Energy Earth Day 2017
What did you do this morning which used electricity? Add a coloured transparent segment and caption if required. Delivering on our promises Energy is a vital to our way of life. Here are a some examples of where energy is used: •Homes: central heating, powering electrical appliances, and heating water •Public buildings: schools, shopping centres •Industry: factories and offices •Transport: cars and commercial vehicles, aeroplanes, boats and trains • Pose the question: ‘what did you do this morning which needed electricity?’ • Get the group to then to put their hands up and give as many things as they can • Once the list is exhausted or it’s been a couple of minutes, go through the examples on the slide. Earth Day 2017
All of those technologies use power ON OFF Use of terminology is very key here, make sure to stress that Power is the amount ofenergy (electricity) something uses in just one second. •Introduce the task, they have to tell us out of the two pictures on the upcoming slides, which one uses more power • Use a hands up/hands down or stand up/down approach Lets see which ones use the most! Earth Day 2017
Which one uses the most power? Between a standard light bulb and a TV Answer: TV Earth Day 2017
Which one uses the most power? Between a standard light bulb and an energy saving bulb Answer: standard light bulb Earth Day 2017
Which one uses the most power? Between a kettle and a TV Answer: Kettle Note: This is the tricky example because the kettle is only on for a few minutes compared to the TV. Earth Day 2017
Which one uses more energy in a year in an average household? This slide is about Total Energy consumption NOT Power • From the previous examples: which one of these costs the most to run in a year? 1) TV- LCD £51.23 2) Kettle- £16.90 3) Energy saving ,light bulbs- £2.63 Earth Day 2017
How is electricity produced? Coal Solar Water There are many ways to produce electricity, which can be split into two groups – burning of fossil fuels, and renewables. Fossil fuels; The majority of our energy is generated by burning fossil fuels: oil, coal or gas, where the fuel is burnt directly or used in power stations to produce electricity _We are consuming our natural resources of fossil fuels very rapidly, and one day they will run out _We need to use less energy to make our remaining fossil fuel supplies last longer _We need to look at alternative ways of producing power using renewable energy Renewable; Renewable energy is energy that is generated from sustainable sources. Examples: wind, solar, hydroelectric, tidal, wave, ground source heat pump, geothermal. There are three main reasons why renewable energy will become increasingly important: economic, political, and environmental: Economic When our natural fossil fuel resources are gone we need to have an alternative already in place. The cost of a product is often dictated by its scarcity or availability. Energy from fossil fuels will become very expensive as they begin to run out. Political When one country runs out of fuel before another, it may become dependent on other countries. Political and economical differences may dictate the cost and availability of this energy. Environmental The burning of fossil fuels releases CO2 and other gases that are believed to be a major contributor to climate change. Scientists predict that even if we were to cease all CO2 output today, global warming would continue beyond the year 2100. Climate change will almost certainly have a severe impact on us and the world we live in. General We need to use less energy to make our remaining fossil fuel supplies last longer, since they are also essential for the manufacture of many plastics, chemicals and medicines. We need to look at alternative ways of producing energy using renewable sources which do not produce CO2. We need to change our behaviour and attitudes towards our energy usage. Wind Nuclear Earth Day 2017
How does electricity get to us? The system is called the Grid We know where electricity comes from but how does it reach us from the power station? This is just a lead up to the starter activity, so don’t linger too much talking about the Grid. Earth Day 2017
Lets make our own grid – Grid Activity Imagine we are an electricity grid… Each of you is a pylon, use a box or chair as the power source and pieces of string are the wires that connect you. Connect as many people as you can to the power source. The system is called the Grid Refer to the Electricity grid activity sheet and information. Earth Day 2017
Access to electricity Did you know… 1.4 billion people don’t have access to any electricity – that’s around 1/3rd of the world population, or one in three people. Is that fair? Earth Day 2017
What’s being done? In September 2015, 193 world leaders agreed to 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development. If these Goals are completed, it would mean an end to extreme poverty, inequality and climate change by 2030. These are called the global goals and each one has a number of actions and goals to make them happen. One of them is about ensuring everyone has access to affordable and clean energy. The Global Goals for Sustainable Development are a plan developed by the United Nations and agreed upon by all countries to work towards 2030 to: Fight global inequality. End extreme poverty. And Respect our planet. There is a global plan for everyone no matter who they are or where they live, to find solutions to the most pressing issues for people and the planet. The targets for affordable and clean energy; By 2030, ensure universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services By 2030 increase substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix By 2030, double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency By 2030, enhance international cooperation to facilitate access to clean energy research and technology By 2030, expand infrastructure and upgrade technology for supplying modern and sustainable energy services for all in developing countries. Earth Day 2017
Wind power Using the power of wind is one way we can make electricity. Using the wind to create electricity has been around for a long time, you may have seen windmills on farms. Wind is a renewable energy, it is sustainable. It doesn’t harm the environment. Wind turbines can provide energy for communities not connected to their national grid, meaning you can reach small, poor communities. When the wind turns the blades of a windmill, it spins a turbine inside a small generator to produce electricity, just like a big coal power plant. A single windmill can make enough electricity to power a few farm machines. Wind farms with dozens of wind turbines make enough electricity to serve lots of people. Earth Day 2017
Different types of wind turbine Wind turbine used to pump ground water Roof top turbine sends electricity it produces straight into the house to be used Wind turbine from a small-scale power scheme Wind farm turbines have blades which turn at 6 times the speed of the wind Turbines in development placed over roads to capture wind from passing vehicles Traditional windmill used to grind flour Earth Day 2017
How a wind turbine works A wind turbine works in the opposite way to a fan. Instead of using electricity to make wind, a turbine uses wind to make electricity. The wind turns the blades, which spin a shaft, which connects to a generator and makes electricity. The electricity is sent through transmission and distribution lines to a substation, then on to homes, business and schools. Earth Day 2017
Wind Power Project Now it’s your turn Earth Day 2017
Wind power project We are going to make our own wind turbine… See activity sheet Younger children - Make a windmill Older children - Wind power challenge Earth Day 2017