main Unit 1 All About Me Unit 2 Express Yourself! Unit 3 Let’s Eat!


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Presentation transcript:

main Unit 1 All About Me Unit 2 Express Yourself! Unit 3 Let’s Eat! Unit 4 Today’s Trends Unit 5 Unsolved Mysteries Unit 6 The Mind Unit 7 Let’s Celebrate! Unit 8 In the Neighborhood 新世纪大学英语(第二版) 视听说教程(3rd Edition)电子教案

unit1 Unit 3 Let’s Eat! An English Video Course 2 视听说教程(3rd Edition)电子教案 2 Unit 3 Let’s Eat!

LA_VL_A1 Vocabulary Link In the neighborhood Talking about foods A Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods Vocabulary Link In the neighborhood Talking about foods A Use the adjectives in the box to talk about the foods in the pictures. Add one more adjective to the list. The potato chips are salty and crispy. The pickles are… 1. buttery 9. spicy 2. crunchy 10. juicy 3. sweet 11. sour 4. bland 12. _____ 5. healthy 6. salty 7. crispy 8. oily

LA_L_1 Vocabulary Link Talking about foods Language Notes Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods Vocabulary Link Talking about foods Texture of foods greasy a. 油腻的 oily a. 多油的 creamy a. 多乳脂的 crunchy a. 松脆的 juicy a. 多汁的 crispy a. 脆的,(蔬果)脆生的 Taste of foods savory a. 美味可口的 salty a. 咸的 bitter a. 苦的 sour a. 酸的 hot a. 辣的 spicy a. 辛辣的 sweet a. 甜的 bland a. 淡而无味的 tasty a. 可口的 delicious a. 美味的 Other nutritious a. 有营养的 healthy a. 健康的 unhealthy a. 不健康的 Language Notes

LA_VL_B1 Vocabulary Link In the neighborhood Talking about foods B Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods Vocabulary Link In the neighborhood Talking about foods B Pair work. Tell your partner about foods you like. Use the adjectives in A and the words in the list below for practice. II ■ 1. buttery 9. spicy 2. crunchy 10. juicy 3. sweet 11. sour 4. bland 12. _____ 5. healthy 6. salty 7. crispy 8. oily I love fresh vegetables such as cabbage, celery, and tomatoes. They are crunchy and tasty and also healthy. I also like chicken and fish because they are nutritious and they provide me with energy.

LA_L1_A1 Listening Activity 1 Foods of the southern United States A Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods Listening Activity 1 Foods of the southern United States A Listen to Bill and Marta’s conversation. Which food doesn’t Marta like? Check your answer. Proper names Marta Bill New words yummy a. (inf.) 好吃的 crushed corn 碎玉米 oatmeal n. 燕麦 bland a. 淡而无味的 grits n. (pl.) 粗玉米粉 Mississippi mud pie 密西西比派(一种巧克力派) dessert a. 餐后甜点 go with 与……相配 Language Notes

LA_L1_A1 √ Listening Activity 1 Foods of the southern United States A Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods Listening Activity 1 Foods of the southern United States A Listen to Bill and Marta’s conversation. Which food doesn’t Marta like? Check ( √ ) the box. II ■ fried chicken grits fried green tomatoes √ Mississippi mud pie Key

LA_L1_B Listening Activity 1 Foods of the southern United States B Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods Listening Activity 1 Foods of the southern United States B Listen again. Write the word or words Marta uses to describe each food. II ■ 1. fried chicken __________________ delicious, crispy, juicy 3. fried green tomatoes oily, good _________ 2. grits 4. Mississippi mud pie bland _____ ______________ tasty, too sweet

LA_L2_A √ Listening Activity 2 The Slow Food movement A Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods Listening Activity 2 The Slow Food movement A What do members of the Slow Food movement believe? Listen and check your answer. II ■ We should support and celebrate local food traditions. We should cook and serve food slowly. We should grow food slowly and carefully. √ Key

LA_L2_B Listening Activity 2 The Slow Food movement B Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods Listening Activity 2 The Slow Food movement B Listen again. Complete the sentences with words from the box. (You will not use all the words.) II ■ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. People in the Slow Food movement don’t like food. They think we should slow down and enjoy . They also believe in supporting local and their products. The Slow Food movement started in . It has more than 65,000 . ____ fast ____ life _______ farmers _______ Europe ________ members

