Title: The Cold War Divides the World What was the iron curtain and where was it located? Where was the city of Berlin located and why was this a problem? What promises did Stalin break?
The Idealogical struggle Soviet Union & Eastern Bloc nations a.k.a: The Warsaw Pact & satellite nations Goal: spread communism US & western democracies:NATO Goal: Contain the spread of communism
Methods during the Cold War Espionage: CIA vs. KGB Arms Race & Space Race: Who would get to space first and build nuclear weapons Third world conflicts took place in Korea, Cuba, and Vietnam NATO: North Atlantic treaty Organization is formed In 1946 Churchill referred to the division as a “iron curtain”
Superpower Aims in Europe The Goals of the US: Promote democracy “contain” communism Gain access to raw materials and create new markets Reunite Germany to help it stabilize The Goals of the USSR: Promote the spread of communism to other countries Rebuild using Eastern European materials Control Eastern Europe as a “buffer” to protect the USSR from the west Keep Germany divided so they do not become strong again.
Yalta In Feb. 1945 Stalin, FDR, and Churchill meet to discuss the end of the war. They agreed to divide Germany and the city of Berlin into occupied zones which would be administered by the allied powers.
East Berlin West Berlin Berlin Wall
The Truman Doctrine Truman provided $$ aid to countries that rejected communism. Congress authorized $$ to Greece & Turkey in order to combat communism.
The Marshall Plan Problems facing W.E. included food shortages, scarcity of jobs, and many cities had been damaged or destroyed. In 1947, Sec. of State George Marshall created an assistance program which provided billions of $$$ in food and supplies to help prevent the spread of communism.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (1949) United States Belgium Britain Canada Denmark France Iceland Italy Luxemburg Netherlands Norway Portugal 1952: Greece & Turkey 1955: West Germany 1983: Spain
Warsaw Pact (1955) East Germany U. S. S. R. Hungary Albania Poland Rumania U. S. S. R. Albania Bulgaria Czechoslovakia
From WWII to the Cold War https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpYCplyBknI&list=PL877A2A271CB09BB9
What to do with the vocabulary.. 1. Work together to create 2 questions for each political cartoon utilizing the vocabulary words. 2. Hand in one sheet with your questions with both of your names on it.
Focus for Creating the Questions On how these cartoons illustrate the competing ideologies of the 2 superpowers and the early events of the Cold War.
Imagine If: Imagine that you are a German citizen in their early twenties who happens to live in West Berlin. How is your life going to be affected by the division of the city? Imagine what it will do to your relationships with friends and family your employment, and possibly your college.
First Cold War Test In 1948, the Soviet Union cut off highway, water, and railroad traffic into Berlin’s occupied zones. American and British officials flew food & supplies into Western Berlin for nearly 11 months.
Post-War Germany
Drop Bundles, not Bombs The Berlin Airlift In 1948 the Soviet Union cut off highway, water, and rail traffic into Berlin’s western zones American and British officials flew food and supplies into West Berlin for nearly 11 months In May 1949, the Soviet Union admitted defeat and lifted the blockade
The Cold War Divides the World
“Three Worlds” Post WWII-world’s nations grouped into three political categories: First World Nations-Consisted of industrialized capitalist nations (US and its allies) Second World Nations-Communist nations led by the Soviet Union Third World Nations-Consisted of developing nations, often newly independent, who were not aligned with either superpower. Cold War superpowers (US & USSR) competited over these third world nations.
The Fight for Third World Nations The Third World nations were poor and politically unstable; located in Latin America, Asia, and Africa Third World nations suffered from ethnic conflicts, lack of technology & education Will these nations turn to communism or democracy? The US and USSR both compete for influence by sending foreign aid, building schools, offering technology, sending volunteer workers to 3rd world nations Many 3rd World nations do not want to “take a side”- some decide to stay neutral. India, Indonesia and others from Asia and Africa decide to become nonaligned nations
Strategies used to win third world support…
Building of the Berlin Wall Focus on: 1: Principal Combatants/Causes/Results https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ycppm2cEsw\
In your Groups: Divide & Conquer Decide who will gather the info for each one of the “Hot-Spots” Once you have gathered, share the information with the rest of the group. Once you have shared all the information, then go back and together determine which strategy or strategies were used.
