Commitments and Practices
Some practices this past year: Practicing discernment – prayerfully considering questions Spiritual warfare - praying in response to “negative” emotions Simple contemplative prayers Discernment prayer groups (listening to silence together) Imaginative listening prayer (with Jesus on the holodeck) Examen Encountering God in nature Rituals of thanksgiving Lection Divina Deep listening (music as meditation)
Paths to “re-construction” Usually more about contexts and actions (I.e. we don’t usually think our way into re-constructing.) Matthew 7.24:“Everyone then who hears these words of mine, thinks about them and finally agrees that they could make sense so maybe they should be tried one day will be like a wise man who built his house on rock.” Matthew 7.24:“Everyone then who hears these words of mine, thinks about them and finally agrees that they could make sense so maybe they should be tried one day and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock.” What Pete said about trust being actions.
So when you’re feeling lost, confused, full of doubts….. Be with people who are life-giving to be with – be committed to them Do the hard things that are life-giving and seem “right” (feel like they lead to “What will help me trust and love better?”) But also do some intentional, open-minded, self-critical discernment, remembering that sometimes things seem life-giving or right because they are familiar, easy or self-serving. Notice and feed the reconstruction that emerges
1. Committed to people Take active part in a group (like a church) that is “culture-building” – that seeks to interpret present reality together in the context of a tradition, encouraging each other to be a part and live out those interpretations Join a team that is doing something that needs doing (e.g. refugee support, SSU, the Gathering, supporting Zimbabways, Ganong Nature Park board, etc.) Build relationships and “community” when you feel a need – knowing others have that need too
2. Committed to compassion – for self and others As a choice
3. Committed to a practice: Regular Prayer Commit to something doable Print out a good, written prayer and read it daily at a set time (alone? together?) Experiment several times a day with a single word or short phrase prayer (occasionally associate with fuller meaning) Jesus prayer “Engage or Enter with Thanks” “Breathe” “Peace” (or “Shalom”)
4. Committed to a Practice: Quote Hunt As you’re reading, whatever you’re reading, try to find a memorable quote for the week and collect it If you’re not finding anything – what can you do about whatever you’re reading?
5. Committed to a practice: Do what you’re doing prayerfully/gratefully/mindfully Walking, driving, gardening, doing dishes, standing in line….
Problem with Preaching Conversion rate from teaching to regular practice is….
On your paper… “What will help me trust and love better?” Please call/email me, at _______________ in ____ days to ask me whether I’ve started _________________________. Then, get out your phone and put it on your calendar in the next day or two to start trying ________. “What will help me trust and love better?”