Accessing E-resources Library Knowledge Base Accessing E-resources Title: Arial, 44pt
Accessing e resources - Introduction Your search for information can start in lots of different places. This guide will cover the most common starting points, and what you need to do to open the full text of an ebook or online article once you find something you are interested in. Whether you find your ebook or article using a search engine such as Google, by using Library search or by using a database you’ll access the full text of an ebook or journal article by clicking on a link. Main body: Arial, 16 – 20 pt Slide title: Arial, Bold, 24 pt Accessing e resources - Introduction
commonwealth games Glasgow legacy Lets run a search on Google Scholar for the following keywords: commonwealth games Glasgow legacy Main body: Arial, 16 – 20 pt Slide title: Arial, Bold, 24 pt Searching with Google/Google Scholar from Campus
Searching with Google/Google Scholar from Campus Here is the results screen of a search on Google Scholar for the following keywords: commonwealth games Glasgow legacy . This search was conducted on a networked pc on campus and so provides information on whether the Library can provide you with the full text. Let’s see what happens when I click on the highlighted entry: “How will the 2014 Commonwealth Games impact on Glasgow's health, and how will we know? “ Main body: Arial, 16 – 20 pt Slide title: Arial, Bold, 24 pt Searching with Google/Google Scholar from Campus
To access the article you should be asked to log in with your GUID. Main body: Arial, 16 – 20 pt Slide title: Arial, Bold, 24 pt GUID
Accessing the full text Google/Google Scholar Once you’ve logged in you should be able to access the article. Main body: Arial, 16 – 20 pt Slide title: Arial, Bold, 24 pt Accessing the full text
Google/Google Scholar – what if I’m not on campus This time the same search was conducted on a laptop from off campus using a commercial wifi network– so this time you can’t tell if the Library can provide you with the full text. This time the link is to the journal publisher Let’s see what happens when I click on the link in the highlighted entry: “How will the 2014 Commonwealth Games impact on Glasgow's health, and how will we know? “ Once you’ve logged in you should be able to access the article. Main body: Arial, 16 – 20 pt Slide title: Arial, Bold, 24 pt Google/Google Scholar – what if I’m not on campus
Accessing the full text Google/Google Scholar Same result! Once you’ve logged in you should be able to access the article. Main body: Arial, 16 – 20 pt Slide title: Arial, Bold, 24 pt Accessing the full text
Google/Google Scholar – what if I’m using a laptop on Eduroam This time the same search was conducted from on campus with laptop using eduroam and this time the link is not to the publisher of the journal article but a link to a document on the University of Glasgow website [PDF]! – Let’s see what happens when I click on the link in the highlighted entry Main body: Arial, 16 – 20 pt Slide title: Arial, Bold, 24 pt Google/Google Scholar – what if I’m using Eduroam ?
Google/Google Scholar – what if I’m not on campus This time the link takes you to one of the author’s MD thesis which is available in full text from the University’s website – it’s a similar title, but not the article that we were looking for! Main body: Arial, 16 – 20 pt Slide title: Arial, Bold, 24 pt Google/Google Scholar – what if I’m not on campus
So …. While Google and Google Scholar are easy to use and return lots of great results – depending on whether you are on campus or not and what network you are on you do get different results and so getting access to the full-text of the article or ebook you want isn’t always straightforward! We are now going to look at starting your search from the Library website to demonstrate how some of the issues we have experienced with google can be avoided. Main body: Arial, 16 – 20 pt Slide title: Arial, Bold, 24 pt Google/Google Scholar – avoid these issues
You can also find e books and journal articles using Library search You can also find e books and journal articles using Library search. In the following example we are searching with three keywords: music therapy clinical Library Search
Library Search Results
In this case clicking on the link takes you straight to the article via the GUID log-in page. Access to the e book
More info about using ebooks There can be issues with ebooks in terms because different providers of ebooks have different rules about what you can do with them: can I print/download the book? how much can I print/ download ? can I read on my phone? For all you need to know about ebooks check out of Guide to e-books on the Help Guides section of the Library website More info about using ebooks
Library Search: accessing e journal articles Screenshot: search for American counterculture - restrict to journal articles. Box round: Self-Invention in the Realm of Production: Craft, Beauty, and Community in the American Counterculture, 1964-1978 by Farber, D Pacific Historical Review, 08/2016, Volume 85, Issue 3 Library Search: accessing e journal articles
Library Search: intermediary step to full text Sometimes you need to click on a further link to get to full text. Library Search: intermediary step to full text
Access to article full text
Access to article full text
Sometimes, particularly if you are off campus and/or accessing over wifi, you may get a message saying that you don’t have access to an article or asking you to pay to access an article. Look to see if there is a link to a Log in or Sign in box – this may be called: Institutional Shibboleth Remote Organization Remote users Log in via your Home Institution/ UK Access Management Federation/ UK Federation. No access / Asked to Pay?
Not allowed to access / Asked to Pay? Look to see if there is a link to a log in box – this may be called: Institutional Shibboleth Remote Organization Remote users Log in via your Home Institution/ UK Access Management Federation/ UK Federation. Not allowed to access / Asked to Pay?
If you still can’t access the article you need Check we subscribe to the journal. Go back to Specific Search and search by Journal title. Check that we have the year you need If we do subscribe but you still can’t access the article contact the Library E Resources team for help: Main body: Arial, 16 – 20 pt Slide title: Arial, Bold, 24 pt Still can’t access the article you need!
The Library doesn’t subscribe to the ebook or ejournal If we don’t subscribe we can try and get the article or book from another Library for you. See the Need something we don’t have section of the Library website for details Main body: Arial, 16 – 20 pt Slide title: Arial, Bold, 24 pt Library doesn’t subscribe to what you need
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