WORLD WAR II MEMORIAL PROPOSAL PROJECT DRIVING QUESTION: How can the immense human costs of important aspects of World War II be properly acknowledged in a memorial that is both educational and compelling? OUTCOME: To cooperatively develop a compelling and thoughtfully researched proposal for a memorial that both commemorates the human costs of World War II and educates visitors. Current Example: The National WWII Memorial Current Example: The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Your Memorials Should Commemorate a World War II Related Topic That Is Not Exclusively Focused on the USA Some Possible Broader Topics World War II Prisoners of War Impacts of World War II on Children & Families Impacts of World War II on Science & Technology Artistic Expression Influenced by World War II Impacts of World War II on Civilians & the Economy Genocide and World War II Impacts of World War II on Average Soldiers Impacts of World War II on Women Impacts of World War II on a Particular Region or Nation (not USA) ** Other topics are OK with approval **
Those topics are broad. What are some specific things that will give me ideas? I’m glad you asked. There are SO MANY possible topics. Below are just ideas I thought of to get you thinking and inspired. THESE ARE JUST IDEAS TO SHOW YOU THERE ARE MANY DIRECTIONS TO GO. See broader topics on previous page for something more comprehensive. Your museum can have a common theme and many “exhibits” Kristallnacht and the Nuremberg Laws Mass movement of people (ex: children’s train from Prague to London, Kids escaping London during Battle of Britain) Rape of Nanking Radar and Enigma’s impact on the war (or something else about technology) Nuremberg Trials and Geneva Convention – WWII made us think about how to punish war crimes (and some perpetrators escaped) The impact of invasions on different countries (ex: Denmark’s heroic effort to save its Jewish population) Atomic Bomb: issues surrounding the invention and use Impact of bombing in civilians (good examples: Dresden, Guernica, Hiroshima) Invasion of Ethiopia Kamikazes Impact of new air technologies Holocaust’s impact on Jews and other populations (gypsies, Slavs, homosexuals) Battle of Stalingrad (a loss for the Nazis, but also a loss for the people of Stalingrad) Stolen Art Refugees: people who had to move as a result of WWII (there are many for many reasons) Life during WWII on the homefront (Allies or Axis, specific country?) These are just a FEW of the many things you can focus on in your museum. See broader topics.
WORLD WAR II MEMORIAL PROPOSAL REQUIRMENT #1 WRITTEN PROPOSAL A 1-2 page explanation of how your proposal meets the three goals below. WWII MEMORIAL GOALS THAT NEED TO BE EXPLAINED IN PROPOSAL Building Knowledge How will you educate visitors regarding significant people, events and outcomes of World War II? Making Meaning How will you enhances visitors understanding of and empathy for the impacts of World War II on people across the globe? Application How will visitors be encourages to appreciate relevant lessons World War II has for modern society?
WORLD WAR II MEMORIAL PROPOSAL REQUIRMENT #2 VISUAL MODEL A visual representation (hand drawn or created using a computer) of what various aspects of your memorial would look like. This is a professional example:
WORLD WAR II MEMORIAL PROJECT REQUIRMENT #2 VISUAL MODEL COULD ILLUSTRTATE THE FOLLOWING: Indoor Exhibits: What will people see/do inside memorial? Map/Floorplan: What is the general design? Exterior: What will memorial look like from the outside?
WORLD WAR II MEMORIAL PROPOSAL REQUIRMENT #3 AN ANNOTED BIBLIOGRAPHY An annotated bibliography of 6 sources that designers of memorial would consult to ensure historical accuracy in the exhibits. An annotated bibliography properly cites appropriate sources and gives a concise explanation of why the source would be useful for the design of the project.
What is an annotated bibliography? An annotated bibliography just like a normal bibliography, but with a paragraph explanation under each bibliographic citation. The paragraphs (“annotations”) should briefly summarize the main content of the source and evaluate the usefulness of the source for the creation of project. You should briefly address these issues in each annotation: A summary of the source: what kind of information does it contain? How does the source contributed to your understanding of the three project goals (Knowledge, Meaning & Application)? Evaluate the strengths or weaknesses of the source. Comment on what bias the source may have. More explanation of what an annotated bibliography is with examples “Chicago Style” Bibliographic Citation Help
WORLD WAR II MEMORIAL PROPOSAL REQUIRMENT #4 SALES PITCH PRESENTATION Groups pitch their project proposal (think “Shark Tank”) and cooperatively answer questions for 10-15 minutes for a panel of visitors.
Project Benchmarks #1: WRITTEN PROPOSAL (15 Points) All must be submitted to via Google Docs or Google Slides #1: WRITTEN PROPOSAL (15 Points) Draft Due Friday 3/24 -- Final Revised Version Due Thursday 3/30 #2: VISUAL MODEL (10 Points) Draft Due Thursday 3/30- Final Revised Version Due Thursday 4/6 #3: ANNOTED BIBLIOGRAPHY (15 Points) Draft Due Monday 4/3-- Final Revised Version Due Thursday 4/6 #4: SALES PITCH PRESENTATIONS (10 Points) Wednesday 4/5 NOTE ON LATE WORK & GROUP COOPERATION Failure to meet draft deadlines means your group will not receive feedback on how to improve your work and that the highest possible grade group will earn for that aspect of the project will be a B. Failure to meet final deadlines means group earns a zero for that aspect of the project. All group members are expected to put in a serious effort and contribute to all the final products of the group. Grades earned for project will be the same for all group members who make a serious effort to contribute to completion of all aspects of the project. If your group is having difficulty working together, see Ms. Greenberg