LA_L3_A Listening Activity 3 Who eats what? Language Notes A Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods Listening Activity 3 Who eats what? New words go on a diet 节食 It’s hard ! 很难! prefer A to B 比起B来更喜欢A Language Notes A Listen to the people talk about different foods. What kind of food does each person like? Write the answers under the pictures. II ■ 1. foods _______ buttery 2. foods ______ spicy 3. foods _____ sweet 4. foods _______ healthy

LA_L3_B Listening Activity 3 Who eats what? B Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods Listening Activity 3 Who eats what? B Listen again. Then answer the questions. II ■ 1. 2. 3. 4. Why did Adam go on a diet? Why does Janet think food at home tastes bland? What does it mean that Abby has a “sweet tooth”? Why does Minh like healthy foods? ____________________________________________________ He wanted to lose weight because he was 20 pounds overweight. _________________________________________________________________ Because she has spent six months in Thailand and comes to like spicy Thai food. ____________________________________ It means that Abby likes to eat sweet foods. Because Minh is training for a swimming competition and he has to eat healthy foods. And now he prefers healthy foods to sweet or buttery foods. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

LA_L4 Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods Listening Activity 4 Hot, hotter, hottest! Surprising facts about chile peppers Proper names Bolivia 欧利维亚 the Caribbean 加勒比海 Christopher Columbus 克里斯托弗·哥伦布(航海家) Thai a. 泰国的 Antarctica 南极洲 Aztec Indians 阿兹特克印第安人 New words chili pepper 辣椒 heat n. 辣味 capsaicin n. 辣椒素 habanero n. 哈瓦那辣椒 Language Notes

LA_L4_A1 Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods Listening Activity 4 Hot, hotter, hottest! Surprising facts about chili peppers A Listen to a passage about chili peppers and circle true (T) or false (F). II ■ T / F 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Chili peppers were grown by people as early as 9,000 years ago. The first chili peppers grew in Europe. Chili peppers are hot because they have capsaicin in them. Chili peppers can be dangerous for your health. Indians eat the most chili peppers of all people in the world. In ancient Mexico chili peppers could be used as a gift to the king. The hottest chili pepper grows in the Caribbean. You can find chili sauce factories even in Antarctica.

LA_L4_B Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods Listening Activity 4 Hot, hotter, hottest! Surprising facts about chili peppers B Listen again. Write down as much information about capsaicin and habanero as you can. II ■ 1. 2. capsaicin: habanero: ____________________________ ____________________________________________________ a chemical in the chili that produces heat and makes your mouth feel hot. It has no flavor or smell. _____________________________________________________ ______________ the hottest chile pepper in the world. It is bright orange and grows in the Caribbean.

LA_L5 Listening * Activity 5 The healthiest people in the world Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods Listening * Activity 5 The healthiest people in the world Proper names Okinawa 冲绳岛 Okinawan 冲绳人,冲绳的 New words centenarian n. 百岁人瑞 massage n. 按摩,推拿 weightlifting n. 举重 aging n. 衰老,老化 Language Notes

deep breathing exercises LA_L5_A Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods Listening * Activity 5 The healthiest people in the world A Listen to a passage about lifestyle of Okinawans and complete the chart below. II ■ _____________ fresh fruits ____________ water ____________ gardening ____________ massage vegetables, fish _____________ ____________ green tea ____________ walking deep breathing exercises _____________

LA_L5_B Listening * Activity 5 The healthiest people in the world B Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods Listening * Activity 5 The healthiest people in the world B Listen again. Answer these questions. II ■ 1. 2. What’s the ratio of centenarians in Okinawa’s population? Why do the Okinawans live so long? Give some reasons. _________________________________ 34 centenarians per 100,000 Okinawans __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Okinawans’secret: first, they eat a healthy diet; second, they don’t do hard exercise; third, the older Okinawans have a good attitude about aging.

