Collaboration Proposal Call for research projects 2012: UPV/EHU-UPPA Rare Ocean Species Mediator Project
Content of this document Brief description of the call for projects UPV/EHU –UPPA 2012 Rare Ocean Species Collector Challenges
Brief description of the call for projects UPV/EHU –UPPA 2012
Call for projects UPV/EHU -UPPA Aim of the call Initiate and finance common projects in order to setup, in near future, bigger and more ambitious (multidisciplinary) projects: European funding Framework Program, POCTEFA, FEDER, … Grant Period 1 year Maximum Budget 6K euros Main expenses Travels, technical assistance, … Deadline 10th October 2012
Possible partners Marine Biology Computer Science LRHA/IFREMER(France) AZTI (Basque Country) Computer Science LIUPPA (France) UPV Teams (Basque Country)
Rare Ocean Species Collector
Project Context Collecting information (location, species, etc.) related to the capture of rare* fishes and invertebrates in the ocean is done by several institutes (IFREMER, AZTI, Museum of Natural History, La Rochelle University, etc.) mainly thanks to the help of fishermen Problems No common methodology No data sharing No information indexing/retrieval No data analysis (since input data are only few) * Never/occasionally captured previously
Project Aim Setup an easy-to-use solution able to Standardize information representation Reduce fishermen efforts Increase and speed up data input Provide collective knowledge and data analysis
Rare Ocean Species Collector Project Framework Rare Ocean Species Collector Insert (photo+Meta) Collective knowledge Approve + Analysis Fish Photo fisherman Expert Search (Text+Photo) MetaData Annotate (Text+Photo) MMI Ontology User
Rare Ocean Species Collector How it works? Rare Ocean Species Collector When observing a captured rare fish, a fisherman can take a snapshot on his boat using his cellular phone and upload it into the provided application Insert (photo+Meta) Collective knowledge Approve + Analysis Fish Photo fisherman Expert Search (Text+Photo) MetaData Annotate (Text+Photo) MMI Ontology User
Rare Ocean Species Collector How it works? Rare Ocean Species Collector Insert (photo+Meta) Collective knowledge Approve + Analysis Fish Photo fisherman Expert Search (Text+Photo) A user can look for rare fishes using his/her smartphone. The retreival is based on: photo, keywords, or hybrid MetaData Annotate (Text+Photo) MMI Ontology User
Rare Ocean Species Collector How it works? Rare Ocean Species Collector A user can annotate (send feedback, enrich description and photos, etc.) rare fishes. Insert (photo+Meta) Collective knowledge Approve + Analysis Fish Photo fisherman Expert Search (Text+Photo) A user can look for rare fishes using his/her smartphone. The retreival is based on: photo, keywords, or hybrid MetaData Annotate (Text+Photo) MMI Ontology User
Rare Ocean Species Collector How it works? Rare Ocean Species Collector An expert approves the inclusion into the knowledge base if input data concern rare fishes. Insert (photo+Meta) Collective knowledge Approve + Analysis Fish Photo fisherman Expert Search (Text+Photo) MetaData Annotate (Text+Photo) MMI Ontology User
Rare Ocean Species Collector How it works? Rare Ocean Species Collector An expert approves the inclusion into the knowledge base if input data concern rare fishes. Insert (photo+Meta) Collective knowledge Approve + Analysis Fish Photo fisherman Expert An expert can use the collective knowledge to anaylse the location of specific rare fishes, trace its spatio-temporal migration, etc. Search (Text+Photo) MetaData Annotate (Text+Photo) MMI Ontology User
Challenges Acquisition How to define and easy-to-use and quality input acquisition protocol? How to assist the expert in his/her decision when no enough/relevant data is provided?
Challenges Storage How to define a standard representation able to consider different semantics and meanings? How to reconstruct geographical information (action, subject, time, 3D space, anaphoric resolution) from existing non structured documents? Famille Centrolophidae – Centrolophe noir (Centrolophus niger Gmelin, 1788)1 1 Espèce déjà capturée en janvier 1999 devant Tarnos par 15m de fond Geographical Information subject action time 3D localization specie capturer janvier 1999 Tarnos par 15m de profondeur Centrolophe noir Anaphore
Challenges Storage How to enrich/link data with external sources (Web, PreviMer, SHOM, etc.)? Building multimedia oriented crawlers/wrappers? Building ontologies from structured and non structured sources? Measuring information quality
Challenges Retrieval How to provide multi-criteria query (photo and text)? How to adapt user/expert/fisherman interface (vocabulary, screens, services)? How to identify good services and how to compose new ones? Mashup based approach
Challenges Applications Promotion How to generate on-the-fly applications (for mining, for annotating, etc.) ? Mashup based approach Promotion How to attract people to use “Rare Ocean Species Collector” application(s)? Towards Game Theory?