East Asia: Key Combatants: Ho Chi Minh-North Vietnam North Vietnam: supported by USSR South Vietnam: Supported by US US fear of domino theory In 1973 the war ends with a cease fire and in 1974, North Vietnamese forces took Saigon and established all of Vietnam a communist nation. Strategy?: Surrogate Wars
Pol Pot & Cambodia Another example of Genocide. Pol Pot was communist and wanted to turn Cambodia into an agricultural based communist country. Eliminate Opposition: Teachers, those who wore glasses, those who spoke French.
“The Killing Fields” Used his group known as the Khmer Rouge to conduct the genocide. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1km8tL-ctU
The Cold War in Latin America Countries in Latin America took aid from both sides Revolutionaries are often supported by the Soviet Union and the US supports anti-Communist dictators
Showdown The Cuban Missile Crisis (7:23) 1959- Revolution overthrows Batista- the revolution is led by Fidel Castro- Castro brings social reforms, improves the economy, but also suspends elections, arrests/executes opponents and censors the press 1960’s- Castro takes control of US owned sugar mills and the US refuses to trade with Cuba- Castro turns to the USSR for support 1961- Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba by the US- fails 1962- USSR leader Khrushchev begins to build missile sites in Cuba- JFK demands they remove the missiles and plans a naval blockade of Cuba- the Cuban Missile Crises ends when the USSR removes the missiles in Cuba and the US promises not to invade Cuba and to remove missiles in Turkey. 1960’s-1991- Cuba relies on USSR to aid Cuba Showdown The Cuban Missile Crisis (7:23)
Civil Defense in the US develops and promotes the creation of nuclear fallout shelters
Backyard bomb shelters, air raid drills, community fallout shelters, duck and cover drills, etc…reinforced the American belief that Soviet nuclear power was a real threat.
Duck & Cover Drills https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKqXu-5jw60
Nicaragua: 1933- US begins to support Anastasio Somoza – dictator of Nicaragua 1979- Somoza’s son is overthrown by Communist party- Sandinistas (aided by both the US and USSR) 1979-1990- Sandinista leader Daniel Ortega rules Sandinistas aid El Salvadorian Marxists and the US supports Nicaraguan anti-Communists called Contras 1990- Ortega holds free elections and Violeta Chamorro is elected
East Asia: Key Combatants: Ho Chi Minh-North Vietnam North Vietnam: supported by USSR South Vietnam: Supported by US US fear of domino theory In 1973 the war ends with a cease fire and in 1974, North Vietnamese forces took Saigon and established all of Vietnam a communist nation.
Why was the Cuban Missile Crisis a Big Deal? Nuclear Annihilation Brinkmanship: willingness to go to the brink, or edge of war Threat of nuclear holocaust existed from 1945-1989 Duck and Cover drills Shelter Mania
Nicaragua: 1933- US begins to support Anastasio Somoza – dictator of Nicaragua 1979- Somoza’s son is overthrown by Communist party- Sandinistas (aided by both the US and USSR) 1979-1990- Sandinista leader Daniel Ortega rules Sandinistas aid El Salvadorian Marxists and the US supports Nicaraguan anti-Communists called Contras 1990- Ortega holds free elections and Violeta Chamorro is elected
The Cold War in the Middle East Iran: 1940’s-1950’s- Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi westernizes Iran with the support of the United States 1978- Ayatollah Ruholla Khomeini helps spark a revolution with recoded messages while living in exile 1979- Shah Pahlavi flees Iran and Khomeini takes power and works to establish an Islamic state with a militant form of Islam 1979- US embassy in Tehran is taken hostage- 60 US hostages are held for 444 days 1980- War between Iran and Iraq breaks out- US secretly aids both sides to keep the balance of power- the USSR supports Iraq- war ends when UN step in (1988)
Afghanistan: 1950’s- Soviet influence in Afghanistan increases 1970’s- Muslim revolts threaten the Communist regime in Afghanistan USSR sends in forces to help the Afghan Communists and get stuck in a war US arms rebels called the mujahideen (this group will evolve into the Taliban) 1980- US boycotts the Moscow Olympics 1989- Gorbachev (USSR) withdraws from Afghanistan
Cold War in Africa Here again the 2 superpowers supported communist and anti communist leaders and groups in the countries of Angola, Mozambique, and the Congo.