LA_P_A Pronunciation Sentence stress and rhythm A Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods Pronunciation Sentence stress and rhythm A Listen and repeat the sentences. Note where the stress falls. II ■ Oranges are sweeter than grapefruit. Potato chips are saltier than crackers.

LA_P_B Pronunciation Sentence stress and rhythm B Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods Pronunciation Sentence stress and rhythm B Underline the stressed syllables in these sentences. 1. 2. 3. 4. Math is harder than English. Apples are juicier than carrots. The curry is spicier than the chili. August is hotter than July.

LA_P_B Pronunciation Sentence stress and rhythm C Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods Pronunciation Sentence stress and rhythm C Pair work. Listen and check your answers. Then practice saying the sentences with your partner. II ■

LA_SC1 Speaking & Communication Activity 1 Pizza again? Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods Speaking & Communication Activity 1 Pizza again? Here are useful expressions for offering and suggesting. Why don’t we …? How about …? Shall we ...? What if …? My suggestion is … If I were you, I would … It might be a good idea for us to … Language Notes

Speaking & Communication LA_SC1_A1 Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods Speaking & Communication Activity 1 Pizza again? A Listen to the conversation. Then listen again and underline the words used for suggesting. II ■ Jill: José: Where do you want to go for dinner? I don’t know. Why don’t we go to the pizza place on the corner? Pizza again? I don’t like their pizza. It’s too spicy. You’re right. It’s spicier than the pizza at Pizza House. Well, I still want to go out tonight. How about that new Japanese restaurant downtown? OK! Let’s go! B Pair work. Practice the conversation with a partner.

LA_SC1_C Speaking & Communication Activity 1 Pizza again? C Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods Speaking & Communication Activity 1 Pizza again? C Group work. Role play. You are going out to eat after class. With your partner, discuss which restaurant to go to. You may use the information for practice and refer to the model conversation for help. Information for practice Restaurants Pizza Hut KFC an Italian restaurant a Hunan restaurant a Beijing hot pot restaurant Reasons to go We’ve never tried it before. It’s cheap. We love spicy and hot foods. It has good foods and quality service. Reasons not to go It’s always crowded. The food there is too oily. I don’t eat spicy foods. I don’t like northern cuisine. It’s too expensive to eat there.

LA_SC1_D Speaking & Communication Activity 1 Pizza again? Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods Speaking & Communication Activity 1 Pizza again? II ■ Model Conversation A: Are me going out to eat ? B: Yes. Let’s go to the opposite our school. It’s not too expensive. C: OK, that’s good for me. We don’t have to walk far. I have . A: But I don’t like oily food. I’m a . B: Then, why don’t we go to the next to the KFC? They serve delicious and other dishes. C: It’s my favorite restaurant. And it’s . A: You’re right. OK! Let’s go there ! Liu Xiang: , Let me introduce you to , one of the and of our time. She is from in Latin America. David: It’s very nice to meet you, . Shakira: Very nice to meet you too, . What do you do? David: I’m an international and a . Shakira: Oh! In which do you play football? David: I’ve won football championships for teams in , and . Shakira: That’s wonderful. Did you know is an 4 too? Liu Xiang: Oh , you are too kind. A: Are eat after class? B: Yes. Let’s to the KFC opposite our school. It’s . C: OK, that’s me. We don’t walk far. I have only an hour. A: But oily food. I’m a vegetarian. B: Then, why the Italian restaurant next the KFC? They serve delicious salads and other dishes. C: It’s my restaurant. And not expensive. A: You’re . OK! Let’s after class! A: Are we going out to eat after class? B: Yes. Let’s go to the KFC opposite our school. It’s not too expensive . C: OK, that’s good for me. We don’t have to walk far. I have only an hour. A: But I don’t like oily food. I’m a vegetarian. B: Then, why don’t we go to the Italian restaurant next to the KFC? They serve delicious salads and other dishes. C: It’s my favorite restaurant. And it’s not expensive. A: You’re right. OK! Let’s go there after class!

