African Americans and the Civil War Economic Impact Casualty Rate 11.3 Life During War Time African Americans and the Civil War Economic Impact Casualty Rate
Lincoln Revokes Military Emancipation General Fremont General David Hunter Fremont frees slaves owned by Confederates in Missouri – Lincoln removes him from duty General Order # 11 Frees Slaves in FLA, GA, SC
Confiscation Act (1861) / Second Confiscation Act (1862) “An Act to confiscate Property used for Insurrectionary Purposes.” Colonize free blacks Compensated Emancipation Act (4/1862) Ended slavery in Washington D.C. by paying slaveholders for their slaves General Order 143 (1863) “Creation of the U.S. Colored Troops” Equal Pay Act (1864) Congress grants equal pay for black soldiers $13 month
"Once let the black man get upon his person the brass letter, U. S "Once let the black man get upon his person the brass letter, U.S., let him get an eagle on his button, and a musket on his shoulder and bullets in his pocket, there is no power on earth that can deny that he has earned the right to citizenship." - Frederick Douglass
Massachusetts 54th All Black Regiment Colonel Robert Gould Shaw Fort Wagner, SC
Union economy Confederate economy Food Shortages Lack of labor (whites and slaves) Union occupation Supply Shortages Union blockade Smuggling Inflation “War time boom” Profiteers Corruption Strikes Income Tax Women in the workforce
Southern Inflation
2013 Income Tax Rates
Casualty Rates Why did so many die? Civil War (Americans killing Americans) New Weaponry Rifle Minie Ball Antiquated warfare Limited medical advancements Amputation very common Poor sanitation / hygiene diarrhea, dysentery, lice
Dorothea Dix Clara Barton