Revised at Columbia on 6/11/2013


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Presentation transcript:

Revised at Columbia on 6/11/2013 RDA training for Belles lettres cataloging based on YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRRARIES “RDA for Acquisitions & Copy Cataloging” Edited for training Columbia University Libraries staff 6/4/13 with thanks to Steven Arakawa of Yale University Libraries. Additional revisions and corrections 2/24/13 Revisions 5/13/2013 & 5/14/2013 Additional revisions 5/21/2013 (post Day One modifications; supplied publication dates (new slide) 5/21/2013 Revised at Columbia on 6/11/2013

RDA Terms WEMI (Work, Expression, Manifestation, Item) Expression is used most often with translations & revised editions Manifestation (usually an edition) Preferred title (uniform title) Authorized access point (heading) Resource (what's being cataloged) Entity (person or a corporate body) Relationship designator (function of the entity used in an access point) Core (mandatory) Expressions are tricky; at a certain point, revisions can result in a new work. 2/21/13. Manifestations. In the pre-RDA cataloging environment, reproductions were considered separate "editions," requiring a separate MARC record. RDA considers reproduction & original to be the same manifestation-- so "edition" needs to be understood with this qualification in mind. Because we still work in a MARC environment, separate records are still made. 5/21/2013

RDA Identifiers in MARC 040 ‡e combined with Leader Cataloging Form i (NOT a) Reminder: Cataloging form (OCLC: Desc) ISBD (i) in itself does not identify the record as RDA. You could use Cataloging form: blank. However, you cannot use Catform: a for an RDA record. (Note that in RDA records, due to LC PCC Policy, ISBD punctuation is not followed to the letter; otherwise, 250 ending with an abbreviation would have 2 periods at the end of the field) Slide rev. 1/17/2013. Note: ‡b (not RDA but should be in new records). What is pictured is the recently standardized 040 sequence: ‡b immediately follows ‡a; ‡e always precedes ‡c -- many libraries follow the practice of adding ‡e at the end, but the usage in the slide is now OCLC policy. 5/21/2013

What to Do: RDA Cataloging Copy Accept RDA cataloging found in OCLC as you would any other full/core level cataloging--RDA cataloging is NOT a parallel record Caution: some of the changes resulting from the RDA rules will look like "errors" Do not try to revise RDA records to AACR2 (OCLC policy) Do not try to revise AACR2 records (Leader Cataloging Form: a) using the RDA rules (with the exception of variant editions) It may be worthwhile to update ongoing multipart monographs to RDA if there are issues with access points. 2/21/13. What about rda CIP upgraded to AACR2 by OCLC members? 5/21/2013

RDA Principles Transcribe what you see Less emphasis on translating what is on the page or label, etc. into cataloging-specific conventions The record should be more comprehensible to the user (but not necessarily to the cataloger!) Avoid cataloging abbreviations unless well-known De-emphasize "catalogers talking to catalogers" Maintain continuity with AACR2 1/18/13. Bullet 4 3 revised. RDA may be difficult for catalogers trained in AACR2--it's usually harder to learn new rules if you are already familiar with the previous set. New catalogers may have an easier time. RDA leaves a lot to cataloger judgment, and, in combination with the alternative rules, and the core aspect, it means there will be considerably less standardization. On the other hand, it could have been a lot worse; because of the continuity decision, most of the AACR2 rules survive intact. 5/21/2013

Title Statement (245) & Edition (250) 5/21/2013

Transcription (General Rules) General transcription rules apply to MARC 245, 250, 260 [now 264], and 490 New transcription rules for RDA: Capitalization options Accounting for errors Parallel titles to record What elements to transcribe or record (or not) Some of the transcription changes may only affect one of the descriptive areas (will cover in the specific sections) There are new rules for non-transcription fields and access points as well; these will be addressed later. 5/21/2013

Harper's Dictionary of HINDUISM Found on the Title Page Harper's Dictionary of HINDUISM Its Mythology, Folklore, Philosophy, Literature, and History Margaret and James Stutley Notice the variations in capitalization used by the publisher. 5/21/2013

Capitalization AACR2 RDA (Default) 245 10 ‡a Harper's dictionary of Hinduism : ‡b its mythology, folklore, philosophy, literature, and history / ‡c Margaret and James Stutley. 245 10 ‡a Harper's dictionary of Hinduism : ‡b its mythology, folklore, philosophy, literature, and history / ‡c Margaret and James Stutley. Starting with the obvious differences. First, capitalization. The default rule for capitalization is basically no different from AACR2 transcription rules. RDA 1.7.1 5/21/2013

Capitalization OPTION AACR2 RDA (Alternative) 245 10 ‡a Harper's dictionary of Hinduism : ‡b its mythology, folklore, philosophy, literature, and history / ‡c Margaret and James Stutley. 245 10 ‡a Harper's Dictionary of HINDUISM : ‡b Its Mythology, Folklore, Philosophy, Literature, and History / ‡c Margaret and James Stutley. RDA option 1.7.1--either the in-house capitalization rules or however the vendor has capitalized. LC Policy Statement (LCPS) allows transcription of capitalization as found, depending on cataloger judgment. PCC also allows the option. 5/21/2013

What to Do (Capitalization) If you use OCLC cataloging as the basis for creating an order record, for copy cataloging, and the record uses: AACR2/RDA capitalization: leave as is RDA optional capitalization: leave as is This applies to any catalog record found in OCLC: LC (fully cataloged), LC CIP Member copy full, or minimal Vendor records (EL 5 or 3) Do not attempt to "correct" the capitalization Rev. 1/18/13. Rearranged application sub-bullets. Note: many libraries find the application of 'transcribe what you see' to be so loathsome, OCLC has allowed catalogers to change it back to AACR2 form even if the record is fully cataloged, even if it's DCLC (after Day One). Due to PCC pressure, following the standard Appendix A rules is "best practice." You don't need to check that the record is RDA; Yale cataloging uses either the default or the option. 5/21/2013

