SHAPE your School Mental Health System! The School Health Assessment and Performance Evaluation (SHAPE) System A dynamic, free online system to improve school mental health accountability, excellence, and sustainability. Looking to improve school mental health accountability, excellence and sustainability in your school or district? This PowerPoint presentation provides an overview of The School Health Assessment and Performance Evaluation System, The SHAPE system, a dynamic, free online system to improve school mental health accountability, excellence and sustainability. Our state is on the forefront of school mental health quality improvement and sustainability and was selected to participate in the National Coalition for State Advancement of School Mental Health with other select states across the country. Our state leadership is strongly encouraging districts and schools to register for The SHAPE System. Schools and districts can go through this brief PowerPoint presentation to learn more!
SHAPE your School Mental Health System! The School Health Assessment and Performance Evaluation (SHAPE) System is a free, interactive system designed to improve school mental health accountability, excellence, and sustainability. SHAPE is the web-based portal by which comprehensive school mental health systems can access the National School Mental Health Census and Performance Measures. SHAPE is hosted by the Center for School Mental Health and funded in part by the US Department of Health and Human Services. The SHAPE System is a free, interactive system designed to improve school mental health accountability, excellence, and sustainability. Here teams can be counted in the national school mental health census and engage in a team-based performance measurement process designed to improve the quality of their services. The SHAPE System was developed by the National Center for School Mental Health at the University of Maryland School of Medicine with funding from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Maternal and Child Health Bureau
Watch this brief video for an overview of The SHAPE system and the many benefits that SHAPE offers for your school mental health system.
Be Counted and Get your Blue Star on the Map! It takes 2 minutes to begin with the SHAPE system and have your school or district counted in the school mental health census and get your blue star on the map. You can get started right now! Go to on your computer or mobile device and click the yellow “Join Now” in the upper right hand corner. This is for ANY individual who is part of a school mental health system – it takes 2 minutes to answer 11 questions from your point of view about your school mental health system. At the end, submit your email address and you’ll be added to SHAPE news and updates. From here you can talk with your team about registering on SHAPE and accessing the additional benefits that SHAPE has to offer.
Schools and School Districts Can Use SHAPE To: Document their service array and multi-tiered services and s supports There are many benefits to using SHAPE for schools and districts. For example, school and district school mental health teams can use SHAPE to document their service array and multi-tiered services and supports. After completing this information your team will receive free customized reports outlining this information for your school or district.
Schools and School Districts Can Use SHAPE To: Advance a data-driven mental health team process for the school or district Strategic Team Planning Free Custom Reports Most importantly you can use SHAPE to advance a data-driven mental health team process for your school or district. You will be able to self-assess your school mental health system quality and sustainability and receive free customized reports and strategic planning resources to help drive quality improvement and sustainability individualized to your team needs and priorities.
Schools and School Districts Can Use SHAPE To: Access targeted resources to help advance your school mental health quality and sustainability By registering with SHAPE you will also gain free access to numerous targeted resources to help advance your school mental health quality and sustainability.
Schools and School Districts Can Use SHAPE To: Achieve SHAPE Recognition to increase opportunities for federal, state and local grant funding By participating with The SHAPE System your school and district will achieve SHAPE Recognition to increase opportunities for federal, state and local grant funding. Our state is strongly encouraging schools and districts to use the SHAPE system and achieve Silver Star Status.
SHAPE is part of the NQI This is an example account that shows how where teams can add team members, complete the National School Mental Health Census, Quality and Sustainability Performance Measures, and browse a comprehensive resource library of PDFs, videos, guides, and weblinks on all aspects of school mental health programming
Why would a district use SHAPE? Districts that: want to document what mental health services they have across tiers of support in the district need a uniform quality improvement process process to understand school mental health strengths and needs throughout the district would like to standardize the process of school-community mental health partnerships in their district, while still allowing schools to individualize services to their needs Here are some more specific benefits of SHAPE for a school district
Why would a school use SHAPE? Schools that: want to document their school- and community-employed mental health staffing need to identify what services they have for specific problem areas across a multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) are interested in improving their universal screening practices, but don’t know where to start would like to better partner with community mental health providers, but want to be sure that added services meet needs, and are complementary with and augment existing staff supports And there are many benefits for individual schools to use SHAPE
Why now? Summer is perfect timing to complete the School Mental Health Profile, Quality and/or Sustainability Assessments in SHAPE with your 2016-2017 school mental health team Opportunity to evaluate strengths and needs of system in 2016-2017 Identify areas of growth using 2016-2017 data and start your strategic plan for 2017-2018 improvements Engage key team members to re-assess the system in the fall Develop buy-in and commitment for next year improvements
Schools and districts using SHAPE Schools and districts in 46 states + Washington, D.C. have started using SHAPE and completed the School Mental Health Census The SHAPE System: Voices from Early Adopters Early adopters of this system have shared that the SHAPE system gives a structure to their quality improvement work as a multidisciplinary team in the schools and helps them stay accountable to one another and their collective goals for quality improvement.
Voices from early adopters “It has made us accountable in setting goals/outcomes, tracking data and conducting ongoing assessments on how we are integrating mental health supports in our schools.” Early adopters of this system have shared that the SHAPE system gives a structure to their quality improvement work as a multidisciplinary team in the schools and helps them stay accountable to one another and their collective goals for quality improvement.
Voices from early adopters “Our system has improved across the board regarding implementation of the National Performance Measures, which has, in turn, translated into better services for students, stronger and more sustainable partnerships with community mental health agencies and universities, improved practices regarding identification of students and progress monitoring, and the adoption of policies and strategies that place school mental health as a central focus for district improvement. Funding has improved as well, and the district has teamed to move the mental health initiative in [our district] moving forward.” Early adopters of this system have shared that the SHAPE system gives a structure to their quality improvement work as a multidisciplinary team in the schools and helps them stay accountable to one another and their collective goals for quality improvement.
Voices from early adopters “It has brought key folks to the table that had not previously worked together for a common purpose/shared goals. It sparked ideas and enthusiasm. It helped the school and community providers better align. It provided lots of learning for our team that we can spread to others in the district. It gave us a framework, resources, and ideas to use in our efforts. It gave us a reason to get started on good work.” Early adopters of this system have shared that the SHAPE system gives a structure to their quality improvement work as a multidisciplinary team in the schools and helps them stay accountable to one another and their collective goals for quality improvement.
National Coalition for the State Advancement of School Mental Health Our state is participating in the National Coalition for State Advancement of School Mental Health. Our state leadership is strongly encouraging districts and schools to register for The SHAPE System and achieve Silver Star Status. The SHAPE System is a dynamic, user-friendly resource to help districts and schools within our state better understand their school mental health capabilities and drive quality improvement and sustainability. Our state is on the forefront of school mental health quality improvement and sustainability and was selected to participate in the National Coalition for State Advancement of School Mental Health with other select states across the country. Our state leadership is strongly encouraging districts and school to register for The SHAPE System and achieve Silver Star Status. We highly recommend schools and districts in our state register for The SHAPE system as it is a dynamic, user-friendly resource to help districts and schools within our state better understand their current school mental health capabilities and drive quality improvement and sustainability.
More questions about SHAPE? The Center for School Mental Health can provide personalized demonstrations and technical assistance to schools and districts interested in the SHAPE System. Contact the Center for School Mental Health at or the click the “Contact Us” tab on The SHAPE System: Please contact the Center for School Mental Health or our state leadership for any questions about SHAPE!