Internationalization, example of good practice Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
the Czech Republic Population: 10,266,000 Official language: Czech Head of State: President Currency: 1 Czech crown (CZK) = 27 EUR Capital: Prague
Prague historical capital of Bohemia population: 1 200 000 river: Vltava Prague castel one of the largest castle complex on the Word Charle´s bridge, 1357
Castles, chateau, nature Karlštejn Castle Hluboká Chateau Prachov rock town
Products of the Czech Republic Škoda AUTO Pilsner beer
Czech University of Life Sciences Prague 29.11.2017 Jméno Příjmení
divided into 6 faculties and 1 institute: > 20 000 students > 2 500 employees divided into 6 faculties and 1 institute:
Internationalization in practice Benefits, Challenges, Examples Bilingual environment, Student mobilities, International projects, Dissemination abroad
Bilingual environment Benefits Challenges Open for student from any part of World Local students improve their English Open for cooperation with universities from all Word Scientific Research without limits Income from international projects University staff fluent in English Organization of English courses New curricula Translation of all documents for international students Conditions of campus facilities prepared for international students and staff Website in English
Bilingual environment example CULS 9/71 BSc study programmes in English 20/87 MSc study programmes in English 23/75 PhD study programmes in English 752 foreign students in study programmes in English in 2015 All documents for foreign students translated in English In case non-academic staff of CULS cannot speak English, translators are available English courses for staff of CULS E-mails for students of English study programmes in English
Student mobilities Benefits Challenges Local students get in contact with students from different cultures Local students broaden horizons, more open-minded Outgoing students improve their soft skills Outgoing students know different teaching methods Mobility of students support cooperation with foreign universities, research etc. Insufficient level of English of incoming and outgoing students Recognition of studies abroad System of support for incoming students in terms of culture, language, academic performance VISA, health insurance Application and interviews on distance
Student mobilities example CULS 768 outgoing students in 2015 Skype interviews Orientation week for foreign students Buddy system for foreign students 768 outgoing students in 2015 1232 incoming students in 2015 562 students participated on Summer schools organized by CULS in 2015 Accommodation of incoming students at student dormitories Double and joint degree (BOKU, Toulouse..) Assistance with VISA procedure
Student mobilities example CULS Erasmus student mobilities within Europe year 00/01 01/02 02/03 03/04 04/05 05/06 06/07 07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 14/15 incoming 18 35 64 98 120 136 186 249 240 285 290 347 354 379 496 outgoing 46 79 144 205 226 286 234 247 264 268 287 316 338 320
Student mobilities Intensive courses type Summer schools at CULS Year 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 courses 6 9 15 20 19 26 21 students 109 261 451 578 644 661 625 teachers 32 49 91 95 108 124 102 Intensive courses type Summer schools abroad Year 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 courses 2 4 6 9 18 14 13 students 21 75 159 252 194 151 teachers 11 15 22 31 34 24
International projects Benefits Challenges Inspiration New partners New fields for research Development of skills, communication, organization, management Financial income Dissemination Support of university management Facilities Staff prepared for involvement in the project Necessary financial investment Selection of partners
International projects example CULS Developing projects mostly financed by Czech Development Agency: Ethiopia, Georgia, Bosna a Hercegovina, Vietnam, Moldova, Senegal, Ukraine 6 projects Erasmus Mundus: IAMONET RU (Russia), ALFABET (SE Asia), CASIA (former Soviet Union), TIMUR (Uzbekistan), ASK Asia (SE Asia), EULALINKS, (Latin America) EULALinks SENSE (Latin America), SIMPLE (SE Asia)
International projects example CULS Erasmus +: 3 projects of International Credit mobility (Bolivia, Indonesia and South Africa) and 4 projects of Capacity building (Kazachstan, Uzbekistan, Russia, SE Asia) 3 projects of 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development 2 projects Horizont 2020
Dissemination abroad Benefits Challenges Foreign students Partners in international projects Internships of students Exchange of knowhow Exchange of staff Adaptation to foreign environment Preparation of staff representing university Necessary financial investment Outcomes do not appear immediately Patience
Dissemination abroad example CULS Common project of 5 universities from Prague named „Study in Prague“ 7 international fairs in 4 countries in 2015 common website about study in Prague, common communication, shared dissemination Official visits of new foreign universities within developing projects
Dissemination abroad example CULS membership in international organizations of universities: Euroleague for Life Sciences ICA assocition of about 70 universities CASEE, AGRINATURA 171 Memorandum of Understanding 300 agreements with 211 universities from EU
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