Pedagogical Goals July 18, 2017
Mathematical problem solving Have we done this? HOW? Mathematical discourse Mathematical problem solving Students and teachers communicate their questions, ideas and solutions in search of making sense of the mathematics. A culture of exploration, conjecture, justification and generalization is the norm. Rigorous and relevant tasks are examined from multiple representations. Pathways to a solution are connected and make sense. Students and teachers are expected to share thoughts and insights while solving tasks. The tasks are designed to help students make sense and gain insight to rich mathematical ideas.
Questioning strategies Differentiated instruction Questions are crafted to purposefully help the teacher or student reach an expected goal (researching, leading, assessing, etc.) The question allows the student or teacher to deepen understanding of the mathematics or the strategy being used by the person working on the task. The teacher purposefully designs lessons, tasks, experiences, and questions to allow all students access to the core mathematical goals of the lesson or course. The teacher takes into consideration the learning styles and strengths of every student.