Godly Parents, Faithful Children Ideally and realistically, this is what the Bible presents to us about a home that is well-pleasing in the sight of God. More often than not, when a home contains godly parents (not just good parents, or even parents who are members of the church of Christ, but godly parents) it will produce children that are faithful to the Lord. I believe we all recognize that there are exceptions to “godly parents, faithful children.” Overall, Isaac and Rebekah were God-fearing parents, yet their oldest son Esau turned out to be a godless man (Hebrews 12:16), while Jacob his younger brother (though having his own flaws), feared God and served Him throughout his life. And on the other side of that, Josiah is regarded as one of the most righteous and faithful kings of Judah, and yet both his father (Amon) and grandfather (Manasseh) were very wicked men. Unlike his father & grandfather, he chose to follow the ways of Jehovah. Sometimes we sing the hymn: “God Give Us Christian Homes.” Well tonight, we will dedicate ourselves to learning how that is possible. Know this up front. It will require much effort and sacrifice, however, it will be well worth it in the end. If you save all the souls of your family, and no one else you will be a great success story. Noah, a man who walked with God, saved himself and his family from the corruption & destruction of this world. So let us take the time to examine the characteristics of godly parents and the characteristics of faithful children that is outlined for us in the Word of God. Then I would challenge all parents to search your lives to see if you possess these essential qualities, and then for the young people that are present to do the same.
Godly Parents, Faithful Children Characteristics of Godly Parents Train their Children Properly Set the Right Example Teach their Children the Bible Discipline Children Effectively Faithfully Bring Children to Worship
Godly Parents, Faithful Children Characteristics of Faithful Children Obey Parents in All Areas Ephesians 6:1; Colossians 3:20 Proverbs 6:20-23 Luke 2:51
Godly Parents, Faithful Children Characteristics of Faithful Children Honor Father and Mother Ephesians 6:2-3 Exodus 21:17 ; Proverbs 30:17 I Timothy 5:3-4, 8, 16 Matthew 15:1-6
Godly Parents, Faithful Children Characteristics of Faithful Children Establish their Own Faith Philippians 2:12-13 John 4:39-42 Luke 1:1-4 Ecclesiastes 12:1; 2 Chronicles 34:1-3 2 Corinthians 5:10
Godly Parents, Faithful Children Characteristics of Faithful Children Make the Right Choices Psalm 119:9-11 Genesis 39:7-12; I Corinthians 6:18 Daniel 1:8 Proverbs 12:26; Psalm 119:63 Genesis 26:34-35; Proverbs 18:22 2 Timothy 2:22
Godly Parents, Faithful Children Characteristics of Faithful Children Praise their Parents 2 Timothy 3:1-2 Proverbs 31:28
Godly Parents, Faithful Children Characteristics of Faithful Children Obey Parents in All Areas Honor Father and Mother Establish their Own Faith Make the Right Choices Praise their Parents
Godly Parents, Faithful Children Genesis 18:19