1. Improve School Safety Infrastructure And Protocols
2. Create and Implement School District Communications Initiatives
3. Increase High School Honors, College Credit, and AP courses
4. Remove all modular classroom trailers.
5. Implement All-Day Kindergarten
6. High School – Middle Schools Combined Transportation Routes
7. Reconfiguration of School District (grades K-5)
8. Reduce spending by increasing efficient use of taxpayer dollars
Completed Improvement Projects
Safe Routes to School Completion Sidewalks Lighted 20 mile per hour signs Curriculum promoting walking between HS and MS Curbing / bike racks Count-down crosswalk signals Light signals ADA compliant accessibility between HS and MS
HS and MS Bike Racks
MS and HS Fire Alarm Systems
Bleacher hand rails and steps
New High School Roof
Modular Classrooms removed
Conference Rooms
Book Rooms
Secured Atriums Mines / HS
Gas Line replacements Springs and Middle School
Lead fixture replacement
Maintenance Cost Savings Over $409,000 in cost savings Acquire multiple bids on purchased services and parts Streamlined parts and materials ordering through single purchaser Job scheduling and electronic work order system implemented for greater efficiency Initiated local vendors/businesses to be included in quoting Seek to repair, rather than always replace Hired skilled individuals to perform work in-house
Transportation changes
Transportation Savings Reduced mileage, fuel consumption, and maintenance on our buses by 50% by combining the MS and HS routes 14 minute transit between buildings. Elementary route transfer to destination buses is down to 4 minutes. All student rides on bus routes average between 26 – 48 minutes (first to last)
Security ID Cards All school employees and coaches will wear identification/access cards so that students can feel safe knowing all individuals in the buildings and grounds should be there.
Classroom Door Security All classroom doors have been outfitted with the “BOLO Stick” device that offers an additional barricade in the event an active intruder/shooter has gained access to the school building.
Howland Board Policy Completed via collaboration with Ohio School Boards Association and live on Webpage Administrative Guidelines accompany policy for administrators with protocols on administering “best practices” to interpret and enforce Board Policy equitably and fairly for students, staff, and parents
Go Tigers!