Lina Munsterhjelm & Annika Seppälä 30.9.2008 Aquatic Plants Lina Munsterhjelm & Annika Seppälä 30.9.2008
Aquatic Plants Are plants that have adapted to living in or on aquatic environments Aquatic vascular plants can be ferns or angiosperms Algae are not plants! Produce oxygen in to water systems
Some plants grow under water, some float on the surface and some have aerial stems Hydrophytes have smaller need to regulate transpiration due to the abundance of water in its environment Aquatic plants require numerous special adaptations
Characteristics of hydrophytes: A thin cuticle Stomata that are open most of the time An increased number of stomata A less rigid structure Flat leaves and air sacs for flotation Smaller and feathery roots Specialized roots able to take in oxygen
Aquatic plants in Finland 112 species (83 actual aquatic plants and 29 aerial stems) The number of species decreases gradually when going from south to north Plants have to adapt to Finnish winter (low water temperature and freezing)
Aquatic plant life forms
Aquatic plants with aireal stems Common reed, water horsetail, bulrush
Leaves under water 2. Water milfoil, perfoliate pondweed, Canadian waterweed
Floating leaves 3. Yellow waterlily, water-lily, broad-leaved pondweed
Under water sprouts 4. Quillwort family, water lobelia
Free floaters 5. Duckweed, frogbit
6. Rigid hornwort, common bladderwort
Water mosses 7. Peat moss
Aquatic plants in Baltic sea There is brackish water in Baltic sea -> fresh and salt water plants Plants have to adapt the diversity of the salt gradient Species and the variety of them changes with the salt gradient
Right answers 1. Pond water-crowfoot = järvisätkin 2. Broad-leaved pondweed = uistinvita 3. Water horsetail = järvikorte 4. Common reed = järviruoko 5. Perfoliate pondweed = ahvenvita 6. Yellow waterlily = ulpukka 7. Water-lily = lumme 8. Duck weed = limaska