LA_SC2_A Speaking & Communication * Activity 2 Veronica’s Restaurant A Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods Speaking & Communication * Activity 2 Veronica’s Restaurant A Pair work. Look at the pictures of Veronica’s Restaurant. Talk about the changes you see. Use the adjectives in the box to help you. clean new happy bright big cheerful messy old dirty good bad nice beautiful The old Veronica’s The old Veronica’s is dirty. The new Veronica’s is cleaner. The new Veronica’s

LA_SC2_B Speaking & Communication * Activity 2 Veronica’s Restaurant B Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods Speaking & Communication * Activity 2 Veronica’s Restaurant B Note the differences between the old and new Veronica's Restaurant. Write a radio advertisement for the new Veronica's Restaurant and then present it to the class. You may base your ad on the model below. II ■ Model Conversation Get ready for the grand of the ! Yes, we are open again on ! Come and see the for yourself. The were large, but now they are larger! The were comfortable. But now they are more comfortable! Our was good, but now it’s better than ever!... Get ready the grand reopening of the new Veronica’s Restaurant! Yes, we are open again on New Year’s Day! Come the improvements yourself. The portions were large, now they are larger! The seats were comfortable. But now they are more comfortable! Our food was good, it’s better than !... Get ready for the grand reopening of the new Veronica’s Restaurant! Yes, we are open again on New Year’s Day! Come and see the improvements for yourself. The portions were large, but now they are larger! The seats were comfortable. But now they are more comfortable! Our food was good, but now it’s better than ever!...

LA_SC2_C Speaking & Communication * Activity 2 Veronica’s Restaurant C Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods Speaking & Communication * Activity 2 Veronica’s Restaurant C Pair work. What food is popular in your hometown? Is your hometown famous for some special food? Take turns to tell your partner about some popular or special food in your hometown. II ■ Model Conversation I think food in my is rice. We cook rice in all . We mix it pork, we mix beans, we eggs … vegetables … We make New Year Cakes rice. We make rice way . specialty in is Zongzi, Which is glutinous rice wrapped bamboo leaves stuffed meat, beans, salted egg yolks and many other ingredients. It used eaten only during the Dragon Boat Festival honor Quyuan, an ancient poet, but now it has become a food for most people in my hometown. I . Liu Xiang: , Let me introduce you to , one of the and of our time. She is from in Latin America. David: It’s very nice to meet you, . Shakira: Very nice to meet you too, . What do you do? David: I’m an international and a . Shakira: Oh! In which do you play football? David: I’ve won football championships for teams in , and . Shakira: That’s wonderful. Did you know is an 4 too? Liu Xiang: Oh , you are too kind. I think the most popular food in my hometown is . We cook rice in all kinds of ways. We mix it with , we mix it with , we mix it with … … We make with rice. We make rice in every way possible. One specialty in my hometown is , Which is glutinous rice wrapped in stuffed with meat, beans, salted egg yolks and many other ingredients. It used to be eaten only during the in honor of , an ancient poet, but now it has become a favorite food for most people in my hometown. I love it. I think the most popular food in my hometown is rice. We cook rice in all kinds of ways. We mix it with pork, we mix it with beans, we mix it with eggs … vegetables … We make New Year Cakes with rice. We make rice in every way possible. One specialty in my hometown is Zongzi, Which is glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo leaves stuffed with meat, beans, salted egg yolks and many other ingredients. It used to be eaten only during the Dragon Boat Festival in honor of Quyuan, an ancient poet, but now it has become a favorite food for most people in my hometown. I love it.

LB_GV Global Viewpoints Favorite foods Before You Watch Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods Global Viewpoints Favorite foods Before You Watch You will hear the underlined words in the interviews about “Favorite foods.” Study the sentences. Then match the words with the definitions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I don’t like overcooked vegetables. I like them to be crispy. The grass is soggy from the rain. We had some grilled hamburgers for lunch. That sausage is very greasy. He ate bacon with eggs and toast for breakfast. a. salted, smoked meat from a pig b. cooked for too long c. cooked over a fire on a frame of metal bars d. wet and soft e. made with a lot of oil or fat ____ b ____ d ____ c ____ e ____ a Key

