Private International Law Sciences Po Paris Spring 2017 Outline Giuditta Cordero-Moss, Ph.D., Dr.Juris Professor, Oslo University
Example An Italian and a Norwegian party enter into an agency agreement. After some years, a dispute arises. Some of the parties’ claims are up to 6 years old. Under Norwegian law, claims older than 3 years are time barred. Under Italian law, claims older than 10 years are time barred. Which claims may be enforced?
Private international law Rules on choice of law Rules on jurisdiction Rules on recognition and enforcement of decisions No substantive rules
Terminology Private international law, conflict of laws Choice of law rules, conflict rules, private international law rules Choice of forum, jurisdiction, competence
Date Topic Reading 1 23.1 Overview and sources MB 1.1, 1.3, 2 2 30.1 The PIL method: qualification, renvoi MB 7.1, 8.1; SS; GCM 3 6.2 Choice of forum as a first step MB 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4 4 20.2 Recognition and enforcement of decisions MB 3.4, GCM 5 27.2 PIL and arbitration GCM 6 6.3 Limits to the application of the governing law: overriding mandatory rules and public policy MB 3.4, 7.1, 7.5, 8.1; GCM chap 4 7 13.3 PIL for contracts MB 7 8 20.3 Harmonisation of contract law MB 1.2; GCM 9 27.3 PIL for torts MB 8 10 3.4 PIL for company law MB 2.2, TB 11 10.4 PIL for property BI (2012) 12 24.4 Case studies, Q&A
Obligatory literature Michael Bogdan, Concise Introduction to EU Private International Law (third edition), 2016 (230 pages)
Data bases and supplementary litterature
On the PIL Method Symeon Symeonides, The American Revolution and the European Evolution in Choice of Law: Reciprocal Lessons, Tulane Law Review, Vol. 82, No. 5, 2008, s. 1-51, G. Cordero-Moss, International Commercial Contracts, Cambridge University Press 2014, chapter 4
On Brussel I and Lugano Convention Peter Arnt Nielsen, The new Brussels I Regulation, Common Market Law Review 50, 2013, s. 503-528, C 319 (23/12/2009), Explanatory report from Prof Fausto Pocar on the Convention on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters, signed in Lugano on 30 October 2007, s.1-56, Study JLS/C4/2005/03 I, Report on the Application of the Regulation Brussels I in the Member States presented by Burkhard Hess, Thomas Pfeiffer and Peter Schlosser,
On enforcement of arbitral awards G. Cordero-Moss, International Commercial Contracts, Cambridge University Press 2014, chapter 5 G. Cordero-Moss, International arbitration is not only international, in Giuditta Cordero-Moss (ed.), International Commercial Arbitration- Different forms and their features, Cambridge University Press, 2013 , pp. 7-39,
On arbitration and PIL G. Cordero-Moss, International Commercial Contracts, Cambridge University Press 2014, chapters 4 and 5 G. Cordero-Moss, International arbitration and the quest for the applicable law, (2008) Global Jurist: Vol. 8: Iss. 3 (Advances), Article 2 pp.1-42,
On Rome I (Choice of law for contracts) Report on the Convention on the law applicable to contractual obligations by Mario Giuliano, Professor, University of Milan, and Paul Lagarde, Professor, University of Paris I , Official Journal C 282 , 31/10/1980 P. 0001 – 0050 COM (2002) 654(01), GREEN PAPER on the conversion of the Rome Convention of 1980 on the law applicable to contractual obligations into a Community instrument and its modernization, s. 1-46
On harmonisation of contract law G. Cordero-Moss, International Commercial Contracts, Cambridge University Press 2014, chapter 2 G. Cordero-Moss, International arbitration and commercial contract interpretation: contract wording, common law, civil law and transnational law, in Göran Millqvist, Patrik Lindskoug, Per Samuelsson and Ulf Maunsbach (eds.), Essays in honour of Michael Bogdan, 2013,
On Rome II (Choice of law for torts) Symeon Symenonides, Rome II and Tort Conflicts: A Missed Opportunity, American Journal of Comparative Law, Vol. 56, 2008, s-1-46, P.J. Koziris, Rome II: Tort Conflict on the Right Track! A Postscript to Symeon Symeonides’ “Missed Opportunity”, The American Journal of Comparative Law 2008, s. 471-497 Xandra E. Kramer, The Rome II Regulation on the Law Applicable to Non-Contractual Obligations: The European private international law tradition continued, Nederlands Internationaal Privaatrecht (NIPR) 2008, no. 4, s. 414 – 424. COM (2003) 427(01), Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL ON THE LAW APPLICABLE TO NON-CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS ("ROME II") Explanatory memorandum, s. 1-40
On EU law and company law Thomas Biermeyer, The impact of European law on cross-border seat transfers, T. Biermeyer, Stakeholder Protection in Cross-Border Seat Transfers in the EU (WLP, 2015),
On assignment of claims (property law) British Institute for International and Comparative Law Study on the question of effectiveness of an assignment or subrogation of a claim against third parties and the priority of the assigned or subrogated claim over a tight of another person, 2012,