Cattle Marketing: Cash Market Basics Derrell S. Peel Extension Livestock Marketing Specialist and Breedlove Professor of Agribusiness Oklahoma State University
Marketing Tactics Shrink and weighing conditions Price slides Marketing channels
Price Slide or Rollback OK combined auction, 2000-2016 Weight (lbs.) Price ($/cwt.) Change Slide (Cents/lb.) % Slide 375 163.78 425 155.26 -8.52 17.04 10.4 475 147.83 -7.43 14.86 9.6 525 141.32 -6.51 13.02 8.8 575 135.19 -6.13 12.26 8.6 625 130.51 -4.68 9.36 6.9 675 126.93 -3.58 7.16 5.4 725 124.19 -2.74 5.48 4.3 775 121.15 -3.04 6.08 4.9 825 118.38 -2.77 5.54 4.6 875 115.36 -3.02 6.04 5.1 925 112.50 -2.86 5.72 5.0
Market Channels Choice of marketing channel affects information and negotiation requirements Local/regional auctions Video auctions Direct sale
Cattle Marketing: Tactical Considerations Establish Price Risk management Transfer ownership Legal (determine buyer) Physical (shipping) Marketing Alternative Establish Price Establish Buyer Transfer Ownership Cash Auction Now Video Auction Later Forward Contract Futures Hedge
Marketing Cull Cows Improve profits from cull cows Utilize excess forage/feed resources