Kindergarten Focus: Blending sounds to make words (sounds learned m, a, t, d, c, o, g, i) Activity: Using the arm, say 3 sounds of a word and have student guess what the words is. (See attachment) 1st Grade Focus: Blending (putting sounds together to make a word) words with consonant clusters & consonant digraphs. Activity: Say the sounds of a word with a consonant cluster or digraph and have the child blend it. (See attachment) 2nd Grade Focus: vowel digraphs and alternative spellings Activity: Read the texts that are sent home to continue reinforcing the sounds/spelling we are learning.
mad mat mitt mom mock dim tack tag tick tot dad dot dock dog dig gag CVC Words for Kindergarten mad mat mitt mom mock dim tack tag tick tot dad dot dock dog dig gag got gig
tip nap fed mat hen pan dot hid fat hot set vet van sat zap pot sad Random CVC Words for 1st graders tip nap fed mat hen pan dot hid fat hot set vet van sat zap pot sad cat net fin cab den had nod gum jam not gas jot six pig jog sun yam sip bat yet bid yes zip bun kit pet lit kid pit lap mud pop log mix ram wax fox rot wig fix rub web fun rim
CCVC Words (consonant clusters) CVCC Words (consonant clusters) CCVCC (consonant clusters) Scab Skin Skip Spin Stop Swim Snug Snap Blob Clam Clog Glad Flip Slot Plug Crab Crop Drag Drop Frog Grip Prop Trot Trap Mask Desk Tusk Fast Best List Lost Dust Raft Left Soft Melt Self Milk Lamp Bump Pant Went Hunt Sand Land Bank Pink wink scalp skunk spend stand stink swept swift blast clink flunk plant slant crust drink tromp trunk
Words with consonant digraphs Words with vowel digraphs Words with alternative spelling chip shop when then king chap chop quit queen shin long bang this thick chin ship shut quilt quiz chat quick thing shout loud owl cow out ouch our down town outside found south vow toiled soiled spoil boil joy toy boy cowboy enjoy cake take name wait aim day play way stay may clay main rain tail pain pay hair nail bake lake
Enfoque de Kínder: No aplica Actividad: No aplica Enfoque de 1er grado: Leer palabras con silabas con /a/ y /e/. Actividad: Practiquen leyendo oraciones con palabras con silabas con /e/. (Mira pagina adjunta) Enfoque de 2do grado: Leyendo con fluidez Actividad: Lean un libro junto y enfóquense en leer las palabras automáticamente y con una velocidad adecuada.
Para primer grado
Para primer grado
Para primer grado
Para primer grado
Para primer grado