LB_GV_WYW_A Global Viewpoints Favorite foods While You Watch Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods Global Viewpoints Favorite foods While You Watch Proper names New Orleans 新奥尔良(美国城市) Brazilian 巴西人 New words Foods jambalaya n. 什锦饭 Cajun n. 利易斯安那州特色的 bacon n. 烟熏肉 Other words crispy a. 脆的 overcooked a. 烧/煮得过久的 soggy a. 湿的 grill a. (用烤架)烤(鱼、肉等) greasy a. 油腻的 Language Notes

LB_GV_WYW_A Global Viewpoints Favorite foods While You Watch A Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods Global Viewpoints Favorite foods While You Watch A Watch the interviews about favorite foods and circle True or False. Correct the false sentences. II ■ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Brad says jambalaya is a Cajun dish from New Orleans. Dennis likes spicy food and crispy vegetables. Dayanne like rice and beans that are salty and buttery. Thallus likes grilled chicken because it’s healthy. Dan says there’s nothing better than juicy chicken. Julianna likes to eat bacon. Alejandra doesn’t enjoy sweet foods like chocolate. True / False doesn’t like steak doesn’t like enjoys

LB_GV_WYW_B Global Viewpoints Favorite foods While You Watch B Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods Global Viewpoints Favorite foods While You Watch B Watch and listen to Brad and Dennis talking about their favorite foods. Interpret what they say into Chinese. subtitle II ■

Trident Café Colombia 哥伦比亚 New words hamburger n. 汉堡包 French fries 炸薯条 LB_ Memories Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods Global Viewpoints International foods Proper names Trident Café Colombia 哥伦比亚 New words Foods hamburger n. 汉堡包 French fries 炸薯条 chilaquiles n. 墨西哥油炸辣玉米饼 tortilla n. 墨西哥玉米饼(常带肉馅等) salsa n. (墨西哥烹饪中)(辣)调味汁 arroz n. (西班牙语)米饭 yukkae-jang n. 韩国辣牛肉菜汤 Other words en Espanol (西班牙语)用西班牙语说 Language Notes

Salsa is a spicy sauce made from tomatoes, onions, and hot peppers. LB_ Memories_ BYW_ A Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods Global Viewpoints International foods Before You Watch A You will hear the underlined words in the interviews about international foods. Read the definitions. Then circle the right word to complete each sentence. A tortilla is a Mexican bread that is often folded and filled with cheese, beans, or meat. Salsa is a spicy sauce made from tomatoes, onions, and hot peppers. 1. 2. This food isn’t very spicy. It needs a tortilla / some salsa. The tortilla / salsa was filled with meat.

Trident Café Colombia 哥伦比亚 New words Foods LB_ Memories Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods Global Viewpoints International foods Proper names Trident Café Colombia 哥伦比亚 New words Foods hamburger n. 汉堡包 French fries 炸薯条 chilaquiles n. 墨西哥油炸辣玉米饼 tortilla n. 墨西哥玉米饼(常带肉馅等) salsa n. (墨西哥烹饪中)(辣)调味汁 arroz n. (西班牙语)米饭 yukkae-jang n. 韩国辣牛肉菜汤 Other words en Espanol (西班牙语)用西班牙语说 Language Notes

Watch the interviews about international foods and fill in the blanks. LB_ Memories_ WYW_ A Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods Global Viewpoints International foods While You Watch Watch the interviews about international foods and fill in the blanks. Catherine: Dave: Lourdes: Woo Sung: I (1) this restaurant called Trident Café. They (2) typical American food, hamburgers, french fries. (3) from the restaurant is their hamburgers. My favorite Mexican food is chilaquiles, which is fried pieces of tortilla with salsa. Chilaquiles are very spicy, and (4) . I think (5) in Colombia is rice and we make rice, or “arroz” en Espanol, in all kinds of ways. We mix it with meat, we mix it with fish, we mix it with beans … vegetables … We make it as a dessert also with milk and sugar. (6) — we’ll make rice any way possible … and we’ll eat it at least twice a day. My favorite food is a Korean dish called yukkae-jang. It’s a spicy soup with chunks of beef and vegetables. It’s (7) I love it and I eat it once a week. _____ like _____ serve ______________ My favorite dish subtitle II ■ I love that ________ __________________ the most popular food __________ You name it ________ delicious

LB_ Main characters 1 City Living The spicier the better Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods City Living The spicier the better Main characters Mike Johnson Roberto Chavez Takeshi Mifune Chef Dupree

Mike and Takeshi are preparing for the contest when Roberto stops by. LB_CL_P_A1 Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods City Living Preview A In this episode, Mike and Takeshi enter a Southern cooking contest. Hey, do you do takeout? Let’s add the grits! Mike and Takeshi are preparing for the contest when Roberto stops by.

