Classroom Essentials
The Classroom Essentials Programme Purpose: To introduce you to the ATLC team & the Research & Development Centres To explain and review educational practice both in general and specific to Kirklees College To support members of staff during their probationary period To provide a starting point for future CPD Huddersfield Centre – 7751 Dewsbury Centre - 2324
The Classroom Essentials Programme Stage 1: Introduction to the ATLCs & the RDCs. Self Evaluation Two sessions – Lesson Planning and Lesson Observation Developmental observation by ATLC Stage 2: 3-4 sessions one to one on themes arising from your self evaluation and the observation Huddersfield Centre – 7751 Dewsbury Centre - 2324
Introduction to the ATLCs & the Research & Development Centre Click on the image to take you to the ‘introduction to….’ PP slides. Invite all new staff to the Yammer & VLE page & email Anne Dunkley about confirming they have a How2 log in Huddersfield Centre – 7751 Dewsbury Centre - 2324
Huddersfield Centre – 7751 Dewsbury Centre - 2324 Self Evaluation The list is based broadly on the criteria used to evaluate teaching & learning in a lesson observation. For each item score yourself 1 = I feel confident with this and don’t feel I need to work on this. 2 = I feel confident with this but have some questions. 3 = I feel fairly confident with this would like to develop. 4 = I am worried about this but this isn’t a priority for me 5 = I am worried about this and would like to work on this. Huddersfield Centre – 7751 Dewsbury Centre - 2324
About Classroom Essentials There are 5 modules within the classroom essentials with each designed to run for 1 hour. After each module you are asked to reflect on the session and how you may apply the methods discussed into your teaching. Lesson Planning Preparation for Lesson Observation Assessment for Learning Classroom Management Integrating Technology in Teaching Sam – Chat – observation – PPT Self assessment – discription Huddersfield Centre – 7751 Dewsbury Centre - 2324
The following five main areas will be explored in this module Lesson Planning The following five main areas will be explored in this module College Approved Planning methods Examples of Lesson Plans and Schemes of work Creating Clear Learning Outcomes Identifying Assessment in Planning Recording ED/BV in Planning
College Approved Planning methods Lesson Plan Scheme of Work E- Lesson Plan & Guide Planning better lessons Grey titles for the master slides – Blue titles for the slides that will link with the master 5 Minute Lesson Plan Locating the LO2 Lesson Plan & Scheme of Work Huddersfield Centre – 7751 Dewsbury Centre - 2324
Creating Clear Learning Outcomes Use Bloom’s (1956) theory to help guide your learning outcomes. Huddersfield Centre – 7751 Dewsbury Centre - 2324
References / Further reading opportunities Anderson, L. W., & Krathwohl,D.R.(2001). A taxonomy for learning, teaching, and assessing, Abridged Edition. Boston, MA: Allyn And Bacon. Baecher, L., Farnsworth, T. and Ediger, A. (2013). The challenges of planning language objectives in content-based ESL instruction. Language Teaching Research, 18(1), pp.118-136. Baume, D. (2009) Leeds Metropolitan University: Writing and using good learning outcomes, Available at:<> (Accessed on 20/11/14) Bloom, Benjamin S. & David R. Krathwohl. (1956). Taxonomy of educational objectives: The classification of educational goals, by a committee of college and university examiners. Handbook 1: Cognitive domain. New York , Longmans. Blooms wheel (2016). [image] Coats, Maggie; Dillon, Christopher; Hodgkinson, Linda and Reuben, Catherine (2005). Learning outcomes and their assessment: putting Open University pedagogical practice under the microscope. In: Ist International Conference on Enhancing Teaching and Learning through Assessment, July 2005, Hong Kong, China Forehand, M. (2010) Bloom's Taxonomy - Emerging Perspectives on Learning, Teaching and Technology, Available at:<> (Accessed on 21/11/16) Lafreniere, S. (2013) REVISED Bloom’s Taxonomy Action Verbs; Available at (Accessed on 20/11/16) Munzenmaier, C. Rubin, N. (2013) Perspectives: Bloom’s Taxonomy: What’s Old is New Again, Available at:< > (Accessed on 20/11/16) Machin, L. Hindmarch, D. Murray, S. Richardson, T. (2014). Complete guide to the level 5 diploma in education and training, Available at: (Accessed on 20/11/16) Queen Mary University of London The Learning Institute: Good Practice Guide on Writing Aims and Learning Outcomes, Available at:<> (Accessed on 20/11/16) Wallace, I. Kirkman, L. (2014) Talk-Less Teaching: Practice, Participation and Progress, Available at:,+participation+and+progress&source=gbs_navlinks_s (Accessed on 20/11/16) Atlc to offer further support:- Sharon – Huddersfield Centre – 7751 Dewsbury Centre - 2324
Preparation for Lesson Observation The following areas will be explored in this module Observation Information Preparing for Observation Peer Observations Continuous Professional Development
Assessment for Learning The following five main areas will be explored in this module Classroom Activities Differentiation Stretch & Challenge Questioning for Assessment Nurturing Opportunities for the development of English and Maths
The following five main areas will be explored in this module Classroom Management The following five main areas will be explored in this module Strategies for Managing your classroom Behaviour Management Improving Pace, Stretch & Challenge Creating a Positive Classroom Environment Supporting British Values in the Classroom Safeguarding / Prevent
Integrating Technology in Teaching The following five main areas will be explored in this module Improving Awareness of Technology for Learning Planning to Integrate Technology into your lessons Using Technology to Support Integration of Maths and English in Lessons E-Safety