What will you do this summer? School is almost out What will you do this summer?
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Looking for Summer Work? What will you do this summer?
MAYDE TO WORK EXPO May 28th 10am-1pm Mayde Creek Gym What will you do this summer?
MAYDE TO WORK EXPO May 28th 10am-1pm Mayde Creek Gym Local Companies Local Jobs Mayde Creek Students Interview
MAYDE TO WORK EXPO May 28th 10am-1pm Mayde Creek Gym Sign Up & Prepare Proof of age of 16 years old + Birth certificate State/Federal Identification Driver’s License Register with Ms. Garcia in the 12th Counselor Suite to receive a pass to the EXPO!
Before an Interview Dress for success: Conservative Dress Clean, conservative shoes Make sure your interviewing clothes fit. Well-groomed hairstyle Clean, trimmed nails Minimal cologne or perfume Empty pockets-no large objects or loose coins Light briefcase or portfolio case No gum or candy No visible body piercing (nose ring, eyebrow rings, etc.) 2. Arrive 10 minutes early 3. Get a good night’s sleep before an interview 4. Eat a small snack before an interview to maintain your energy. (Make sure you brush your teeth and freshen your breath afterward) 5. GO Alone (Do not bring children/friends/family to an interview) 6. Rehearse your 1 minute commercial! A little practice beforehand helps calm your anxiety. 7. Review your unique skills and qualities. 8. Study your resume and application form 9. Practice answering questions with a friend or parent. 10. Identify your interviewing strengths and areas to develop 11. Don’t over-rehearse or memorize your answers
During an Interview How to Listen Pay attention to what the interviewers say and don’t say. Maintain eye contact Nod, smile, and let your face show interest. Take occasional notes. 2. Before You Leave Ask for a business card. If you want the job, look the interviewers in the eye and say you want to work with them. Ask them to describe the next steps in the process. Thank them for their time and interest. Shake Hands. Smile at and thank the receptionist when you go.
After an Interview Immediately After The Interview Take notes about names, personal information and what you learned about the company. Congratulate yourself for doing your best. Send thank you letters to each interviewer. Evaluate your strengths and weaknesses during the interview and identify how you can improve. 2. A Few Days Later A few days later, call the lead interviewer to express your interest and check on the decision’s status. If you have other offers, let the interviewer know---it may help prod a decision. Ask a few more questions about the job-- it shows you enthusiasm and thoughtfulness. Be patient
MAYDE TO WORK EXPO May 28th 10am-1pm Mayde Creek Gym Sign Up & Prepare Proof of age of 16 years old + Birth certificate State/Federal Identification Driver’s License Register with Ms. Garcia in the 12th Counselor Suite to receive a pass to the EXPO!