College Going and Completion of Arizona Public High School Graduates Good afternoon. It’s a pleasure to be with you today. I want to talk to you today about how our public university system and community colleges in Arizona, how they work together and what their differences are. Higher education in Arizona is at once complex and vibrant. We are a system that offers many modes of learning as well as pathways that can take students from community college to our public universities. Dan Anderson Director, Institutional Analysis April 13, 2017
Arizona Board of Regents Educate · Discover · Impact Governing board for the state’s public universities. Members are appointed by the governor and serve eight-year terms. Committed to providing accessible and affordable education to all Arizona citizens Student success is fundamental to the board’s mission. As we start, I want to provide all of you with a short overview of the role of the Arizona Board of Regents and how we serve the people and the state of Arizona, and in particular Arizona’s students. Arizona’s public university system is an unparalleled asset in our state that offers world-class higher education, and is truly foundational to economic prosperity for the state and for our students. The breadth of knowledge, creativity and discovery at our universities – the brain trust of our administrators, faculty and students -- is truly invaluable! The Arizona Board of Regents is charted with governing this complex enterprise. You may think of the board as the entity that approves tuition, but the depth of responsibility of this board is vast. The Board consists of 12 members, 11 voting and one non-voting. This includes the Governor and Superintendent of Public Instruction as ex-officio members, each serving while they hold office, and two Student Regents. As part of the board’s overarching mission, we are working to increase access to our institutions, produce enough high-quality university degrees for the state to be nationally competitive by the year 2020, and provide the educated workforce needed to fill shortages and to stimulate demand for higher paying jobs in Arizona. The regents are working to double the universities’ research expenditures to nearly $2 billion so that we can continue to contribute to the knowledge economy as well. Our goals support and stimulate a growing, vibrant economy and an enhanced quality of life for Arizonans through a top-performing university system that is nationally recognized for excellence in academic and research pursuits. Between the task of delivering affordable higher education that’s relevant to students’ needs and translating new knowledge to the marketplace and to the community, the Board of Regents and university presidents balance strategies to ensure the system provides the quantity and quality of graduates needed to sustain a dynamic and vibrant economy for Arizona. With a more highly educated population, all Arizonans, not just those with degrees, will enjoy greater economic prosperity. However, we have some work to do in Arizona to ensure that all of our citizens who want to pursue education past high school are able to do so.
The Economic Impact of Education Nationally in 2015 (BLS) Unemployment Rate Median Weekly Earnings Less Than High School 8.0% $493 High School Diploma 5.4% $678 Associate’s Degree 3.8% $798 Bachelor’s Degree 2.8% $1,137 Master’s Degree 2.4% $1,341 Doctoral Degree 1.6% $1,676 TOTAL 4.3% $860
Achieve60AZ – Raising Arizona’s Educational Achievement Increasing the percent of 25-64 year old adults with postsecondary certificates and degrees from 42.4% to 60% in 2030. Meeting workforce needs of the future. Collaborative effort. Higher earnings & better quality of life.
What Is A Possible Path Ahead Increasing the percent of our 25-64 year old population with a certificate from 5.0% to 10.0%. Increasing the percent of our 25-64 year old population with an Associate’s degree from 9.3% to 12.4%. Increasing the percent of our 25-64 year old population with a Bachelor’s degree or higher from 28.1% to 37.6%.
Enrollment Up; Academic Preparedness Up 9% increase in high-school graduates who enroll in the fall semester immediately following senior year. Academic preparedness is up: 83% admitted without deficiencies compared to 82% in fall 2012 and 80% in fall 2011. First-term GPA’s unchanged at 2.9 from fall 2010-13. More students taking calculus than college algebra. 1,127 increase in the number of grads going on to our university from the fall of 13 to fall of 14 class. This is 9.4 percent increase.
46.5% Build the College-going Pipeline Percentage of Arizona high-school graduates eligible for admission into our universities. It’s imperative that we do a better job of preparing our high-school graduates for higher education as less than half are eligible for admission to our universities.
Percentage of Arizona high-school graduates who enroll in a postsecondary institution immediately following graduation: 52.5% Numbers are a bit better when considering the percentage of high-school graduates who enroll in a university or community college following graduation. Of these approximately 32,000 graduates from across the state, the numbers are split between those who are going to community colleges and our universities.
Achievement Gaps in College Going Rates Class of 2015-16 Enrolled in a 2 Year Institution Enrolled in a 4 Year Institution Percent College Going Whites 29,805 7,435 9,995 58.5% Hispanics 29,125 8,419 5,064 46.3% Blacks 3,814 1,017 899 50.2% Native Americans 3,099 722 542 40.8% Asians 2,177 408 1,222 74.9% Pacific Islanders 209 39 47 41.1% Two or More 1,544 395 436 53.8% TOTAL 69,773 18,435 18,205 52.5%
Percentage of Arizona high-school graduates who graduate from a 2 year or 4 year institution after 6 years: 6.6 & 20.5% Numbers are a bit better when considering the percentage of high-school graduates who enroll in a university or community college following graduation. Of these approximately 32,000 graduates from across the state, the numbers are split between those who are going to community colleges and our universities.
College Completion – 2009-10 Class Class of 2009-10 Graduated from a 2 Year Institution Graduated from a 4 Year Institution 4 Year Institution Graduation Rate 2 & 4 Year Institution Graduation Rate White 32,338 2,144 8,954 27.7% 34.3% Hispanic 23,325 1,687 2,720 11.7% 18.9% Black 3,892 183 590 15.2% 19.9% Native American 3,631 199 282 7.8% 13.3% Asian 2,053 108 847 41.3% 46.5% TOTAL 65,239 4,321 13,393 20.5% 27.2%
Statewide Performance Inconsistent 35 The number of high schools that sent zero graduates to postsecondary education (7.0% of schools). 142 The number of high schools that sent fewer graduates than half the rate of the median (43.3%) to postsecondary education (28.3% of schools). 2 33 The number of high schools that sent fewer graduates than the rate of the average (41.2%) to postsecondary education (46.5% of schools). 5 8 The number of high schools (out of 501) that produced half of our total graduates going to postsecondary education (11.6% of schools).
Changes in the Last Year Number of high schools sending no graduates to postsecondary education rose from 33 (6.4%) to 35 (7.0%). Half of college going students came from 58 (11.6%) up from 57 (11.0%) of Arizona public high schools. College going rate dropped from 53.1% to 52.5%. The six year graduation rate from two and four year institutions dropped from 27.9% to 27.2%. Those graduating from two year institutions and not continuing their education dropped from 4,368 to 4,321, a decrease of 1.1%. Those graduating from four year institutions and not continuing their education rose from 12,971 to 13,393, an increase of 3.3%.
Where Arizona HS Students Went-Fall 2015 Source: IPEDS, First Time- Certificate/Degree-Seeking Undergraduates
Arizona HS to Two Year Schools
2015 Median Wages of Undergraduates