Errors (Transcribe What You See) RDA: 245 10 ‡a Cataloging non-prnit and internet resources / ‡c Mary Beth Weber. 246 1_ ‡i Corrected title: ‡a Cataloging non-print and internet resources CAUTION: does not apply to serials AACR2: 245 10 ‡a Cataloging non-prnit [i.e. non-print] and internet resources / ‡c Mary Beth Weber. Here verifying the 040 is important. Since the RDA record does not use the corrected form in brackets, you need to check that the record has a 246 with the corrected form If only the "i" were missing, AACR2 would insert it in brackets. But in situations where it isn't a simple insertion--in this case the "i" was transposed--AACR2 uses bracket i.e. <corrected word> Serials in RDA, however, are corrected without brackets, since the description is to represent all of the issues. There is now a direct link on the Toolkit to the LCPS where this is stated explicitly. RDA 1.7.9 5/21/2013

What to Do (Errors) Apply to procedures where the item is in hand If there appears to be a data entry error on the 245, 250, 260 [i.e. 264], or 490, verify the field against the item in hand If it is a data entry error, update to the form on the title page If the error is on the title page itself-- Determine whether the record is RDA or AACR2 Use the appropriate model on the previous slide for RDA or AACR2 corrections When in doubt, check with your supervisor! Rev. 1/18/18. There could be a data entry error in 505, but proofreading 505 is not recommended. (Of course, if you notice an error, verify, not trust) 5/21/2013

Parallel Titles (Transcribe Where You See) RDA parallel titles do not have to be on the title page-- In addition to the title page, RDA cataloging can take the parallel title from the cover, half-title, anywhere within the book In RDA all parallel titles are transcribed; AACR2 limits to 2 parallel titles In RDA, if any parallel title is transcribed from a source other than the t.p., it is not bracketed RDA Take parallel titles proper from any source within the resource. A note can be made in such cases if thought to be important: However, there is nothing in RDA that says you are allowed to leave off some of the parallel titles. You would bracket a parallel title taken from an external source (e.g. a website or the jacket). 5/21/2013

Parallel Title (RDA) Title page: Atlanterhavsveien -- forfattere Kristin Nekstad Cover: Atlanterhavsveien -- Die Atlantikstrasse -- Atlantic Ocean Road -- Route de l'Atlantique 245 00 ‡a Atlanterhavsveien = ‡b Die Atlantikstrasse = Atlantic Ocean Road = Route de l'Atlantique / ‡c forfattere Kristin Nekstad. The parallel titles taken from the cover are not bracketed If more than one parallel title, current LC policy is to transcribe all 5/21/2013

Parallel Other Titles If there are both parallel titles proper & parallel other titles, all of the parallel other titles are transcribed 245 04 ‡a Ein Garten Eden : ‡b Meisterwerke der botanischen Illustration = Garden Eden : masterpieces of botanical illustration = Un jardin d'Eden : chefs d'oeuvre … However, if you have a title proper in only one language & other titles in multiple languages, just record the other title in the same language as the title proper (or if there is no matching language, the first other title)-- 5/21/2013

Parallel titles and 246 If the indicators in 246 do not explain what the source of the parallel title is, make a 500 note with an explanation. 245 10 ‡a Hamburski rakhunak Bakharėvicha 246 31 ‡a Bacharevič's Hamburg account 500 __ ‡a Parallel title from English summary. 5/21/2013

What to Do (Belles Lettres, CIP) More likely to occur with belle lettres, but possible with CIP or variant edition cataloging If CIP, verify that the record is RDA; for belles-lettres based on minimal level member copy, change to RDA (i for ISBD; ‡e rda) if it isn't already Verify the parallel titles on the title page Check the cover and half title (page preceding the t.p.) for additional parallel titles-- especially if they are already in the CIP 245 Add any parallel titles not on the t.p. (do not bracket); remove any parallel titles not found in the book; if a parallel title is taken from the jacket, use brackets 2/21/13. Bullet 2: clarified that the 2nd instruction applies to belles-lettres; need to be aware of this when doing variant edition cataloging as well. 5/21/2013

Source(s) for SoR: Bracket or Not? SoR = Statement of Responsibility (245 ‡c) In 245 ‡c, SoR doesn't have to be on the title page; still required to begin with the title page, but the cataloger can take all or part of the SoR from somewhere else, as long as it's somewhere on the book; recording an SoR is mandatory even if it is not on the t.p. Title page: A New History of French Literature. Verso t.p.: Edited by Denis Hollier 245 02 ‡a A New History of French Literature / ‡c Edited by Denis Hollier. No brackets to indicate that the statement of responsibility came from somewhere else on the book In 245, brackets are only used for information taken from sources outside of the book (examples: accompanying material; the jacket; the cataloger) Only the first statement of responsibility is required. The default rule is to record all statements of responsibility, but there is an option to abridge (i.e. include only the principal SoR & leave off the titlte, affiliations, degrees etc . Because of the rule changes (see also parallel titles on the previous slides), you will often see 245s that don’t appear to match the title page, which may make verification a little more difficult. 5/21/2013

