PALAU Field Campaign in June – July 2008 Two Doppler radars to monitor the structure and evolution of tropical convection Upper-air sounding network for a budget analysis
GPCP Precipitation (June, 1988-99) Objective GPCP Precipitation (June, 1988-99) Understanding of the nature of tropical convective systems (including tropical cyclones) over a monsoon trough region Clarifying the impact of diabatic heating of tropical convection on summer monsoon rainfall (including Baiu / Meiyu)
R/V Mirai Location: 135E, 12N (4-28 June) moving (4-27 July) Observations: Doppler radar, Radiosonde, Surface Met., Turbulent Flux CTD (deep-ocean temp. & salinity)
Palau Islands Area Observations: Doppler radar, Wind profiler, Surface Met., etc. (on-going) G-II Dropsonde (3 – 4 days + ferry flights in June) 6-hourly radiosonde (06, 21 UTC) at Koror and Yap (40 days: 5 June – 15 July)
Woleai Atoll 10km Test launch (March) Radiosonde Observation 40 days (5 June – 15 July) 00/12 UTC (+ 06/18 UTC if required)
Preparation at Woleai (Feb. ’08) Transferring helium gas bottles by a state boat Transferring radiosonde sensors and a receiving system by a chartered aircraft
Real-Time Delivery of Information Site WMO Code / Callsign Data Period Destination R/V Mirai JNSR Radiosonde (Vaisala RS-92) [ 6 hourly ] 40 days + a 6/4 – 6/28 (fixed point) 7/4 – 7/28 (moving) GTS (via JMA) Woleai Atoll 91317 (used only 2 months in 1979) [12 or 6 hourly ] 40 days (6/5 – 7/15) Currently, no destination NOAA site (Yap, Koror) 91408 (PTYA) 91413 (PTRO) Additional Sonde (Vaisala RS-80) [ 06, 18 UTC ] Aimeliik Radar (Palau Is.) N/A Reflectivity Image (hourly) On-going (during 2-3 yeas) Web
PALAU project page
PALAU project page