ETHIOPIA 2017 POPULATION AND HOUSING CENSUS DATA CAPTURING AND PROCESSING STRATGEY UN Regional workshop on 2020 world programme on PHC: International standards and contemporary technologies, Dar-es-salam, Tanzania May 29- June 1, 2017
Outlines Background Need for Alternative Solutions The 2017 Census data capturing and processing strategy Experience in Digital Technology Preparations Challenges & mitigation Partners for census Conclusion
1. Background Population and Housing Census involves the largest data capturing exercise in the art of data collection. It involves capturing of millions of forms. The Central Statistics Agency (CSA) started using old techniques like Punched Card Reader as early 1960’s. Three Population and Housing Censuses have so far been conducted in Ethiopia. The first PHC was carried out in 1984.
Background . . . During the 1984 Census: Census data was captured using manual keyboard based entry using mainframe computer FORMSPEC data entry system was used It took more than 2 years to capture the data for about 42 million people. In the case of the 1994 Census: Data capture was again done on manual keyboard entry basis using PC’s. CENTRY data entry system (IMPS) was used.
Background . . . It took about 18 months to capture the data for the population of about 53 million. The entry work was done on 2-shift basis About 180 data entry clerks were involved Around 90 Pc’s were used
Limitations of the Keyboard Entry Method Time consuming Does not allow the availability of timely data The data will be weaker in representing the current or existing situation Subject to additional non-sampling errors Human error due to manual keying Due to the volume of the data, a 100% verification as in the case of sample surveys, is difficult. Large number of data entry operators and equipment required.
Scanning Technology for 3rd Census in 2007 The Scanning Technology in general implements two basic techniques:- Mark recognition, like the Optical Mark Reader (OMR). Character recognition, like the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and the Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR)
The Scanning Process Key-correction or validation of scanned data. It mainly involves:- Scanning / Data Capture of questionnaires, Key-correction or validation of scanned data. Exporting the scanned and key-corrected data into ASCII or Text format .
DRS Photo Scribe Series PS900 Speed: up to 8,500 forms / hour High speed Imaging Mark Reader Windows XP professional CD R/WR drive Network connectivity A TFT monitor, Keyboard, mouse Speed: up to 8,500 forms / hour
Benefits of Scanning Technology Reduce time required for data capture (about 6 months). Support to get timely data; Users’ need satisfied (policy makers, planners, researchers, etc.) Support to save millions of forms for future references.
Challenges of Scanning Technology limited in capacity building / knowledge. The Equipment's are not useable for other survey. Data cleaning take long time. Require clean sheet document.
2. Need for Alternative Solutions High demand for timely census results. Need for quality census results. Previous census challenges. Challenges in managing paper. Hence the need to use better Technology.
3. The 4th Census data capture strategy The 4th population and housing census data capture, processing and management strategy was latest scanning technology using ICR and OCR, developed by June 2013. The experience of India and South Africa was solicited for preparation. However, the global move, continental and regional group discussion and national demand urge to use hand held devices for census.
3. Census data capture… UNFPA organize workshop on digital data capture for 2020 round of census on Feb 2016 at Addis Ababa. Countries Cabo Verde, Côte d’Ivoire, São Tome & Principe, Senegal, Comoros, DRC, Ethiopia, Lesotho, Madagascar, Mozambique, Swaziland, Kenya, South Africa, Brazil, India and others involved in the workshop sharing their experience in digital census. During the workshop, Cost-benefit analysis was presented to the workshop and government for decision. At the end of the workshop, there were recommendations produced and deliver to the government.
Scanners Handheld devices Remarks Table 2: Estimated costs for scanning and digital data capture in the 2017 PHC of Ethiopia in US Dollars Cost components Scanners Handheld devices Remarks Capital cost of software and hardware, including spare parts 3,798,000 28,000,000 140,000 tablets at USD 200/ tailor made device Printing scannable questionnaires 3,783,000 Printing questionnaire, manuals Vendor support costs 1,142,000 130,000 Local and international consultants/firms 3G dongles 2,300,000 46,000 dongles; one per supervisor Telephone and Internet airtime 74,000 460,000 Flat fee of USD 10 per device Salary of processors needed 2,187,000 200,000 Staff training, salary and allowance Payment for enumerators and supervisors 26,000,000 17,300,000 Daily subsistence allowance Stationary, bags, etc for enumerators 2,057,000 Covers or jackets are either part of the device or cost is very low. Transport /freight cost 392,000 120,000 Distribution and collection Storage and documentation 955,000 250,000 Total 40,388,000 48,760,000 Note! The figures in Table 2 need further refinement.