Titles, Degrees, etc. Titles, founding dates, degrees, etc., should be transcribed as they appear in the SoR (option to omit; ellipses not needed). Sections in blue are not transcribed in AACR2: 245 … / ‡c by E. Nolue Emenanjo, Executive Director, National Institute for Nigerian Languages, Ogbor Hill, Aba. 245 … / ‡c Reverend Peter M.J. Stravinskas, Ph. D., S.T.L., Editor ; Introductory Remarks by Cardinal Anthony J. Bevilacqua and Archbishop Theodore E. McCarrick. Alternative: 245 … / ‡c Reverend Peter M.J. Stravinskas, Ph. D., S.T.L., Editor. <but prefer the default> Including the titles, degrees, affiliations, founding dates, etc. associated with a person or corporate body is the default rule, not the option. "Transcribe a statement of responsibility in the form in which it appears on the source of information. … Optional omission. Abridge a statement of responsibility only if it can be abridged without loss of essential information." Note the example in the default rule: by Sir Richard Aclan. Note the example used in the Optional omission: source: by Dr. Harry Smith; transcription: by Harry Smith. Note that leaving out the titles is the option; the default rule is to include them. 5/21/2013

Examples of Titles, etc. in RDA SoRs / ‡c by Sir Richard Acland ; illustrated by Dame Betty Stowe. / ‡c by the late Julia Moore, M.D. / ‡c by Catherine, HRH the Duchess of Cambridge. / ‡c by Dr. Wendell Moore, Dean of Trinity College, Dublin. / ‡c by the Reverend Al Sharpton. / ‡c Skull and Bones, founded 1895. Some of these were also valid in AACR2; RDA only: bullets 2, 4, 6 5/21/2013

What to Do (Belles lettres) Generally record all statements of responsibility (usually there will be only one) In the same spirit, include all titles, institutional affiliations, degrees and so on if these are included in the SoR source 245 10 ‡a Gertrude / ‡c by the Author of "Amy Herbert," "Laneton Parsonage," etc. ; edited by the Rev. W. Sewell, B.D., Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford. The quotation from Wordsworth on the title page can be moved to a note field. Earlier example was Macbeth with extensive editing & commentary. Out of scope for belles lettres. 5/21/2013

SoR: Farewell "Rule of Three" RDA (No Maximum; Author Main Entry) AACR2 (Rule of 3) When there are more than 3 authors: Only the 1st author listed is in 245 ‡c (‡c is always abridged) Title main entry 700 only for the 1st author 245 00 ‡a Calculus : ‡b single variable / ‡c by Deborah Hughes-Hallett … [et al.]. 100 1_ ‡a Hughes-Hallett, Deborah. 245 10 ‡a Calculus : ‡b single variable / ‡c by Deborah Hughes-Hallett, Andrew M. Gleason, William G. MacCallum, and David O. Lomen. <700's for the other authors not required > First author listed is in 100 (even if more than 3); transcribe all co-authors Statement of responsibility is not limited to three authors Although not required, cataloger also has the option to make 700s for the other 3 authors. The cataloger can also be selective--just an added entry for Gleason could be made. RDA AACR2: If there are more than 3; abridged w/ "[et al.]" 5/21/2013

Alternative: Abridged SoR RDA has an option to abridge the SoR, but it is not considered best practice: 245 10 ‡a Calculus : ‡b single variable / ‡c by Deborah Hughes-Hallett [and three others]. Cataloger can make 700s for one, two, three or none 700's for one, two, or three of the others do not need to be justified. Collaborative works "If two or more persons, families, or corporate bodies are represented as having principal responsibility for the work, construct the authorized access point representing the work using the authorized access point representing the first-named of those persons, families, or corporate bodies followed by the preferred title for the work." Since the other contributors are not core, it's up to the cataloger to decide how many to make. 5/21/2013

Editors are not Authors In RDA, as in AACR2, editors are not considered to be authors, so an editor will not be used as a main entry As with co-authors, justifying access points is optional 245 04 ‡a The Blackwell Dictionary of Eastern Christianity / ‡c Edited by Ken Parry, David J. Melling, Dimitri Brady, Sidney H. Griffith & John F. Healey ; editorial consultant, John R. Hinnells ; foreword by Rt Rvd Kallistos Ware. 700 1_ ‡a Parry, Ken, ‡e editor. 700 1_ ‡a Healey, John F., ‡e editor. In RDA, all statements of responsibility do not need to be transcribed. Always include the SoR for the entities chiefly responsible for the content of the work. The abbreviated statement of responsibility is not best practice (abridgement is an Alternative, not the default rule). 5/21/2013

Noun Phrases (Belletristic & Variant Edition Cataloging) Form of work: novel, poems, plays, essays RDA: if the relationship between the author or editor to the form of the work is explicit ["poems by …"], the entire phrase is entered in 245 ‡c If the relationship is not explicit, the form of work is generally entered in 245 ‡b If there is an explicit relationship but the form is combined with a phrase describing the content of the work, the form will generally be in 245 : ‡b Application so far has been no more consistent than AACR2 AACR2: does not make a distinction; form of work could be in either 245 ‡b or ‡c 5/21/2013

Noun Phrase AACR2 245 10 ‡a Otherwise : ‡b three novels / ‡c by John Crowley. RDA 245 10 ‡a Otherwise / ‡c three novels by John Crowley. 245 10 ‡a Antiquities : ‡b seven stories / ‡c John Crowley. 245 10 ‡a Antiquities : ‡b seven stories / ‡c John Crowley. <no change--no explicit connection> RDA—only applies to the other title, so: 245 10 ‡a Three novels / ‡c by John Crowley. 5/21/2013

