Anemia Cause: Iron and Vitamin deficiency. damage to red blood cells Signs and Symptoms: Fatigue, pale skin, weakness, shortness in breath, chest pains, frequent infections, headaches, dizziness. treatment: Increase amount of oxygen that the red blood cells carry by changing diet with more iron and vitamins. (vitamin C).
Goiter Cause: Lack of Iodine Signs and Symptoms: Swollen neck, coughing, hard time breathing, tight feeling in your throat. Treatment: You can take medicine, small doses of Lugol’s iodine or potassium iodine solution if the goiter is due to a lack of iodide
Rickets Causes: Rickets is caused by a deficiency of vitamin D, Calcium, or Phosphate which leads to the softening of bones common among children Symptoms: muscle weakness, pain in legs, spine, and pelvis Signs: thicken wrists and ankles, Tetany (uncontrolled muscle spasms) Treatment: correct any abnormal levels with supplemental calcium or phosphate as well as the activated vitamin D. The treatment for some bony abnormalities differs depending on the severity of the case.
Marasmus By: Nick Marna and Julia Walczyszyn
Causes, Signs and Symptoms, and Treatment: Marasmus is a form of malnutrition in which low amounts of both protein and calories are consumed, resulting in an energy deficit in the body Chronic or persistent Diarrhea Fainting or change in level of consciousness Full or partial paralysis of legs Failure to achieve appropriate weight for age/size Treatment of marasmus involves a special feeding and rehydration plan and close medical observation to prevent and manage complications of malnutrition.
Defective Blood Clotting (Vitamin K) Cause: Insufficient dietary intake Signs & Symptoms: Heavy Nose & Gum Bleeding Easily Bruise Cartilage Calcification Treatment: Injection of Vitamin K or Eat Vitamin K rich foods
Xerophthalmia Scott Papsin
Causes Xerophthalmia is caused by extreme deficiency in vitamin A, it is a medical condition in which the eye fails to produce tears.
Signs and Symptoms / treatment Some signs and symptoms of Xerophthalmia are dryness of the eye, cornea becoming dry thick or wrinkled, and poor lid closure. Treatment of this condition can be artificial tear drops and a surplus of Vitamin A.
Xerophthalmia Cause: Lack of vitamin A or lupus and rhum atoid arthritis. Sometimes caused by medications and drugs as well as chemical burns. Signs + Symptoms: The earliest symptoms of Xerophthalmia include mild irritation, hot discomfort, Bitot’s spot, corneal xerosis and a desire to blink continuously. Treatment: Antibiotics can be used if caught early. Xerophthalmia can lead to blindness which is very hard to reverse.
Cause sufficient calorie intake but insufficient protein consumption limited food supply low levels of education (when people do not understand how to eat a proper diet)
Signs and Symptoms swelling of ankles and feet distended abdomen thinning of hair loss of teeth enlarged liver skin depigmentation
Treatment calorie intake and protein intake if treatment is started early enough carbohydrates are given first to supply energy, followed by protein foods
Beriberi Cause: low diet in Vitamin B1 (alcohol can decrease how much B1 your body can absorb) and can be genetic (Thiamine) Signs and Symptoms: shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, decrease muscle functions, vomiting, tingling in lower legs/feet Treatment: Thiamine supplements ( shot or pill)
Scurvy The primary cause of scurvy is insufficient intake of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) The signs and symptoms are general weakness, anemia, gum disease, and skin hemorrhages. Scurvy is treated by providing the patient with vitamin C, administered either orally or via injection. Orange Juice is a dietary treatment along with vitamins
Cretinism Cause: underactivity of the thyroid gland at birth due to deficiency of iodine in the mother's diet during pregnancy Sighs: growth retardation, developmental delay, other abnormal features, the skin is thick, flabby, and waxy in color, the nose is flattened, the abdomen protrudes, and there is a general slowness of movement and speech Symptoms: constipation, tiredness, and sluggishness Treatment:thyroid extract and sufficient iodine intake throughout life, growth may become normal and mental facility greatly improved
Obesity Obesity often leads to becoming overweight, or carrying much more weight than what is considered healthy Obesity is when your body has too much body fat, it’s different from being overweight in that being overweight just means weighing too much Obesity occurs over time when you’re eating calories that you are not using By losing just 5 to 10 percent of of one’s body weight can delay the harmful effects of obesity Obesity can lead to high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, different types of cancer, skin infections, and ulcers
Pellagra – B3/Niacin High sensitivity to light Aggression Hair loss Swelling Tongue inflammation Insomnia Weakness Mental Confusion TREATMENT Supplements of niacin such as nicotinic acid or nicotinamide Eating red meats, fish, poultry
By Griffin Tollefsen and Max Shisler Diabetes (type 2) By Griffin Tollefsen and Max Shisler
Diabetes type 2 Aka- Hyperglycemia Most common form of diabetes When blood sugar levels rise higher than normal Body forms an insulin resistance Pancreas can't keep up with the amount of insulin needed Treated with lifestyle changes, medications (oral or insulin injection) Glucose builds up in blood instead of going into the cells Cells starved of energy Health of eyes, kidneys, nerves and heart decreases