BUS 362 Marketing Research SPSS Exam Prep Fall’16 Name: Tsvetiana Zaharieva Time of the exam start: 9.09am 4 digit/letter code: 2511
Instructions This exam is designed to test your ability to use SPSS to perform the set of analyses that have been covered in this class during the semester. For the exam you will be using a dataset based on a case study presented in your textbook called “AAA Concepts”. You need to answer 7 questions, which can bring you a total of 14 points equal to 14% of your final grade for the semester. You have 60 minutes to complete the exam. Each question is presented on an individual slide. Use the slide body to provide an answer and/or paste a graphical illustration/ table to support it. If you need additional space, insert an additional slide. Upon completion, you will save the PPT file with your answers on the desktop of your computer and raise your hand to alert the instructor. You will submit your work over outlook in front of the instructor and wait for verification that it has been received. Good luck!
Mention type of information, types of analyses and main takeaways. Q1: Describe the demographic profile of the sample including town size. Provide graphs. 2 pts Mention type of information, types of analyses and main takeaways. The type of information is ordinal. The used type of analyses is Descriptive Statistics – Frequencies. Ordinal data, median and mode analysis. The mode is. Provide a chart as well.
Nearly 50% of the respondents live in a town that has 500,000 citizens or more. There are almost an equal number of men and women. There’s a nearly equal number of unmarried and married people.
Nearly half of the respondents fall in the 35-64 age category Nearly half of the respondents fall in the 35-64 age category. When it comes to education close to one third of the respondents have received a high school degree.
The biggest amount of people work in sales and office, while one third of the population receive a salary from between 25,000$ to 49,999$.
When it comes to living conditions, nearly half of the respondents live in a single-family housing.
Insert our answer here… Q2: Test the hypothesis that on general people tend to agree that: “We need to do something to slow global warming” 2 pts Insert our answer here… There are 1000 respondents and the mean is 5.33 which falls between the answers “Agree” and “Strongly agree.” Which proves our hypotheses to be true. The standard deviation is 1.910, which is within the +/-1.96 which means that the confidence interval is 95%. Use test value=5. Use a test value to compare. One Sample T test, One Sample Statistics
Q3: Identify whether married and unmarried people differ in their opinion on the “Probability of buying a standard size hybrid auto within the next three years” 2 pts Type your answer here… They do differ. Do also Independent Sample Test. Check the T-score . Ho holds, which means that they DO NOT hold.
developed for by rkp990
Q4: Identify whether there are at least two age groups that display similarity in their opinion on the “Probability to buy a small (2 seat) hybrid auto within the next three years” 2 pts Type your answer here… Do ANOVA analysis.
Insert our answer here… Q5: Identify whether the age category is associated with and plays a role in the “Favorite television show type” selection. 2 pts Insert our answer here… The null hypotheses is that the two variables are not correlated. However, the Pearson Chi-Square shows 0% which is less than 5%, which means that the hypothesis doesn’t hold. This means that the age category and the favorite TV show type are correlated.
Insert your answer here… Q6: Identify whether there is a correlation, what is the strength and the direction between “Classic lifestyle” , “gender” and “Job category”. 2 pts In order to be significant(have correlation) it will have the asterix. Insert your answer here… Correlation Strength Direction Lifestyle / Gender Not present (it didn’t flag) 0.16 none positive Gender / JobCat -0.006 none negative JobCat/ Lifestyle 0.007 none
Insert your answer here… Q7: Identify what demographic factors can serve as predictors for the preference of a standard size 4 seat hybrid car AND to what extend they can do so 2 pts Insert your answer here… Do Regression, but run it twice. The second time take out the variables that are above 5%. We need It for R which predicts the %of preference. This is ANOVA analysis.
Thank you for your participation in the SPSS mock exam!