BECCS: Biomass Enhanced CCS Dr Hannah Chalmers Senior Lecturer, School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh Acknowledgements: Mathieu Lucquiaud and Bill Buschle
SCCS: Progressing key research across CCS spectrum Enabling CO2 emissions reduction through CCS research and knowledge exchange Connecting government, industry and academia Providing independent analysis and policy advice Forming worldwide partnerships Educating CCS professionals Increasing awareness of CCS through outreach, education and engagement
Bio-CCS (BECCS) is valuable for the UK meeting its carbon budgets From the Energy Technologies Institute: 1-2% Of GDP saved per year by having CCS in the mix 1% Of GDP saved per year by having bio-energy in the mix The UK was the first country to commit to thinking about climate change in the form of a carbon budget and committed to a legally binding carbon budget through 2050. Various organisations have studied low carbon technologies within the context of a carbon budget and found that having a portfolio of technologies is valuable because it provides both flexibility and de-risking through diversity when trying to transition to low carbon energy. The Energy Technology Institute highlights the value of having CCS, bio-energy, and BECCS in the portfolio in three different reports. More info: 50% Of the UK’s 2050 emission target as net negative emissions from BECCS
BECCS: Combination of Two Low Carbon Technologies Decarbonising the energy system will require a transformation from reliance on fossil fuels to other energy generation technologies, lead by renewables. CCS and Bio-energy are seen as complimentary low carbon technologies that can help provide flexibility during the transition.
ETI – Evidence for Deploying BECCS in the UK BECCS is credible, scalable and efficient technology Critical to deploy in order for the UK to meet its 2050 GHG emission reduction targets cost effectively. IPCC Fifth Assessment Report found that many climate models could not limit global warming to below 2°C if the use of bioenergy, CCS and their combination (BECCS) had limited deployment. UK is exceptionally well-placed to exploit the benefits of BECCS, given the vast storage opportunities offshore around the UK; our experience in bioenergy deployments; and our academic and industrial research and development strength across bioenergy and CCS.
BECCS options for the UK Health warning: Cost and efficiency estimates vary between studies, partly depending on which innovations are/aren’t included for each technology Fig 4 from Bhave et al, Applied Energy 190 (2017), 481-489 – Results from TESBiC project
Concluding thoughts If cumulative CO2 emissions matter, then negative emission technologies are important BECCS could be a significant contributor to Scottish, UK and global climate change mitigation efforts Several CCS technologies could be suitable for BECCS and some options are likely to be suitable for retrofit Widespread deployment by 2030 is feasible if there is significant activity in the next decade to prove technical and commercial arrangements at scale Detailed technical work is needed to optimise design and operation plants with CCS as we learn from experience and look to expand to a broader range of fuels Non-technical issues may take priority: sustainability, land use, LCA, public perception