel Travel Training Services Skills the trainee HAS
Transit Skills Needed An awareness of personal space An understanding of basic orientation concepts and recognition of landmarks The ability to recognize and respond to dangerous situations The ability to communicate and engage in acceptable social behavior Knowledge of his/her own mobility device Knowledge of the passing of time
SAFETY is our primary concern! Proper Preparation & Planning Communication Trainer Positioning Phasing/Fading Route Scout Task Analysis Role Play Shadowing
Travel Training Topics TRIP planning Reading Maps & Schedules Using Googlemaps and other Apps ADA and Passenger Rights and Responsibilities Street Crossing and Pedestrian Safety Paying Your Fare Boarding and Deboarding a bus/train Self Advocacy Community Awareness & Staying Safe
THANK YOU!! For more information, please contact us: Christine Fogle, Travel Trainer Center for Mobility Equity (formerly CMRT) (240) 644-8644 AND Victor Jimenez, Mobility Manager Regional Transportation Agency of Central Maryland 301-957-3608