December Adult Meeting
What did God call Adam and Eve to do? Opening Questions What did God call Adam and Eve to do?
Opening Questions How did they respond?
What did God call Mary to do? Opening Questions What did God call Mary to do?
Opening Questions How did she respond?
Opening Questions Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, and Mary were no doubt very special, but does God call only certain people to cooperate with His will? Or does He call all of us?
When you first look at this painting, what do you notice When you first look at this painting, what do you notice? What is your favorite part of the painting and why?
Who are the figures in the painting?
What is this event known as?
What do you notice about the overall composition of the painting: the colors, the background, the lighting, etc.?
Read Luke 1:26-30. What does the archangel Gabriel tell the Blessed Virgin Mary? How does she feel at first? What is her response to the news she recieves?
The Blessed Virgin Mary is a perfect example of obedience. Why?
What would your reaction be if an angel told you about a special mission God wanted you to carry out?
Key Points in Our Readings This Month The Annunciation was God’s announcement to Mary that she had been chosen to be the Mother of the Son of God. God preserved Mary from Original Sin from the moment of her conception. Where Eve’s rejection of God brought death, Mary’s yes to God brought life in Jesus Christ.
Key Points in Our Readings This Month God Himself entered into human history by sending His only beloved Son, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, to become man and assume a human nature. This mysterious truth is known as the Incarnation.