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Presentation transcript:

Impact of World War Two Objectives: To understand the difference between WWI and WW2 To investigate the impact of WW2 on British people To appreciate the longer term impact of WW2 on British people

World War Two 1939-45 Key Facts Britain was the only country to fight for the full six years. France was defeated in 1940 The USSR entered the war in June 1941 The USA entered the war in December 1941 These allies were fighting Hitler’s Nazi Germany, Mussolini’s Fascist Italy and Hirohito’s militarist Japan.

Key Events WW2 was a truly world war unlike WWI it was a war of movement with fronts in Africa, the Middle East, the Pacific and the Atlantic as well as Europe and Russia. Ships and planes played a vital role alongside tanks, armoured trucks and infantry. Key events in Europe involving Britain: Dunkirk, Battle of Britain, Battle of the Atlantic and D-Day.

Total War WW2 has been described as a total war because everyone was affected by it. Soldiers, sailors, pilots and civilians suffered danger and hardship in the 6 years of fighting. How did the war impact on the lives of civilians?

Complete the following diagram using all the available information

Changes for all Women Children Fear Death Casualties Separation Sandbags Gas-masks Sirens Blackout Blitz Homes destroyed Evacuation Coping alone Relying on female family members and friends Dealing with rationing and shortages Conscripted into war work- factory, land army etc. Foreign soldiers Independence Looking after evacuees Exciting and frightening Less supervision Playing on bomb sites Rationing- healthier! Part-time schooling Absent fathers-links to delinquency