Karla Robles Anahi Godinez Melissa Trujillo Gary Trujillo Non-Credit Model Karla Robles Anahi Godinez Melissa Trujillo Gary Trujillo
Non-Credit Model 6th Grade Summer Institute College Track Courses 7th Grade Academic Year Retention Non-Academic 8th Grade Pre-Program Evaluation Post Program Evaluation Pre-Program Evaluation Post Program Evaluation Based on national/international college readiness standards Continued through the 10th Grade
Components Curriculum Assessments Retention Activities Based on national/international college readiness standards (i.e. ACT College Readiness Standards) Reading, Writing, Math & Science Assessments Pre and Post program National/International benchmarks (i.e. Explore, PLAN) Retention Activities Non-Academic College Readiness Factors
Delivery Method Summer Institute with Year Round retention activities Deliver Academic Components – summer Deliver Non-Academic Components – year round Community Organization vs. In-House Academic Year Institute Deliver Academic Components Retention scattered throughout Institute
Strategies – Academic Year Case Management Monitored by JR ACE staff School District Involvement Middle School & High School Monitor academic progress through counselors & teachers Question? Share Pre and Post assessments with school Question? Academic Record Access Issues Parent Involvement Collaborate with parents to monitor academic progress School District & Parent Involvement Combination JR ACE not privy to Information that Parents are Partner with parent to monitor academic progress
Partners School Districts Parent Community Organizations Middle School & High School Teachers/Counselors Parent Community Organizations Retention activities Organizations focused on developing college bound skills for middle and high school students Non-academic factors – academic year?
Key Points Model teaches to a “college readiness” curriculum rather than individual state standards Template model Assessments Methodology JR ACE Pre-program – to place in appropriate course Remedial to Advanced Post-program – measure JR ACE academic impact Goal – all students, at minimum, meet national college readiness grade standard National Benchmarks Measure student progress over time Ensure students are competitive nationally
Questions??? Access to student academic records Program Teachers Community College Professors? Recruit outside teacher? School districts Community Organizations TFA Retention Activities JR ACE Staff? Community Organization? Location?