INSECT HABITATS Leaves and stems Aphids and mites
INSECT HABITATS Thatch Chinch bugs and Sod webworms
INSECT HABITATS Soil White grubs and Mole crickets
CONTROL Know insect Timing of application is important
CONTROL Healthy, competitive turf Avoid succulent growth Reduce thatch
CONTROL Endophytes: fungi symbiotic with turf repels insects Currently, limited to cool-season turf Primarily tall fescue and ryegrass
CONTROL Insecticides Typically curative
SOUTHERN CHINCH BUG HOST: St. Augustine DAMAGE: suck juice from grass
SOUTHERN CHINCH BUG Hot, dry weather
SOUTHERN CHINCH BUG Reside in thatch
SOUTHERN CHINCH BUG SYMPTOM First water stressed Most active at perimeter
SOUTHERN CHINCH BUG SAMPLING Flotation Threshold: 25 to 30 per square foot
WHITE GRUBS AND BILLBUGS White grubs: Larval stage of beetles May and June beetle, masked chafers, etc. Rarely a pest in Lowcountry
WHITE GRUBS AND BILLBUGS Billbugs: larva of snout beetles (weevils)
WHITE GRUBS AND BILLBUGS DAMAGE August Feed on roots just below surface Roll back dying turf like carpet Predator damage (skunks, moles)
WHITE GRUBS AND BILLBUGS SAMPLING Strip one sq foot of turf Threshold White grubs: 3 to 4
WHITE GRUBS AND BILLBUGS CONTROL Milky spore disease only controls one type of white grub Japanese beetle
CATERPILLARS Fall armyworm Sporadic pest in lawn More common on golf course
CATERPILLARS Sod Webworm Much less common than armyworm
CATERPILLARS SAMPLING Soapy flush: 1 oz of dishsoap / gallon
CATERPILLARS CONTROL Birds can be an indicator
MOLE CRICKETS Tawny and Southern are IMPORTED PESTS Northern and Short winged are native
MOLE CRICKETS DAMAGE Eat roots Tunneling uproots turf Predator damage Bermuda and bahia, but also centipede Tunneling uproots turf Predator damage
MOLE CRICKETS SAMPLING Soapy flush Threshold: 2 to 4 per sq ft
MOLE CRICKETS CONTROL Introducing natural predators (parasitic nematode, parasitic fly, fungus)
MOLES Searching for food
MOLES DAMAGE Tunnels mostly visual Minor damage to turf
MOLES CONTROL Look for active tunnel Collapse and check back in a couple of hours Against concrete Spike trap kills ‘em dead
MOLES CONTROL Sonic Hair Hot peppers Caster oil (Mole-Med) Baits Gum Other products
MOLES CONTROL Control food source?
Nematodes Host: Centipede, Bermuda
Nematodes Favorable Conditions: Sandy soil with a poor pH
Nematodes Symptoms Water stress Poor root system
Nematodes Control Requires soil test to ID Nematicide