The Free Application for Federal Student Aid FAFSA The Free Application for Federal Student Aid
What is the FAFSA The FAFSA is a form you fill out online. It tells you how much money the government will give you to go to college. It doesn’t matter which school you choose, FAFSA can help! Four Year School Two Year School Community College Technical School
What information is on the FAFSA? Your name, birthday, and Social Security number. Your parents’ names, birthdays, and Social Security numbers. Your address. Some of your parents’ tax information. Don’t worry if that sounds scary, if you have any questions, come see me or Ms. Kerkhoff and we can help!
Why does this matter? Your income information helps the government decide how much money they need to provide for you. FAFSA is also how you get the HOPE scholarship. If you are worried that your parents don’t have Social Security Numbers-Don’t! This part of the government only cares about you, the student. They only need access to other stuff to make sure you are really you!
How about some Practice? n=e2s1 This link takes you to the FAFSA Forecaster –This is exactly what the real FAFSA looks like. Enter in the information you have or just guess and see how FAFSA really works. Explore this with your parents if they are unsure about the FAFSA.