LB_CL_P_A2 City Living It looks delicious! Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods City Living It looks delicious! Roberto checks out their dishes—fried Tomatoes, fried chicken, and grits.

LB_CL_P_A3 City Living Hey, how about some more hot sauce? Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods City Living Hey, how about some more hot sauce? I don’t know … Roberto makes a suggestion for the chicken, but Takeshi isn’t too sure.

Suddenly, the judge appears and it’s too late to change anything! LB_CL_P_A4 Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods City Living It’s Chef Jackson Dupree! Look! Suddenly, the judge appears and it’s too late to change anything!

LB_CL_P_A5 City Living Whoo! Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods City Living Whoo! The judge tastes the chicken and gets a surprise. But then, he has a surprise of his own …

LB_CL_P_B1 City Living B Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods City Living B Look at the pictures above. Then complete the sentences. Choose a, b, or c. Hey, how about some more hot sauce? Hey, do you do takeout? It looks delicious! Let’s add the grits! I don’t know … 1. Mike and Takeshi enter a ______ cooking contest. 2. Mike and Takeshi are making _____. 3. _____ visits Mike and Takeshi at the contest. c a. French b. Mexican c. Southern b a. chicken, tomatoes and fish b. chicken tomatoes and grits c. chicken, chips, and tomatoes c a. Tara b. Sun--hee c. Roberto Key

LB_CL_P_B2 City Living b b 4. Roberto has a(n) ______ Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods City Living It’s Chef Jackson Dupree! Whoo! Look! 4. Roberto has a(n) ______ 5. ______ is the judge for the cooking contest. b a. problem b. idea c. complaint b a. Roberto b. Jackson Dupree c. Takeshi Key

LB_CL_WYW City Living While You Watch Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods City Living While You Watch Here are some words and phrases you will hear in the video. Read them aloud. Language Notes Making suggestions and expressing preferences Everyday English Talking about food man born and raised in my opinion How about some more … The spicier the better! This looks delicious. Quite tasty. A little sweet, but still crunchy. juicy hot crispy oily buttery take out

LB _CL_WYW_A City Living While You Watch A Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods City Living While You Watch A What happens? Watch the video and circle True or False. Then correct the false sentences. II ■ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Takeshi and Mike made fried chicken for the cooking contest. Mike added some grits to make their dish look better. Mike poured a little hot sauce on their dish. Takeshi thought Mike didn’t add enough hot sauce. Chef Dupree thought the woman’s chicken was too oily. Chef Dupree thought Mike and Takeshi’s tomatoes were crunchy. True / False added too much

LB _CL_WYW_A City Living While You Watch A Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods City Living While You Watch A What happens? Watch the video and circle True or False. Then correct the false sentences. 7. 8. Chef Dupree liked Mike and Takeshi’s chicken because it was very sweet. Mike and Takeshi lost the cooking contest. True / False hot won

This isn’t fast food. This is old-fashioned Southern home-cooking! LB_CL_WYW_B Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods City Living B Who says it? Watch the video again. Write M for Mike, T for Takeshi, R for Roberto or C for Chef Dupree. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. M This isn’t fast food. This is old-fashioned Southern home-cooking! Not too spicy? Well, in my opinion, the spicier the better. It’s what you call “Cajun cooking.” Whoo! Is it hot! Buttery. Not bad … not bad at all. Hot and spicy, just like Mama’s. You’re from Louisiana? Born and raised! _____ _____ T _____ R _____ M _____ C _____ C _____ M _____ C subtitle II ■

