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WACMM Mid-Atlantic Region Men’s Conference At McLean Bible Church Save the date! www.wacmm.org Save the date! On Saturday, Oct. 21. We are excited to have Tony Evans back at MBC for the 2017 Men's Conference. For more information and to register, visit mcleanbible.org/mensconference or Or go to; WACMM.com for more information.
We encourage all who can to participate. Town Hall Meeting Town Hall Meeting will be conducted on Thursday, September 21 in the Smith Center from 7:30-9:00 pm. Congregational Meeting The Congregation Meeting will be conducted on Wednesday, September 27 in the Smith Center from 7:30-9:00 pm. At this meeting, we expect to have a vote to call our next Pastor-Teacher (Senior Pastor). We encourage all who can to participate.
End of Announcements
Teammates September 10, 2017 Earl Ham Connect, Become, Impact
Setting the Scene Community Group Mission Club Card Organization Connect, Become, Impact
Community Group Mission Connect Welcomes and connects people to authentic community Become Teaches and equips people to become like Jesus; identifies and helps people take the next step in becoming a disciple Impact Mobilizes people to further God’s Kingdom This slide outlines the Community Group Mission Statement. Connect, Become, Impact
Teammates’ Club Card TeamMates is a welcoming community which seeks to CONNECT with couples of all ages interested in strengthening their marriages. We seek to equip couples to BECOME effective disciples through our marriages, and ultimately, to IMPACT their spheres of influence and our world for Jesus. We invite you to join us in a great opportunity to ask important questions about life and get answers through biblically based teaching; relationships are authentic, and marriages strengthened. This slide outlines the Community Group Mission Statement. This slide displays the content of the Club Cards…the cards that go on the information walls in the lobby and in the connect room. Note that of all ages has been inserted after couples. Connect, Become, Impact
Organization Positions Incumbent Mission Thank you to the returnees Team Mates Coordinator Earl Ham Become Lead Lee Bennett Become Connect Lead Jonathan & Heather Ansley Connect Greeters Lead Robert Lee Social Activities Lead Art Dean Supper Six Lead Sunday Morning Snack Lead Greg & Sarah Miller/Aubrey & Susan Howard Set Up Lead Roland Smith Jan Smith Tear Down Lead Prayer Request Email Lead Debbie Melllis Welcome Package Lead Heather Ansley Roster Lead Jean Guy Audio/Visual Team Frank Helmes Jingle Go Paul Lentz Loch Guy Connect/Become Impact Lead Mike Pullen Impact Missions Lead Walt Okon TM Coordinator for Ohio State Students Visit Gene & Nancy Brown Clothing Ministry Lead Susan Wyant Thank you to the returnees New Servants: Jonathan Ansley--Connect Leader Advertise TeamMates Work with other Connect Team Leads to fill gaps Aligning TeamMates with Regional Ministry Regional Liaison Couples Attendance spreadsheet should be sent to Marlie De Clerck cc: Earl Ham Staff Contact for TeamMates is now Lee Vaughn TeamMates Koinonia Fuel Focus Connect, Become, Impact
Programming Turkey Outreach Alignment across Campus Christmas Village The goal is a 12-week semester for this fall to begin September 17 and running through December 3 Christmas Village Taking over the building starting Monday, Dec 4 to prepare the various spaces Begin this outreach starting Sunday, Dec 10 and will run each evening through Saturday, Dec 16. Encourage all the members of your Community Groups to volunteer to help with Christmas Village and use this as an outreach opportunity for those in your neighborhoods, places of work, etc. Turkey Outreach Saturday before Thanksgiving – that will be November 18 this fall. Connect, Become, Impact
Building Plan Recent plan indicates holes in security plan with respect to protecting kids, new plan reduces to 4 security checkpoints from 8 currently. All community rooms downstairs will be reserved for kids TeamMates relocates to Room 3400 early 2018. Connect, Become, Impact
Connect Advertise TeamMates Work with other Connect Team Leads to fill gaps Aligning TeamMates with Regional Ministry Regional Liaison Couples Connect, Become, Impact
BECOMING Teach the Word of God in such a relevant way that we all “grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” and each of us and our marriages are transformed into the image of Christ. (Rom. 8: 29; II Peter 3:18) Expose our community group to the Holy Spirit-gifted pastors and teachers at MBC so we all grow to maturity in Christ. (Eph. 4:13) Connect, Become, Impact
IMPACT Make an Eternal Difference by Serving others and sharing the Gospel TeamMates Action Steps Identify ways for Teammates participants to Serve Engage in local opportunities to serve at MBC Serve at MBC Regional Outreach within your region Engage and invest in supporting international missions Continued exposure to Missionaries and Mission organizations affiliated with MBC Teammates International Mission Trip potentially to the Dominican Republic
Today’s Keynote Speaker And now!
Lee Bennett
Ephesus: Historical and Personal Context Teammates September 10, 2017 Lee Bennett
Excellent geographical location
Why was Ephesus strategic? 1.-Geographically 2.-Politically 3.-Religiously 4.-Culturally/intellectually 5.-Economically
Ephesus’ claim to fame
Into the heart of paganism
Table Talk What was the context into which the gospel of Christ came in your life? Who brought it and what were the results on you, your family, others?
Excavated Ephesus: faded glory
Collage of Ephesus
What happened? Read Acts 18-20 including warnings from Paul Revelation 2:1-7 Thirty years later, God further commends and confronts them: Remember from where you have fallen Repent-turn from your current path Return-do the deeds you did at first Removal-of your place of leadership
Wrap Up For next Sunday: read through Ephesians 1:1-14, asking questions such as: What has God given me through Christ? What can I learn about God the Father here? What can I learn about Jesus the Son of God? Newly ordained Pastor Nate Reed will be leading us next week.
Closing song “I Wanna Go Back” by David Dunne https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUvxhGRUR3s Due to copyright laws the song is not embedded, but you can copy/ paste the URL above to your address bar and view the video on YouTube. Play this from the web on YouTube (Prep it ahead of time)