What to Do (Belletristic) RDA belletristic: Transcribe all names & titles from the title page Transcribe any responsible persons or bodies presented elsewhere in or on the cover (inside/outside), pages preceding the t.p., verso t.p. and the colophon Be aware of situations where the RDA application differs from the AACR2 application, e.g. first author is in 100 even if more than 3; the noun phrase 2/21/13. Removed bullet on parallel titles, since this section is on SoR 5/21/2013

250 Edition Statements On title page: Second edition AACR2: 250 __ ‡a 2nd ed. RDA: 250 __ ‡a Second edition. Edition statement always ends with a period; if the statement ends with an abbreviation, do not add a second period (contra current RDA) On title page: 2nd ed. RDA: 250 __ ‡a 2nd ed. Source for the double punctuation is Appendix D, but I believe it is related to changes in the ISBD rules. (based on 1.7.8, which references Appendix B.4, which says to transcribe only abbreviations found on the resource. 5/21/2013

Publication statement (264 was 260) 5/21/2013

RDA & MARC: 264 New MARC field. RDA records will use 264 instead of 260 264 _1 ‡a Berlin : ‡b DIRECTMEDIA Publishing GmbH, ‡c 2001. Until 264 was authorized, RDA records in the early stages used 260 In RDA copyright is core if there is no publication date identified, but LCPS considers a bracketed date in 264 _1 to be sufficient identification, so 264 _4 would not be used. This is actually the most complex of the rule changes from AACR2 I'm aware of, but a lot of the complexity would only be introduced in unusual situations. & LCPS 5/21/2013

RDA Details: 264 Indicators RDA categories: Unpublished, Published, Distributed, Manufacture (Printing or the equivalent for other media) 264 categories are defined by the 2nd indicator: 264 _1 : Publication statement (the most common) 264 _2 : Distribution 264 _3 : Manufacture 264 _4 : Copyright date 264 _0 : Item is unpublished <do not apply to reproductions of dissertations; limited to manuscript cataloging> 5/21/2013

MARC 264 Changes from 260 260 264 No indicators 5 second indicators (1st indicator is blank) In addition to the publication statement, includes distribution, printing, and copyright date. Publication, distribution, printing, and copyright information are NOT included in one 264 field -- each requires a separate 264 Distribution is recorded routinely 264s for Distribution & printing are only used if there is no information available in 264 _1 Copyright date is given as c2013 Copyright date is given as ©2013, but copyright date is rarely used (see slide 48 f.f.) 5/21/2013

Transcribe What You See RDA: transcribe publication, distribution etc. as found on the source-- no abbreviations unless they are present on the source In AACR2, publication, distribution, etc. had rules to determine what and what not to include in the statement; the larger jurisdiction was abbreviated Publisher name was given in the shortest form possible: "Knopf" if the book had the publisher as "Alfred A. Knopf" "Inc.," "Ltd" and other equivalents were generally not recorded 5/21/2013

Place of Publication Place of publication. The higher jurisdiction is not supplied if not there [there is an option to supply the name in brackets], but the larger jurisdiction must be transcribed as found if present Only the first place of publication is needed Title page and verso title page. London is in Ontario. Yale in Canada Arts Press Ltd London and New Haven Connecticut ©2010 RDA for jurisdiction. This is a made up example; a Canadian publisher would probably include the name of the province in the publication statement. 5/21/2013

Place of Publication Place of publication. Including the higher jurisdiction if not there is optional, but the larger jurisdiction must be transcribed if present; supplied jurisdictions are not abbreviated. AACR2: 260 __ ‡a London [Ont.] ; ‡a New Haven, Conn. : ‡b Yale in Canada Arts Press, ‡c c2010. RDA: 264 _1 ‡a London [Ontario] : ‡b Yale in Canada Arts Press Ltd, ‡c [2010] RDA for jurisdiction. LCPS: generally do not apply the abbreviated form for states or provinces to cataloger supplied information. Probably OK for District of Columbia. 3/13/2013. AACR2 example: removed brackets around Conn. 5/21/2013

Date of Publication The copyright date is not entered in 264 _1 ‡c If the only available date is the copyright date, current practice is to enter the copyright date without the copyright symbol in brackets It is not mandatory or necessary to create a second 264 _4 to enter the copyright date if there is a bracketed date in 264 _1 ‡c If the book has a publication date of 2013 but is received in 2012, use the publication date on the book The copyright date during the initial RDA testing in 2010 was mandatory, so you will see it in older RDA records, and some libraries may continue to follow the practice of adding the copyright date in 264 _4. This is their institution's decision, so there is no need to "correct" member copy in this case. 5/21/2013

Supplied Dates No publ. date. Book has: LCPS 008 ©2011 [2011] s 2011 12/1/2017 Supplied Dates 5/21/2013 No publ. date. Book has: LCPS 008 ©2011 [2011] s 2011 ©2012 but bk rcvd 2011 [2012] Optionally: 264 _1 … [2012] 264 _4 ©2012 s 2012 t 2012 ©2011 // 2011 printing ©2011 // 6th printing 2012 <preface: March 2011> <LCPS: add a 588 field if considered helpful 588:‡a Description based on 6th printing 2012 .> Distributed 2011 LCPS: "Supply a date of publication that corresponds to the copyright date, in square brackets, if it seems reasonable to assume that date is a likely publication date." Catalogers generally will follow the LCPS for, the source of many of these examples. 2/21/13. 4th example used ‡e for the optional printing date, which is not RDA. LCPS uses the 588 note if considered important. Note that for ordering purposes, printing dates just add confusion, since the citation will be to the original publication date. 5/21/13 The depot legal example is straight from RDA

Beyond Copyright Dates (RDA 1.9.2) 12/1/2017 Beyond Copyright Dates (RDA 1.9.2) 5/21/2013 No Publ. Date or Copyright Date RDA 008 If the inferred publication date is either 2013 or 2014 because the date of publication is non-Gregorian [2013 or 2014] q 2013 2014 An interview with a survivor of Sept. 11, cataloged in 2013; can’t tell if the interview was at the time of the incident or later; if the book was received in 2013-- [between 2001 and 2013?] q 2001 2013 Dépôt légal 2004 oct. [2004?] s 2004 A memoir about the Summer Olympics of 1936 in Berlin; a gift item from the backlog (receive date is unknown) [not before 1936] q 1936 uuuu Received for cataloging in 2005 [not after 2005] q uuuu 2005 Apparently you can’t use “century” as a probable date.

