Volunteer Satisfaction Survey March 2017 March 2017 Response Rate: 19.1% Number of Respondents: 69/361 Sue McCullough, Community Resources Manager
Volunteer Respondent Distribution
Respondent Volunteer Hours
Respondent Volunteer Duration
Overall Program Results 97% of respondents are extremely likely or very likely to continue volunteering with us. 97% of respondents are extremely likely or very likely to recommend EFAA as a place to volunteer. 94% of respondents feel our volunteer program is very organized or organized. 100% of respondents are extremely satisfied or very satisfied with their volunteer experience at EFAA.
% that Strongly Agreed or Agreed with Statement My volunteer job gives me a sense of accomplishment: 100% I understand the importance of the work I perform: 100% I feel I have support and guidance: 98% I feel I received adequate training: 97% I feel welcome and appreciated by staff members: 97% Staff make me feel my role is valuable and important: 94% I feel I have opportunity to grow and learn as a volunteer: 74% I feel involved in decisions that affect my work: 64%
What do volunteers want to learn? 66% of our respondents want to learn more Spanish. 34% of respondents want to learn about other community resources. 26% of respondents want to learn about public benefits.
Why did they choose to volunteer at EFAA? “I believe in its mission and thought my skills matched the opportunities well.” “Great organization. Great person to person interaction possibilities.” “EFAA’s good reputation.” “Friends who volunteered in the past promoted it.” “It meets immediate needs and while it may not change the world, it makes people’s lives better.”
What keeps them coming back? “I feel I’m needed.” “Meeting inspiring people.” “The clients.” “The fellowship with other volunteers.” “The people.” “Making a difference.”
What do they enjoy most about working with EFAA? “The feeling of helping others.” “The interaction with the clients.” “Seeing results first hand.” “All of it.”
What do they find most challenging? “Language differences with clients.” “I wish I had more skill at speaking Spanish.” “Saying no to requests for things.” “Changing regulations.” “Dealing with difficult clients.”
What can EFAA improve on? “Volunteer input.” “Better balance of volunteers on each shift.” “Comment/suggestions box for volunteers.” “Meetings for walkers/stockers.” “More staff acknowledgment of volunteers.”
Operational Suggestions “More clear instructions or notes posted.” “Lists of things that need to get done for the next shift.” “Provide a place to hang jackets.”
Next Steps ID action steps and implement Share results with Volunteers Provide educational opportunities Improve EFAA info communications Host “refresher” orientations/trainings