What are the benefits of volunteering? Volunteerism not only looks wonderful on a college application or resume, but it allows students to learn new skills, meet new people and network while giving back to their community! Students will also gain confidence and make new friends Be enlightened, Challenge yourself and be a role model for your family, and younger kids in your community!
Opportunities To Get Yourself Out There Students must self-report community service hours. LVA Students can earn up to 1 credit on their transcript (120 hours) Students can volunteer at any local non-profit, house of worship, government agency or school. ( Hours completed for volunteer classes, school clubs, and other volunteer programs can count toward their hours of service) Students must have a volunteer supervisor (that is not a relative) verify their service. Websites for volunteering. These great websites will help you find volunteer opportunities in your area! http://volunteer.uwsn.org www.volunteermatch.org www.idealist.org www.volunteer.gov
See your School Counselor to get forms and approval for Volunteer Service Return the CCSD External Credit Application Form and began Community Service. Document Community Service hours on CCSD Community Service Program Volunteering Student Time Sheet (Remember you can only get credit documented on your transcript for 120 hours => 1 credit) Complete CCSD Community Service Program Volunteering Student Summary Sheet Finally, return both forms to your Counselor (Volunteer Service will get added to your transcript). Questions? See your Counselor!
CCSD External Credit Form
CCSD Community Service Program Volunteering Student Summary Sheet
CCSD Community Service Program Volunteering Student Time Sheet
Things to remember! People choose to volunteer for a variety of reasons: For some it offers a chance to give back to the community Make a difference in someone life Develop new skills Network / meet new people /make new friends Build on experiences and gain knowledge. Gain confidence and build a real sense of achievement