Bracketed Publication Information If there is no information about a publication statement element (264 _1 ‡a, ‡b, ‡c), RDA uses the phrases given in the examples: 264 _1 ‡a [Place of publication not identified] : ‡b Shoemaker Press, ‡c [date of publication not identified] 264 _1 ‡a New York : ‡b [publisher not identified], ‡c [2013?] Note that each subfield will have its own set of brackets, NOT: 264 _1 ‡a New York : ‡b [publisher not identified, ‡c 2013?] For 264 _1 ‡c, because there are so many ways to supply the date, you should not be seeing [date of publication not identified] 5/21/2013

264 _2, 264 _3 & [x … not identified] If the "not identified" phrase is used, and there is a distributor or printer, a 2nd or 3rd 264 field will be made: 264 _1 ‡a New York : ‡b [publisher not identified], ‡c [2013?] 264 _2 ‡a New York : ‡b Warehouse Company, ‡c 2013. If there is a "Distributed by" phrase, recording the phrase is not necessary; the indicator will generate a Distributor label in the public view For dates, if identification is supplied in brackets, additional 264s are not made: 264 _1 ‡a New York : ‡b Parker House, ‡c [2013] Do not make a 264 _2 for the distributor: For 264 _1 ‡c, because there are so many ways to supply the date, you should not be seeing [date of publication not identified] 5/21/2013

What to Do (Belletristic) Use the guidelines to update publication statements in in-process or minimal records Use 264 _1; modify 260 __ to 264 _1 "Transcribe what you see" (including errors): Verify, revise, or transcribe the first place of publication as found in the book-- not as found on the in-process record (and update 008 if necessary) Transcribe the complete publisher name (including Inc., etc.); never supply abbreviations but transcribe any abbreviations used in the book's title page Avoid "[place/date] of publication not identified]" as much as possible; for hard cases with dates, RDA may have helpful guidelines; but RDA does not have the option to use dashes to represent an unknown date span There is no point in going over complex cases in this presentation. 5/21/2013

Voyager Problems w/264 All 264 fields display when an individual record displays, either in staff or public views Currently 264 does not display in browse displays, either in staff or public views The next update of Voyager hopefully will fix the problem New slide. 5/13 5/21/2013

Supplied (NOT Transcribed) MARC 300, 1xx, 240, 7xx, 8xx 5/21/2013

Transcribed vs. Supplied MARC transcription fields include: 245, 250, 264, 490, and 5xx when the information is quoted or transcribed (e.g. 505) Basic principle: "Transcribe What You See" If a word is abbreviated, transcribe it as abbreviated; if a word is not abbreviated, do not abbreviate it (AACR2 required abbreviation of some transcribed terms, see edition statements) If a word or phrase is cataloger supplied (in brackets), follow RDA rules MARC fields for supplied data include: 240, 3xx, 1xx, 7xx; also, for non- quoted data: 5xx (e.g. 504 Includes bibliographical references … ) Basic principle: how you record is based on RDA rules; usually the information is supplied by the cataloger Generally, abbreviations are written out (for the benefit of the non-cataloging user) In particular, do not use Latin abbreviations RDA makes an exception for dates of production, publication, etc. (1.8) -- convert roman numerals to arabic. But there is an alternative to use the roman numerals as found, and this is LC practice. PCC has yet to comment on whether this is PCC practice as well, so for the time being, it's a judgment call. Follow LC for now. 5/21/2013

AACR2 Abbrev. vs RDA AACR2 RDA 300 [150] p., ca. 100 p. of plates MARC AACR2 RDA 300 [150] p., ca. 100 p. of plates 150 unnumbered pages, approximately 100 pages of plates 3 v. 3 volumes 1 v. (unpaged) 1 volume (unpaged) ill. (some col.) illustrations (some color) <or, (some colour)> 58 min., 30 sec., sd., 4 3/4 in. 58 min., 30 sec., sound, 4 3/4 in. 490 Bd. 12 <book: Band XII> Band XII <if it appears that way; 830 however: Bd. 12> 504 Includes bibliographical references (p. 425-[432]). Includes bibliographical references (pages 425-432). Since the pagination in 504 is supplied, and since you use unnumbered instead of brackets, and since 432 unnumbered pages is silly, LCPS 1.7.1 says to record w/out brackets. 5/21/2013

