Issues and Debates Nature v Nurture.


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Presentation transcript:

Issues and Debates Nature v Nurture

Your Homework For the next lesson, you need to have completed your homework on observations (from the summer) Also, you will have to have completed the maths homework ready for a formal test next lesson

Starter: 1) In silence, read your homework answers for three minutes 2) Write some of the definitions on the big white boards (BWBs) Group 1 do A, B, C, D Group 2 do B, C, D, E Group 3 do C, D, E, F Group 4 do D, E, F, G Group 5 do E, F, G, H Group 6 do F, G, H, I Nativism Empiricism Interactionism Heredity MZ and DZ twins Concordance rates Stress-diathesis model Neural plasticity Passive and active gene-environment interaction 3) Now walk clockwise around and check the answers

What do you know about nature vs nurture What do you know about nature vs nurture? – kahoots quiz (use your phones)

The nature-nurture debate is an issue throughout psychology What’s your opinion? Write on one side of MWB nature, and on the other side write nurture. Hold up your boards to each one. There is no right answer. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Gender specific behaviour Phobia of spiders The Sleep/wake cycle (24 hours) Leadership Risk-taking Memory ability Ability to form secure relationships Addictive personality Parents bond to their offspring

So how would we know? In psychology, we look at evidence to support or contract a theory. For example… “in an experiment into aggression, Bandura found that children will imitate aggressive behaviour is they saw an adult receive praise for a violent display” This would suggest that aggression is learned. However…

So how would we know? In psychology, we look at evidence to support or contract a theory. For example… “in correlational studies, evidence suggests that higher levels of testosterone in males are associated with increases in male-typical behaviours, such as physical aggression and anger. This would suggest that aggression is innate.

An example: Why do boys like trains and girls like dolls? Is this stereotype true? Find out your new colleagues favourite toys when they were children Are these preferences down to learning or are they caused by biology? Write which one you think on the mini-white board. (not allowed to say both) bPbME Now you’ve seen the clip, what do you think? Is gender preference at play biological or learned?

Another example: Some people are biologically more violent than others… Do you agree with this statement? Discuss in your groups. Children who watch more violence on TV/Film will be more aggressive in real life. Do you agree with this statement? Now you’ve seen Bandura’s research, is aggression learned or biological?

The Debate – You will be allocated a number relating to a point in the argument What is the nativist approach Arguments against the nativist approach Study supporting nativism Theory or study against nativism (interactionism?) Example of innate behaviour in real life (you may have to think of one) What is the empiricist approach Arguments against the empiricist approach study supporting empiricism Theory or study against empiricism (Interactionism Example of learned behaviour in real life (you may have to think of one)

Using your homework preparation notes, write down as much as you can relating to your point What is the nativist approach Arguments against the nativist approach Study supporting nativism Theory or study against nativism (interactionism?) Example of innate behaviour in real life (you may have to think of one) What is the empiricist approach Arguments against the empiricist approach study supporting empiricism Theory or study against empiricism (Interactionism?) Example of learned behaviour in real life (you may have to think of one)

Now get into your debating teams Numbers 1,3,5, 7 and 9 go to the left hand side of the room Numbers 2,4,6, 8 and 10 go to the right hand side of the room We have our debating teams

You will be awarded points for The awarding of points You will be awarded points for Relevant point made (1 mark) Elaboration of point (1 mark) Appropriate terminology (1 mark) Applied/linked to psychological theory (1 mark) Applied/linked to specific research study (1 marks) Linked to relevant real life example (1 mark) Relevant counter point (2 marks) All must contribute Removal of points for irrelevance, disrupting the debate, repetition, talking over each other, other issues at teacher’s discretion, use of mobile phone Each group will be offered a final closing argument where up to 10 points are offered

Applications – one per group on BWBs How would a nativist approach therapy for psychological disorders? How would an empiricist reduce prison violence How would a nativist approach education? How would an empiricist give careers advice? How would an interactionist stop addiction?

Exam questions

In groups, write an answer on the big white boards (BWB)

Mark Scheme

Essay question You will find this challenging to do on your second ever lesson, but as we develop our skills, you should find it easier. Discuss with your group how you think you would answer this question.

Essay question Discuss means outline and evaluate Outline = briefly describe (6 marks) You would describe the nativist and empiricist positions in psychology, giving examples and pointing out the main differences. Use industry terms such as nativist, empiricist, heredity, maturation, genetics, environment, learned. Evaluate = what value does believing in one side or the other have, should we accept both positions? (10 marks) Evidence supporting either side, evidence contradicting either side, the interactionist approach, important applications (treatments, for example)