other considerations Items Paper-based Census Digital Census Data receiving and storage space Space-intensive - Large space required for storage of material for efficient flow of forms throughout the processing Efficient – minimal space required Access for transportation - to deliver the forms or devices Had proved to be difficult in 2007 census as large volumes of materials were processed. With care, devices can be easily distributed and collected. Length of storage period required Perhaps up to 10 years or the next census Relatively short – will used in other statistical operations, or sold and rented out. Physical security for storage Not easy to manage, in particular after data capture Devices can be made traceable Estimated time for data collection, retrieval 2 months Return of all raw data to HQ 1 week Estimated time for first tabulations after data collection 5 months 1 month Quality of the data produced Satisfactory Better quality Labour requirement Labor intensive: packing, loading and unloading materials and papers Relatively labor requirement much less. Flexibility Support additional information Less flexible for add infor
efficiency of processing Items Paper-based Scan Digital census Instantaneous cross-validation with other records Serious Moderate Automatic sequencing of question skip patterns Low High Built-in instructional and help materials Rapid transmission of data to central servers NA Rapid production of performance metrics of field operations; and cumulative report of enumerated units Incompatibility b/n hardware and/or software Possible Solution failure (lack of connectivity, hardware failure, battery ,GPS black spots, software bugs, device theft) Applies to a certain extent Lack of skills or knowledge by system users, particularly temporary census staff Inadequate communication between technology staff and subject-matter staff, particularly leading to misunderstanding Less Hacking, online attack or other IC security event Less serious Lack of documentation and/or reliance on small number of key people Highly efficient GIS will increase ability to undertake quality assurance of geographic boundaries Less efficient Switching b/n questionnaires in different languages
Sustainable use of the devices The use of the tablets after the census. Devices will be used for national CRVS programme, Health and education data generation, statistical programmes other censuses, research institutions, and others. The commission highlight the technology will build national capacity and transform data production in quality and timeliness. Thus, the Census Commission of Ethiopia approve the use of the handheld devices for the 2017 PHC.
4. CSA’s Experience in Digital Technology Data Capturing tools (PDAs) Price data collection in 110 market places (CPI and PPI)
Experience in on Digital … Data Capturing tools (GPS) Delineation of part of the EAs (30%) of the 2007 PHC using GIS-based technology Trimble Gino 2017 census EA map
Experience on Digital… CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing) Mini Laptop Productivity Safety Net Program survey Socio-economic Survey Feed the Future Survey EDHS 2016 etc..
Android Tablets
5. The 2017 Census data capturing and processing schema Supervisor RAW DATA CSPRO DB MICRO DATA Results
6. Preparations for Census About 350 tablets and power banks were procured for pilot. FTP server was configured for data Transfer during pilot. Procurement of 180,000 Tablets for Census is under process. MOU was Signed with INSA to solve Data Center and Security problem. Linking digital maps with census enumeration is under process of testing.
6. Preparations … Data Capturing Application is prepared with the help of US Bureau of US Census experts. Field data monitoring database (RDB) developed to follow up the enumeration by Italian experts. Staff training in managing the technology and infrastructure is going on with partners. Three Pilot Census was conducted successfully using Tablets.
6.1 Tablet based pilot Census Test:- Mobile device suitability Software suitability Power backup system Network coverage Data transfer modalities Data security Performances of enumerators and Supervisors Accuracy of the responses.
7. Challenges Procurement of devices. Power supply. Human capacity. Infrastructures. Data security.
8. Mitigation Procurement lead by the government. Alternative power supply like power bank, solar. Recruitment guideline, training, visit. Network, data center, power. Back up, security layer and defenses.
9. Partners for Census UN Agencies: UNFPA, UNICEF USAID/ Bureau US Census IADC/ ITSTAT ONS/DFID WB
10. Budget The cost of the census data capture and processing is about 40 million USD (23%) out of 163 million USD census overall estimated cost. Most of the cost will be covered by the government treasury.
Conclusion Use of technology including mobile devices in census and surveys has great contribution for timely and quality statistics for national and international needs. Government commitment critical. Partners (UNSD, UNFPA, AFDB, others) support for digitizing the census is indispensable.
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