300 cm Many common terms are not abbreviated, but-- "cm" is not considered an abbreviation; use without a period unless it is followed by a series LC Policy: optional to enter subfield b 300 __ ‡a 31 pages : ‡b color illustrations ; ‡c 18 cm. 490 1_ ‡a Digitale Bibliothek 300 __ ‡a 31 pages : ‡b color illustrations ; ‡c 18 cm No 490 This isn't an entirely logical application of the revised ISBD rules, but apparently this will be LC practice for purposes of simplification. D.1.2. 1 ISBD punctuation. When an element ends with an abbreviation followed by a full stop or ends with the mark of omission and the punctuation following that element either is or begins with a full stop, include the full stop that constitutes or begins the prescribed punctuation. <standard ISBD is that a period is the first mark of punctuation of an area, so if there is a series, it must be preceded by a period, although up till now some kind of end punctuation was required at the end of 300 even if there was no subsequent area on the rationale that in the ISBD universe, the physical description was the end of the card paragraph. Well, certainly one of the objects of RDA cataloging is not to have rules derived from the catalog card …> 5/21/2013

Accompanying Material Accompanying material can be recorded: With the primary material in a single 300 __ ‡a …. + ‡e … or, With 2 (or more) 300 fields Accompanying material can be recorded as a note, as a last resort Example: 300 __ ‡a 1 CD-ROM ; ‡c 4 3/4 in. + ‡e 1 booklet 300 __ ‡a 1 CD-ROM ; ‡c 4 3/4 in. 300 __ ‡a 1 volume (unpaged) : ‡b chiefly color illustrations ; ‡c 25 cm 5/21/2013

336 337 338 for a Book An example of a 3xx set for a printed book, H.G. Wells' The War of the Worlds: 336 __ ‡a text ‡2 rdacontent 337 __ ‡a unmediated ‡2 rdamedia 338 __ ‡a volume ‡2 rdacarrier Content type: text: books have to be read; content type is how the content of the work is expressed or communicated; you read a text Media Type: unmediated: whether a device is needed to access the text; unless there are special circumstances, you do not need a special device to read a text Carrier Type: volume: how the text is materialized Slides 61-63 (336-338; links to lists) added 2/21/13 5/21/2013

Authorized 3xx Terms Terms used in ‡a in each of the 3xx fields are from an authorized list in RDA; ‡2 for the authorization list is also required Link to Content Type (336) terms: Link to Media Type (337) terms: Link to Carrier Type (338) terms: 5/21/2013

Application to Books AACR2 RDA 100 1_ ‡a Wells, H. G. ‡q (Herbert George), ‡d 1866- 1946. 245 14 ‡a The war of the worlds / ‡c by H.G. Wells. 250 __ 2nd rev. ed. 300 __ ‡a 268 p. : ‡b ill. ; ‡c 22 cm. 100 1_ ‡a Wells, H. G. ‡q (Herbert George), ‡d 1866-1946, ‡e author. 245 14 The War of the Worlds / ‡c by H.G. Wells. 250 __ ‡a Second revised edition. 300 __ ‡a 268 pages : ‡b illustrations ; ‡c 22 cm 336 __ ‡a text ‡b txt ‡2 rdacontent 337 __ ‡a unmediated ‡b n ‡2 rdamedia 338 __ ‡a volume ‡b nc ‡2 rdacarrier 336-338. ‡b can be used instead of ‡a; this allows entry of code rather than text, but is not LC/PCC policy. Spacing for abbreviations in the title area is unchanged. 5/21/2013

Accompanying Material 3xx fields can be repeated to bring out multiple aspects of the resource For example, in the following slide, we have a printed book with an accompanying audio book CD Content type for the book: text Content type for the accompanying CD: spoken word Media type for the book: unmediated Media type for the CD: audio Carrier type for the book: volume Carrier type for the CD: audio disc slide added 2/21/13 5/21/2013

Application to Books AACR2 RDA 100 1_ ‡a Wells, H. G. ‡q (Herbert George), ‡d 1866- 1946, ‡e author. 245 14 ‡a The War of the Worlds … 250 __ ‡a Second revised edition. 300 __ ‡a 268 pages : ‡b illustrations ; ‡c 22 cm 300 __ ‡3 CD ‡a 1 CD-audio ; ‡c 4 3/4 in. 336 __ ‡3 book ‡a text ‡b txt ‡2 rdacontent 336 __ ‡3 CD ‡a spoken word ‡b spw ‡2 rdacontent 337 __ ‡3 book ‡a unmediated ‡b n ‡2 rdamedia 337 __ ‡3 CD ‡a audio ‡b s ‡2 rdamedia 338 __ ‡3 book ‡a volume ‡b nc ‡2 rdacarrier 338 __ ‡3 CD ‡a audio disc ‡b sd ‡2 rdacarrier 100 1_ ‡a Wells, H. G. ‡q (Herbert George), ‡d 1866-1946. 245 14 ‡a The war of the worlds / ‡c by H.G. Wells. 250 __ 2nd rev. ed. 300 __ ‡a 268 p. : ‡b ill. ; ‡c 22 cm. + 1 sound disc 500 __ ‡a Includes a recording of the Orson Welles radio play first broadcasted Oct. 30, 1938. 336-338. ‡b can be used instead of ‡a; this allows entry of code rather than text. Spacing for abbreviations in the title area is unchanged. Note that "sound disc" in AACR2 becomes "audio disc" in RDA. 5/21/2013

NEW OCLC POLICY Since March 31, catalogers updating AACR2 master records are able to: add 336, 337, 338 use the spelled out forms of abbreviations remove "[et al.]" & transcribe all authors or editors in records coded as AACR2 where the rule of 3 has been applied For these AACR2 hybrid records: Do not add "‡e rda" to 040 automatically Assume that a record without ‡e rda is AACR2 even if it contains changes listed in bullet 1 If the record is AACR2, the cataloger cannot change the choice of entry in the rule of 3 situation The AACR2 ‡h in non-print records coded as AACR2 should be retained (even if 336-338 are added) If you make one RDA type change to an AACR2 record, you are not obligated to do the other permitted modifications. For the "forbidden changes" OCLC may have added software to block replacement if they are made. OCLC has considered making these changes for the entire database at a later time; OCLC has announced it will purge all records of ‡h in 2015 or 2016. I don't think OCLC has allowed conversion of 260 to 264 (one application of the software checking post rda) 5/21/2013

