Wrap Up Report IACURH Regional Business conference 2017 University of Colorado, Colorado Springs February 9-11, 2017
Review: IACURH 101 Intermountain Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls Conferences: IACURH Regional Leadership Conference, IACURH Regional Business Conference, NACURH Annual Conference Bids: Visual reports used to showcase the accomplishments of an individual or group, used as a nomination process for IACURH and NACURH level awards.
Conference Updates NACURH 2017 – Purdue University (West Lafayette, Indiana) Budget approved at Semis (January) NBD and NNB members attend – facilities tour 10 delegate cap Regional Leadership Conference 2017 – University of New Mexico Boardroom location moved Working on entertainment Regional Business Conference 2018 – Boise State University BSU bid to host RBC18 at UCCS during RBC 2017 “Prism of Possibilities” 4 delegate cap
Legislation MMAB | 3 Year Service Pins - Passed - Turns the 3 year service pin application into a rolling application so you can fill it out at any point MMAC | Award Plaque Funding – Passed - The region will now keep award plaques in their budget so that it isn’t a conference add-on fee MMAD | Regional Conference Pre-Bid Process – Acclimation (Passed) - Instates a pre-bid process on the regional level similar to what NACURH uses. This will help bidding institutions in the conference bid process.
Legislation Cont. MMAH | 3 Year Philanthropy – 12-10-2 (Passed) - Extends reach of regional philanthropy from one year to three. This will allow for more consistent and detailed Philanthropy programming. MMAI | Midterm Vacancy Process – Passed - Clarifies what happens if someone has to step down mid-term MMAO | NCC, RHA President OTY Eligibility – 5-19-0 (not Passed) - Would have made it so that in order to be eligible for RHA President OTY or NCC OTY, you would have needed to serve in the role for a full term. MMAT | LAS-I Jurisdiction – Acclimation (Passed) - Clarifies who oversees the process of Alumni Relations
Fiscal Year 2018 vs. Fiscal Year 2017: $5,470.00 more budgeted Primary Sources of Revenue Add-on Fees Regional Technology Merchandise Sales Membership Dues Transfer from NACURH Revenue Budgeted Revenue for FY 2017 $20,905.00 Budgeted Revenue for FY 2018 $26, 375.00 Expenses Budgeted Expenses for FY 2017 $20,905.00 Budgeted Expenses for FY 2018 $26,375.00 Overall Fiscal Year 2018 vs. Fiscal Year 2017: $5,470.00 more budgeted
Budget Cont. Revenue 2018 Budgeted: Conference Fees: $14.820.00 | Sale of Inventory: $8,250.00 | Transfers In: $3,300.00 Expenses 2018 Budgeted: Bank Charges: $50.00 | Conference Registration: $1,750.00 | Inventory: $4,800.00 | Merchant Fees: $410.00 | Printing: $75.00 | Recognition: $3885.00 | Repairs & Maintenance: $100.00 | Travel: $11,825.00 | Supplies: $540.00 | Transfers Out: $2,600.00
Budget cont. Expenses Line Item Adjustments Conference Registration: +$250.00 Merchant Fees (new line): +$410.00 Recognition: +$2,110.00 (adding award) Revenue Line Item Adjustments Conference Fees for RLC and RBC: +$9.00 Donations: -$1,000.00 (eliminate line completely) (should not be depending on donations as means of revenue) Sale of Inventory: +$2,750 (adding NRHH inventory) Transfers In: +$300.00 for growth in region
Key Points - IACURH Add-on fee is now $24 ($9 increase) - Travel increase – funding CO Travel , and increasing each travel allocation because of size of region - Line Item addition: Merchant Fees (legislation passed at VBC) - NRHH inventory being added (inc. revenue)
Elections Elected IACURH Director: Becca Lynch (ASU-T) AD-NRHH (Associate Director for NRHH) : Matt Denney (UNR) CO-NCCTD (Coordinating Officer for NCC Training and Development) : Jason Littleford (UNR) Still Vacant ADAF (Associate Director for Administration and Finance CO-PRRHA (Coordinating Officer for Presidential Relations and RHA Development) CO-PT (Coordinating Office for Publications and Technology
Election Virtual Chat Positional Intents Close | March 6th Positional Bids Due | March 15th Positional Bids Released | March 16th Positional Election Chat | March 19th at 6:00 PM MST
Award Bids NACURH Distinguished Service Award | Sara Collins, UNM NACURH First Year Experience Award | Allyson Malloy, CU-B NACURH RHA Building Block of the Year Award | University of Utah NACURH School of the Year | UNLV NACURH Student of the Year | Carl de la Cerda, NAU NACURH Valerie Averill Advisor of the Year Award | Corey Friend, UNC NRHH Building Block of the Year Award | UNR NRHH Outstanding Chapter of the Year Award | UA NACURH NCC of the Year | Lupe Godoy, UA NACURH NRHH President of the Year | Erin Mercado, CU-B NACURH NRHH Outstanding Member of the Year | Rachel Maly, CU_B
NACURH Resource File Index (RFI) Database is being fixed! NACURH Corporate Office (NCO) is being officially combined after this year! NSRO and NIC combined at last NACURH NCO Bids happening Will be one central office now! Legislation at NACURH will include making the change from NCC being National Communications Coordinator to NACURH Communications Coordinator.
Why it Matters Conferences are an opportunity for us to meet other people in similar situations and talk to each other about how we can grow our organizations to our fullest potential. Without these conferences, a lot of what we implement on our campus wouldn’t exist. We forget to talk about how we don’t really go for ourselves. We go for the organizations. Bridging the Gap between RHA and NRHH – a lot of institutions don’t have as strong a relationship as we have between our organizations, so we’re in a really good place to help those institutions.