LB_CL_WYW_C City Living C What do they say? Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods City Living C What do they say? Watch the first episode of the video and answer the questions. 1. Why does Mike suggest that they make the plate look better? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Mike suggests they make the plate look better because they are attending a cooking contest and they want to win. 2. What does Roberto say to show that he likes the food? ____________________________________________________ Roberto says that the food looks delicious, and he says “mmm.” subtitle II ■

LB_CL_WYW_D1 City Living D What do they say? Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods City Living D What do they say? Activity 1: Watch the second episode of the video and fill in the blanks. Roberto: Mike: Takeshi: … Hey, (1) ? Yeah! My cousin is from down South. He lives in Louisiana and (2) ! The food down there is spicy. It’s what you call “Cajun cooking” Whoo! (3) ! I don’t know … Oh, (4) Takeshi. Just a little … Look! (5) It’s Chef Jackson Dupree! __________________________ how about some more hot sauce ____ Man _______ Is it hot _______ come on __________ Oh my gosh subtitle II ■

LB_CL_WYW_D2 City Living D What did they say? Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods City Living D What did they say? Activity 2: Class work. Now watch the second episode of the video again and act out the missing parts as a class. Roberto: Mike: Takeshi: … Hey, how about some more hot sauce ? Yeah! My cousin is from down South. He lives in Louisiana and Man! The food down there is spicy. It’s what you call “Cajun cooking” Whoo! Is it hot! I don’t know … Oh, come on Takeshi. Just a little … Look! Oh my gosh It’s Chef Jackson Dupree! subtitle II ■

LB_CL_WYW_E1 City Living E Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods City Living E What do they say? Watch the third episode of the video and write the words you hear to complete the conversation. II ■ Chef Dupree: Roberto: Mike: All right. (1) your dishes. (2) is starting. No more cooking! Too late. (3) . Not bad … not bad at all. (4) … This is the oiliest chicken I have ever tasted! Hum … very good! (5) . Delicious! (6) … Whoo! Now that’s some good chicken. (7) , just like Mama’s. You Know, I’m an old Cajun boy myself. You’re from Louisiana? (8) ! And you two, you are (9) ! (10) . The spicier the better! ______________ Step away from ______________ The taste testing _______ Buttery _________ Quite tasty ____________ A little sweet, ______________ but still crunchy _______________ Try some chicken ____________ Hot and spicy ______________ Born and raised __________ the winners _________ I told you

LB_CL_WYW_F City Living F Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods City Living F Now watch the whole video again and then answer the question. subtitle II ■ Mike accidentally spilled too much hot sauce on the food, yet they still won the contest. Why? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The judge Chef Dupree liked the food they prepared because he was born and raised in Lousiana where the food is hot and spicy.

LB_CL_AYW_A City Living After You Watch A Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods City Living After You Watch A Dictation. Listen to the summary of the City Living story twice and fill in the blanks with the words and sentences you hear. II ■ Mike and Takeshi (1) and made fried chicken, grits, and fried tomatoes. Before the contest began, Roberto (2) . Mike thought this was a good idea, but Takeshi (3) . When Mike added the hot sauce, (4) and the chicken got covered with hot sauce! It seemed a disaster for Takeshi so (5) , but just then Chef Dupree came in and he announced the start of the taste test. (6) . Chef Dupree tasted all the other dishes and told one girl contestant that (7) . When the chef tasted Mike and Takeshi’s chicken, (8) as it was covered with hot sauce. (9) He told them it was delicious, just like his mother’s. So in the end Mike and Takeshi won the contest, (10) ! entered a cooking contest _____________________ ___________________ ______________________________ suggested adding some hot sauce to make the chicken spicier _____________________ ____________ ____________ wasn’t so sure the cover came off the bottle accidentally ______________________________ he tried to remove some of the sauce __________ _____ The judging began ____________________________________ her chicken was the oiliest he had ever tasted they became extremely nervous __________________________ _________________________________________________________ They thought the chef would not like it, but to their surprise, he liked it! _______________ quite unexpectedly

END An English Video Course 2 视听说教程(3rd Edition)电子教案 2 Thank you!