490: Take What You See Series 490 is transcription In particular, volume captions are taken as found, written out or abbreviated Volume numbers are usually transcribed as found (including roman numerals); but: numbers appearing as words are converted to arabic numerals: 1, 2, 3 ordinal numbers are recorded in standard forms appropriate for the language: 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 1er/1re, 2e, 3e or 1., 2., 3. 490 can have 2 ‡xs for ISSNs, one for the main series & one for the subseries Reminder: no period after cm unless there is a 490 Is the roman numeral rule replaced by an LCPS? LC takes the default, transcribe as found. 5/21/2013

830: Authorized Form Supplied Series 830 is supplied not transcribed & is determined by the Series Authority Record Volume captions are abbreviated Numbering is usually in arabic numerals, but may be in roman numerals in new SARs; follow the pattern you see in the SAR NEW: ISSN is optionally entered in 830 as the last element, preceded by a period LTI will check & if necessary fix the authorized elements in 830 5/21/2013

490/830 Example (From MARC Format for Bibliographic Records) 490 1_ ‡a Lund studies in geography, ‡x 1400-1144 ; ‡v volume CI. ‡a Ser. B., Human geography, ‡x 0076-1478 ; ‡v number 5 830 _0 ‡a Lund studies in geography ; ‡v v. 101. ‡x 1400-1144 830 _0 ‡a Lund studies in geography, ‡n Ser. B., ‡p Human geography ; ‡v no. 5. ‡x 0076-1478 Changes made to the MARC Format example: written out captions, subseries number changed to match the 830, ‡x moved to the end of 830. 5/21/2013

What to Do (Belletristic) Transcribe series as found in 490 1_ Determine if there is a SAR Yes: Use the SAR form for title, caption, & number in 830. Optionally, enter an ISSN in ‡x at the end of the 830 (but not if you happen to know the ISSN is invalid). If the SAR is still coded as AACR2, recode it to RDA and route to review. No: Create or ask supervisor. 5/21/2013

More Notes about Notes Generally, RDA does not require most notes Source of title is still required if it is not from the priority 1 source (books: no note if title page; make a note if title source is the cover) Notes justifying main or added entries are not required in RDA 504 "Includes bibliographical references" notes are optional for pcc; mandatory for LC; for 504 notes, do not use brackets for unnumbered pages 5/21/2013

Access Points For personal names only 5/21/2013

Access Points (Personal Names) AACR2 RDA Personal name dates are always included if readily available, even if there is no conflict The same in RDA Personal name fuller form qualifier used if there is an abbreviation in the forename or middle name, even if there is a date. (LCRI; earlier version of RDA/LCPS) Fuller form also used to break conflicts if no date available. Fuller form qualifier is optional and based on cataloger’s judgment. Fuller forms are often needed to break conflicts when dates are not available. Terms of filiation (Henry James Jr., Henry James Sr., Henry James III) are only used to break conflicts Terms of filiation are required in RDA, even if there is no conflict. Williams, Hank, ‡c Jr., ‡d 1949- 5/21/2013

Access Points (Personal Names) AACR2 RDA In the absence of dates & fuller forms, conflicts can be broken by: degrees (M.D.); terms of honor or address (Sir); or profession (Printer). In all cases, the qualifier must be justified based on information from the title page. Conflicts cannot be broken by adding a degree. Conflicts cannot be broken by terms of honor or address, but the rules are being revised to allow this category to break conflicts, so you may or may not see these used in future authorized access points. Occupations or professions can be used to break conflicts; the information does not have to be based on the title page. Smith, Nicholas, ‡c poet <title page: "by Nicholas Smith, Poet Laureate 1955."> Smith, Nicholas ‡c (Poet) 5/21/2013

Relationship Designators 5/21/2013

Relationship Designators (RDs) Relationship designators are entered in MARC ‡e for 1xx, 7xx; used only with personal & corporate names; ‡e is repeatable RDs use authorized terms to describe the function of the person or the corporate body LC practice is to make an RD only for the illustrator of children's books but LC catalogers can add more (their decision) PCC practice is to make a ‡e for creators at a minimum 5/21/2013

Relationship Designators: Examples RDA Examples 100 1 ‡a Pavel, Thomas G., ‡d 1941- ‡e author. 700 ‡a Hawkins, Al, ǂe author. <for a co-author> ‡a McWilliams, Mary, ‡d 1954- ‡e editor of compilation. ‡a Good, Edwin M. ǂq (Edwin Marshall), ǂd 1928- ǂe translator, ǂe writer of added commentary. 710 2 ‡a Helsingin yliopisto. ǂb Physiology Institute, ǂe issuing body. 5/21/2013

Relationship Designators AACR2 RDA Relationship designators limited to music cataloging codes; LC also used for illustrators of children's books: Although LC practice limits to illustrators of children's books, PCC prefers relationship designators for at least the creator (100, 700). Designator terms must be from an authorized list; generally RDA terms 700 1_ ‡a Pollini, Maurizio, ‡d 1942- ‡4 prf LC: 700 1_ ‡a Sendak, Maurice, ‡e ill. LC: 700 1_ ‡a Sendak, Maurice, ‡e illustrator PCC: 100 1_ ‡a Sendak, Maurice, ‡e author, ‡e illustrator Leave out ‡e in author/title access points 5/21/2013

