Volunteer Orientation 2017-2018 Rachel Freeman Volunteer Orientation 2017-2018
Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Rachel Freeman School of Engineering! We appreciate your time and commitment to our school. In accordance with NHCS Schools Volunteer Policy (#9022), volunteers must attend a Volunteer Orientation if planning to assist at the school or chaperone a field trip. Volunteer Orientation on-line instructions: Follow the link to the Volunteer Orientation and answer the questions. Print the New Hanover County Schools Volunteer Handbook to keep for your records. Complete the volunteer application. The application is the last page of the handbook. Contact Kim Francum @ 251-6011x204 or kimberly.francum@nhcs.net In-person: Contact Kim Francum @ 251-6011x204 or kimberly.francum@nhcs.net to schedule an orientation at the school.
Volunteering Makes a Difference! The mission of New Hanover County Schools, in collaboration with our parents and the community, is to strive to provide children an excellent education in a safe and positive learning environment where they are prepared with the critical skills to reach their full potential for a world yet to be imagined.
Volunteering Makes a Difference! A “school volunteer” is any person who offers to perform a service or carry out an activity during the school day or during extended-day, school-related programs, including volunteer chaperones on student field trips or other travel trips, without pay or other material compensation. A “school volunteer” also includes athletic coaches who do not receive compensation or remuneration for their services. School Volunteer Policy 9022
Different Kinds of Volunteers Volunteer Level 1 Volunteer level I shall be under the direction of a school staff member. Classroom Helper-Assisting the teacher with regular or special classroom activities or events. Office Helper-Assisting the office staff with clerical duties. Library or Media Center Helper-Assisting the media coordinator with checking books in and out for students and filing books. Cafeteria Helper-Assisting school and cafeteria staff with students. Volunteer Level 2 A Volunteer Level II shall be under the direction of a school staff member. Volunteer Level 2’s may be tutors/group leaders and may be alone with the students. Background checks are required and volunteers are required to pay for the background check. Background checks will be handled through the Human Resources Department. (Policy 6133) The following groups will be exempt from additional background checks: NHCS employees, UNCW staff and student interns, and School Resource Officers. The Superintendent or designee may exempt additional groups. Volunteer duties may include: Tutors - Providing one-on-one remediation with students that the teacher has identified as needing extra support. Field Trip Chaperones - Refer to Field Trip Policy 7552
Different Kinds of Volunteers Volunteer Level 1 A volunteer under the direct supervision of a staff member and in visible supervision when working with children. Requirements: Age 18 years or older, attend a volunteer training, and fill out an application. Volunteer Level 2 A volunteer under the direct supervision of a staff member and may work with small groups of children or chaperone away from the staff member Requirements: Age 18 years or older, attend a volunteer training, fill out an application, and have a criminal background check through the NHCS website.
Make it Fun! Pack a lunch and eat with students in the cafeteria! Join them for recess! Remember to schedule a day/time with a classroom teacher or the Volunteer Coordinator, Kim Francum. Remember not to share food with students; some have food allergies.
Volunteer Expectations Confidentiality - Confidentiality is of the utmost importance in the volunteer’s association with teachers and students. Any information, data or behaviors observed by the school volunteer is confidential. Information observed while visiting the school shall not be discussed with anyone outside the school setting. Information shall not even be shared without use of the student’s name because it is possible that the information could still be linked to the student. Student Educational Record Policy 8700
Volunteer Expectations Confidentiality - Volunteers shall not work with confidential data. Personnel and student files shall not be in the file cabinet/file rooms that are accessible to volunteers. Volunteers may work with student directory information as defined in Policy 8700 Student Educational Record. Cell Phones and Other Electronic Devices - Cell phones or electronic devices shall not be used while volunteering with students. (Policy 6086)
Volunteer Expectations Accidents/Injuries - If a volunteer is injured, the volunteer must notify the office and administration immediately. The site administrator must complete an Accident and Injury report and send it to the Operations Department. Volunteers shall not bring younger children to school with them during their volunteer time. If older children would like to assist, prior arrangements must be made with the Volunteer Coordinator, Kim Francum. New Hanover County Schools requests that the volunteer notify the Volunteer Coordinator at the school if for some reason they are unable to attend a scheduled volunteer shift. New Hanover County Schools request volunteers to be prompt, dependable, and professional.
