2017 Wando Cross Country
Coach Davis 740-704-5378 bret_davis@charleston.k12.sc.us Runners: Text: @Wandoc To: 81010 or 843-627-0005 Parents: Text: @Wandocr
Coach Emmerson Jenniferm_Johnson@Charleston.k12.sc.us 843-991-2691 Remind 101 Text: @938ee To: 81010 Assistant Coach Braun christina_braun@charleston.k12.sc.us
Additional Info. Assistant Coach Goodman wandoathletics.org Team Meals Jared_goodman@Charleston.k12.sc.us wandoathletics.org Schedule Forms Team Meals Senior Team Captains Donations both $ and Food/Drinks Online Donations Race Day Supplies Donations
Girls Team Meals Tentative dates for team meals September 7 October November **Please let me know if you would like to host a team dinner**
Odds and Ends Booster Club Online Donations Travel Drive for $25 Online Donations Goal is $150 per athlete Online vs. Check Donations Travel Spartanburg and Charlotte Big Buses and Little Buses Overnight Rules Parent transportation to and from meets Eye Opener and Summerville Invitational Wendy’s and Lexington Invitational Injuries Diet Pick-Up Times
Boys Attendance Tardies Absences Arriving to practice between 4:00 and 4:30 After 4:30 the tardy is an absence 5 tardies = 1 absence Absences 1st absence = Warning 2nd absence = Warning (Captain Discipline) 3rd absence = Deck of cards in < 10 minutes 4th absence = Meet suspension 5th absence = Ineligible for Varsity Absences are only excused if a doctor’s note is brought back after absence (appointments don’t count) If you can attend school then you can attend practice COMMUNICATION
Girls Attendance Practice starts at 4:00 –that means you need to be there and ready to run at 4:00! Success will depend on attendance. Please plan all other activities/appointments with this in mind. If there is going to be a conflict, email me as soon as you know so we can work out an alternate workout.
Boys Weekly Schedule Monday – Park West 4-6PM Tuesday – Wando 4-6PM Weight lifters will go till 6:30PM Wednesday – Park West 4-6PM Thursday – Wando 4-6PM Friday – Park West 4-6PM Saturday – 7-9AM on days there are no races Locations will be sent out via Remind101
Girls Practice Schedule Monday @ Wando 4:00 – 6:00 Tuesday @ Park West 4:00 – 6:00 Wednesday @ Wando 4:00 – 6:00 Thursday @ Park West 4:00 – 6:00 Friday @ Wando 4:00 – 5:30 Saturday (when there is not a race) TBD
Schedule August 23rd: Scrimmage @ B.E. @ 5:30PM August 26th : B-Rad Memorial Invitational September 2nd: Eye Opener in Spartanburg (Top 7 Overnight) Greenwave Invite @ Summerville (JV) September 9th: Coaches Classic in Columbia September 16th: Lake Murray in Columbia September 20th: County @ IOP @ 5:00PM September 30th : Low Country @ Mullet Hall October 7th: Wendy’s in Charlotte (Top 7 Overnight) Run Hard Invite @ Lexington (JV) October 14th: Sandhills in Columbia October 18th: Region @ Wannamaker @ 4:00PM October 25th: Lower State @ Wannamaker November 4th: State Championships in Columbia
Boys Pre-Season Hype 2016 AAAAA State Champion Runner-Ups 2016 #2 Team in South Carolina 1 All-State Returning Runner 2 All-Region Returning Runners 2 All-Low Country Runners 2017 Pre-Season #1 in AAAAA 2017 Pre-Season #1 in South Carolina This is a great starting point, but not where we need to be, and it is all based on last year.
Individual State Champion 1 Runner under 16:20 State Champions #1 in SC in 2017 Lower State Champions Individual State Champion 1 Runner under 16:20 4x Runners between 16:30-:40 Every SR. given the chance to run in college Region Champions Top 10 Team finish at Wendy’s Top 3 Team finish at Coaches Classic Team Champion at Sandhills Invitational Set new school record Be Prepared Everyday Be on Time Everyday Make Practice Hard but Fun and Competitive Make sure everyone gets the attention they deserve and need Make sure the Senior class grooms the Underclassmen to take over the program (Prepare for next year)