Special People A_1 Global Viewpoints II subtitle Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods Global Viewpoints subtitle II ■

Special People A_1 Global Viewpoints II subtitle Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods Global Viewpoints subtitle II ■

Describing yourself and others A_3 Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods City Living subtitle II ■

Describing yourself and others A_3 Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods City Living subtitle II ■

LB_GV_WYW_B Global Viewpoints Favorite Foods While You Watch B Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods Global Viewpoints Favorite Foods While You Watch B Watch and listen to Brad and Dennis talking about their favorite foods. Interpret what they say into Chinese. subtitle II ■

Watch the interviews about international foods and fill in the blanks. LB_ Memories_ WYW_ A Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods Global Viewpoints International Foods While You Watch A Watch the interviews about international foods and fill in the blanks. Catherine: Dave: Lourdes: Woo Sung: this restaurant called Trident Café. They (2) typical American food, hamburgers, french fries. (3) from the restaurant is their hamburgers. My favorite Mexican food is chilaquiles, which is fried pieces of tortilla with salsa. Chilaquiles are very spicy, and (4) . I think (5) in Colombia is rice and we make rice, or “arroz” en Espanol, in all kinds of ways. We mix it with meat, we mix it with fish, we mix it with beans … vegetables … We make it as a dessert also with milk and sugar. (6) — we’ll make rice any way possible … and we’ll eat it at least twice a day. My favorite food is a Korean dish called yukkae-jang. It’s a spicy soup with chunks of beef and vegetables. It’s (7) I love it and I eat it once a week. _____ Like _____ serve ______________ My favorite dish subtitle II ■ ________ I love that __________________ the most popular food You name it __________ ________ delicious

This isn’t fast food. This is old-fashioned Southern home-cooking! LB_CL_WYW_B Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods City Living B Who says it? Watch the video again. Write M for Mike, T for Takeshi, or C for Chef Dupree. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. M This isn’t fast food. This is old-fashioned Southern home-cooking! Not too spicy? Well, in my opinion, the spicier the better. It’s what you call “Cajun cooking.” Whoo! Is it hot! Buttery. Not bad … not bad at all. Hot and spicy, just like Mama’s. You’re from Louisiana? Born and raised! _____ _____ T _____ R _____ M _____ C _____ C _____ M _____ C subtitle II ■

LB_CL_WYW_C City Living C What do they say? Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods City Living C What do they say? Watch the first episode of the video and answer the questions. 1. Why does Mike suggest that they make the plate look better? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Mike suggests they make the plate look better because they are attending a cooking contest and they want to win. 2. What does Roberto say to show that he likes the food? ____________________________________________________ Roberto says that the food looks delicious, and he says “mmm.” subtitle II ■

LB_CL_WYW_D1 City Living D What do they say? Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods City Living D What do they say? Activity 1: Watch the second episode of the video and fill in the blanks. Roberto: Mike: Takeshi: … Hey, (1) ? Yeah! My cousin is from down South. He lives in Louisiana and (2) ! The food down there is spicy. It’s what you call “Cajun cooking” Whoo! (3) ! I don’t know … Oh, (4) Takeshi. Just a little … Look! (5) It’s Chef Jackson Dupree! how about some more hot sauce __________________________ ____ Man _______ Is it hot _______ come on __________ Oh my gosh subtitle II ■

LB_CL_WYW_D2 City Living D What did they say? Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods City Living D What did they say? Activity 2: Class work. Now watch the second episode of the video again and act out the missing parts as a class. Roberto: Mike: Takeshi: … Hey, how about some more hot sauce ? Yeah! My cousin is from down South. He lives in Louisiana and Man! The food down there is spicy. It’s what you call “Cajun cooking” Whoo! Is it hot! I don’t know … Oh, come on Takeshi. Just a little … Look! Oh my gosh It’s Chef Jackson Dupree! subtitle II ■

Describing yourself and others A_3 Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods City Living subtitle II ■

Describing yourself and others A_3 Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods City Living subtitle II ■

LB_CL_WYW_F City Living F Lesson A Foods we like Lesson B Favorite and international foods City Living F Now watch the whole video again and then answer the question. subtitle II ■ Mike accidentally spilled too much hot sauce on the food, yet they still won the contest. Why? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The judge Chef Dupree liked the food they prepared because he was born and raised in Lousiana where the food is hot and spicy.