Volunteer Expectations Safety - Supervising staff shall provide safety, fire and emergency procedures to volunteers. During an emergency or drill, volunteers should follow the directions of the staff member they are with. Volunteers may not administer first aid, except in an emergency. In the case of a fire, the alarm will sound and you should leave the building through the nearest exit. Join the closest group with a staff member and wait for instructions. Do not re-enter the building until an announcement is made that it is safe to do so. In the case of a lockdown, find the nearest room with a teacher or staff member and go inside. Follow the directions of the staff member until the lockdown is complete.
Volunteer Procedures Follow the student and employee relationship policy for appropriate interaction with students (Policy 6442). Volunteers are prohibited from sharing any personal information (such as phone number, email, or address) with a student or asking a student for any personal information. Volunteers are not allowed to interact with students on social media. Volunteers are not allowed to take photographs of students. Restrooms-Volunteers should use the restrooms designated for adults. Please do not use the student restrooms. Tobacco-Rachel Freeman is a tobacco free campus. All use of tobacco products on school property is strictly prohibited (Policy 6434).
Volunteer Procedures Wear a school identification badge at all times that is visible; Sign in and out in the office when arriving and departing; Use appropriate language; Discuss age-appropriate topics; Refrain from disciplining students (Behaviors needing discipline shall be directed to the appropriate teacher or administrator.); Refrain from giving students gifts, rewards, or food items of any kind without the teacher’s permission; be reminded students have allergies Follow the volunteer dress code (Policy 9023)
Policy 6082 Code of Ethics and Standards of Conduct Volunteer Procedures Keep confidential any information about a student or any school-related incident. If there is a safety concern or an emergency issue, it shall be immediately communicated to someone in authority; Be familiar with emergency procedures and drills; Be under the direction of a staff member; Abide by the same code of ethics and standards of conduct for school employees Abide by all other applicable policies and school rules Policy 6082 Code of Ethics and Standards of Conduct
Volunteer Procedures If you know or suspect that a child has been abused or neglected, you must make a report to the appropriate authorities as soon as you learn the information. Notify the classroom teacher, Counselor or School Social Worker to inform them of your concerns and for assistance with making the report (Policy 6440-6441).
More Information You may also use the links below to access policies from the NHCS website: http://www.nhcs.net/policies/policymanual.htm Policy 6082- Employee Code of Ethics & Standards of Conduct Policy 6086- Network and Internet Access for Staff Policy 6133- Conditions of Employment- Background Checks Policy 6434- Use of Tobacco Prohibited by Adults Policy 6440- Child Abuse, Neglect, Dependency and Death by Maltreatment Reports Policy 6441- Reporting Crimes, Acts of Violence and Child Abuse/Neglect Policy 6442- Student and Employee Relationships Policy 6445- Prohibition Against Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying by Officials, Employees, Volunteers and Visitors Policy 7552- Field Trips Policy 8700- Student Educational Records Policy 9022- School Volunteers Policy 9023- Volunteer Dress Code Policy 9410- Soliciting and Advertising Policy 9415- Distribution of Non-School Material to Students
Rachel Freeman Please park in the employee parking lot which is the parking lot to the left when turning in our main entrance. To enter our building, please ring the bell located on the left side of the main entrance. Rachel Freeman is a year round school. Please refer to our calendar for the dates of workdays, holidays and intersession breaks. The Volunteer Handbook for New Hanover County Schools is located on the main website. The volunteer application is the last page of the handbook. http://www.nhcs.net/humanresources/Volunteer/Volunteer%20Handbook.pdf
Background Check for Level 2 Volunteers 1) Go to the County Website – www.nhcs.net - community tab - volunteer portal 2) Apply and Pay online 3) The company will send you an email confirming your background check is complete 4) Forward that email to kimberly.francum@nhcs.net.
Final Steps Complete the Volunteer Orientation Assessment by following the link on the next slide. Print the Volunteer Handbook to keep for your records. The Volunteer Handbook is located on the New Hanover County Schools website. Complete the volunteer application which is the last page of the handbook. http://www.nhcs.net/humanresources/volunteer%20portal.htm If you wish to be a level 2 volunteer, follow the instructions on the previous slide entitled, Background Check for Level 2 Volunteers. Contact the Freeman Volunteer Coordinator, Kim Francum at 251-6011x204 or kimberly.francum@nhcs.net to discuss a volunteer placement.
Volunteer Orientation Assessment Click on the link below to take the assessment. The results will be sent automatically to the Freeman Volunteer Coordinator to verify that you have reviewed and understand the volunteer expectations. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSegBNxN Jf0YwZYhvL-FmnEuVlPjRHLD3tWciR5wmo- pSMV4Cw/viewform?c=0&w=1&includes_info_params =true