Learning Objectives To recognise your own personal values. To understand what British values are.
Starter Get the students out of their seats Mark some designated space e.g. front of the room etc, and read out the statements If they apply to them, they should come to the space
Come here if..... You have brown hair Wear glasses Have a brother or sister Like football Can speak another language You like swimming in the sea! Born this century Know what you want to be when you’re older
All these factors help make up your identity What do these images tell us? Create our own coat of arms, flag or badge to illustrate our identity Worthing’s coat of arms . Latin translation: “from the land fullness and from the sea health".
Who am I?
Who am I?
Who am I? My coat of arms or flag Things to help: What groups do you belong to? (scouts, rugby..) What are your interests or talents? (film, dance...) What things are important to you? What are your hopes for the future? Which people are important to you? Do you have a religion? Do you speak any other languages? What country are you from?
Students to share their coats of arms. Are there any things from the coats of arms that we all share? What do we all have in common?
What are the values of Britain?
What are the values of Britain? In small groups think of 5 rules What do you think the main rules of living in Britain should be? Imagine you are explaining to someone who has never been to Britain before. How do we expect people to behave? E.g. manners What rules do we have? E.g. Queuing What about rules over religion or beliefs?
Feedback Share the rules students have thought of.
Link to British Values http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HsxDiVdcyA British values
What are British Values democracy the rule of law individual liberty mutual respect tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
What do these mean? Liberty Respect Tolerance Try to define and feedback
What do these mean? Liberty = the state of being free within society from restrictions imposed by authority on one's behaviour or political views. Respect = regard for the feelings, wishes, or rights of others or a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something Tolerance = the ability or willingness to accept the existence of opinions or behaviour that one dislikes or disagrees with
Plenary Can you give an example of a time when demonstrated one of these values? Write on a post-it and share ideas.