Welcome to New College
Hello my name is… I Teach…
Who is your Progress Tutor? Linda Helen Karen Emma Jo Tracy Wendy Sally Glenn Joyce Claire Andy Ella
Tutorials You will have tutorial sessions throughout the year The aim of tutorials is to support you in your academic lives here at New College but also to prepare you for the next steps. You will be given important information in every tutorial, some of which is vital for progression to Year 13 and beyond. Attendance to tutorial sessions is compulsory. They are timetabled lessons.
Timetables Please check through your timetable carefully. If there are any mistakes, mention these to your tutor who will direct you to Student Services. You can not try and make any subject changes until next week at the earliest. There are maps around the college site to help you find your way but if you get stuck, just ask a member of staff. We will be happy to help!
ID Cards and Transport You can collect bus passes and ID cards from the LRC from today onwards. Students will not be allowed to travel on Poppleton’s buses from 19th September without a bus or metro pass.
Lanyards Student ID must be visible at all times whilst on the college site. Student Services issue temporary lanyards at the cost of £1. The £1 deposit will be refunded on return the following day. Serious sanctions will be enforced for persistent offenders. If you do lose your ID card then you can replace it at the cost of £ 5.
Lanyards This is something we take very seriously. Lanyards must be worn by students at all times in the interests of safety and to prevent and identify on-site intruders. If you fail to wear it the following sanctions will apply. Stage 1 - Must pay £1 to students services for a temporary lanyard each day Stage 2 - If you cannot pay £1 you will be sent home or will have to work in isolation under the supervision of your Progress Tutor. Stage 3 - Persistent offenders will be placed on the college contract system. Stage 4 - Progression through the contracts leading to exclusion will lead to exclusion. This is something we take very seriously.
Fire drill Assembly Point A Assembly Point B (rugby pitches) SA, VA, LAW, West Side Cafe In the event of a fire alarm follow the instructions of the member of staff and make your way to your assembly point. If you are in the LRC or Students’ Union you must also make your way to the nearest assembly point. There will be a fire drill this half term. Assembly Point B (rough ground) LAC, LAE, PA, SU, LRC
Enrichment activities There are different types of enrichment activities: Timetabled enrichments - enrichments you have signed up for in advance. Absence from these sessions will affect your overall attendance. If you have changed your mind about an enrichment you are signed up for, see your Progress Tutor. Non-timetabled enrichments - these are extra clubs, societies and events that staff and students arrange throughout the year. Although attendance to these sessions is not compulsory, a healthy set of enrichment activities will make for an interesting and engaging CV, UCAS statement or job application.
FRESHERS’ WEEK This exciting event will allow you to take part in lots of fun and interesting activities. It’s also a great opportunity to meet people and make new friends. Your tutor will go through the Freshers’ events with you today.
PRINTING You can access any printer in college to print off your work, research documents, past exam papers, etc. You will need to use your ID card in order to print by swiping it on the printer. Follow the instructions on the printer. Go to the IT help desk on the middle floor of the LRC if you have any problems.
Moodle – student zone There is a huge amount of useful information for you in the student zone on Moodle which is updated regularly. If you need to find out any information about student life in college, this is the place to look. You should also pay attention to the screens around college as these will advertise important notices and events. Checking your emails daily will also ensure you never miss out on any opportunities or important information.
Emails Subject teachers often use emails to communicate with individual students or groups Homework may be set via this way Equally, students can contact staff via email Exam notices are communicated via email Careers, university and job opportunities are also communicated via email.
What should I do in my ‘free’ periods? There is no such thing as a ‘free’ period. Think of the gaps in your timetable as ‘directed study time’. You can spend this time in the following places: LRC - three floors of study space with facilities such as computers, laptops, iPads and of course books! You can also rent out individual or group study rooms or take advantage of the silent study area on the top floor. Just ask at the LRC desk
What should I do in my ‘free’ periods? Departmental study rooms - each department will have a classroom open to students over lunchtime. SU - the Students’ Union is a social space but can be used for studying during quieter periods. TAPs - Teacher Access Periods which you may already be timetables for. Open Access rooms - ask at the LRC desk to find out which computer rooms are available around college for you to study in.
New student meeting zone Available all day today (top floor LRC) Next week too if still needed Don’t be on your own, meet like- minded students in the same boat Year 13 students will be there to meet you!
Have a fantastic first day! Any questions? To end this session we will now give you the opportunity to ask any questions you would like. Have a fantastic first day! Reminder: that Period 2 lessons start today at 11:10 and we don’t have bells to signal lessons starting.
Where to find your tutor Tracy Jo Claire Linda Wendy Andy Glenn Joyce Ella Emma Karen Helen Lrc l7 Lrc l26 Sally
Where to find your tutor Jo Claire Emma Karen Sally Joyce Ella Lrc l2 Lrc l28