Uniform (Preferred) Titles For Belletristic Cataloging 5/21/2013

Preferred & Conventional Collective Titles May be encountered in belletristic & variant edition cataloging: title by which a work is well-known If the preferred title is the same as title on the item cataloged, a 240 is not made. EXCEPTION for compilations. Conventional collective titles (Works. Selections; Poems. Selections); used for all compilations by a single author Bilingual editions: in RDA you cannot have 2 languages in 240 "Works" & "Selections" will not include a date for the first instance in the NAF; "Selections" must be preceded by a preferred or conventional title All single author compilations must be assigned a conventional collective title, even if the title is distinctive Single author compilations are not restricted to belletristic authors; watch out when cataloging variant editions A title main entry conflict with either a serial or a monograph requires a qualifier 5/21/2013

Access Points (Dual Language Editions) AACR2 RDA Dual language editions: one uniform title with both languages in ‡l. Edition with more than two languages: ‡l Polyglot Dual and polyglot editions: separate entries for each language. The added entries use 2 in the second indicator. 100 1_ ‡a Kafka, Franz, ‡d 1883-1924. 240 10 ‡a Short stories. ‡l English & German. ‡k Selections 245 10 ‡a Best short stories = ‡b Die schönsten Erzählungen / ‡c Franz Kafka ; edited and translated by Stanley Appelbaum. 100 1_ ‡a Kafka, Franz, ‡d 1883-1924, ‡a author. 246 31‡a Schönsten Erzählungen 700 12 ‡a Kafka, Franz, ‡d 1883-1924. ‡t Short stories. ‡k Selections. ‡l English. 700 12 ‡a Kafka, Franz, ‡d 1883-1924. ‡t Short stories. ‡k Selections. Language subfield is not given for the preferred title's original language. (This changed recently) Both expressions are in 700; no 240/700 split. 5/21/2013

Access Points (Collections: Works, Selections) AACR2 RDA Complete works: 240 10 ‡a Works. ‡f <date> 240 10 ‡a Works. <No date> 100 1_‡a Smith, John, ‡d 1580-1631. 240 10 ‡a Works. ‡f 1983 245 14 ‡a The complete works of Captain John Smith (1580-1631) / ‡c edited by Philip L. Barbour. 240 10 ‡a Works Selected works: 240 10 ‡a Selections. ‡f <date> 240 10 ‡a Works. ‡k Selections <No date> 100 1_ ‡a Downing, A. J. ‡q (Andrew Jackson), ‡d 1815-1852. 240 10 ‡a Selections. ‡f 2012 245 10 ‡a Andrew Jackson Downing : ‡b essential texts / ‡c edited by Robert Twombly. 240 10 ‡a Works. ‡k Selections No date only for the first instance in the NAF. All subsequent ones get dates. Pre RDA, per the LCRI (25.9), "Selections" in ‡a when the book included multiple forms (e.g. a collection of fiction & poetry) or if it was generally known that the author wrote in only one form. In RDA, Selections is never in ‡a; it must always be in ‡k, following Works. No ‡f date is assigned. Use Works. ‡k Selections only for selections in multiple forms. For complete or selected works in a single form, see the next slide. 5/21/2013

Access Points (Collections: Single Form, Complete) AACR2 RDA Complete works in one form: 240 10 ‡a <form>. ‡f <date> 240 10 ‡a <form>. <No date> 100 1_‡a Shelley, Percy Bysshe, ‡d 1792-1822. 240 10 ‡a Poems. ‡f 2000 245 14 ‡a The complete poetry of Percy Bysshe Shelley / ‡c edited by Donald H. Reiman and Neil Fraistat. 100 1_‡a Shelley, Percy Bysshe, ‡d 1792-1822, ‡e author 240 10 ‡a Poems 5/21/2013

Access Points (Collections: Single Form, Selections, Generic Title) AACR2 RDA Selected works in a single form (generic title) 240 10 ‡a <form>. ‡k Selections Selected works in a single form (generic title) 100 1_ ‡a Lawrence, D. H. ‡q (David Herbert), ‡d 1885-1930. 240 10 ‡a Short stories. ‡k Selections 245 10 ‡a D.H. Lawrence ‡h [electronic resource] : ‡b selected short stories / ‡c [edited by] Andrew Harrison. 100 1_ ‡a Lawrence, D. H. ‡q (David Herbert), ‡d 1885-1930, ‡e author 245 10 ‡a D.H. Lawrence : ‡b selected short stories / ‡c [edited by] Andrew Harrison. 336 __ ‡a text ‡2 rdacontent 337 __ ‡a computer ‡2 rdamedia 338 __ ‡a online resource ‡2 rdacarrier 5/21/2013

Access Points (Collections: Selections, Single Form, Non-Generic Title) AACR2 RDA Selected works in a single form, non-generic title: No 240 Selected works in a single form: 240 10 ‡a <form>. ‡k Selections <No date> 100 1_‡a Haskell, Dennis, ‡d 1948- 245 10 ‡a Acts of defiance : ‡b new and selected poems / ‡c Dennis Haskell. 100 1_‡a Haskell, Dennis, ‡d 1948- ‡e author 240 10 ‡a Poems. ‡k Selections In AACR2, for selected works, the uniform title was not made if the title proper was not generic. In RDA, the uniform title is always made. The uniform title is also applied outside of belletristic works, e.g. the collected papers of a scientist, but is out of scope for this presentation. 5/21/2013

What to Do Belletristic & Variant Edition. Do the following but consult with your supervisor Remember that single person compilations always get a 240, so add the 240 when appropriate 5/21/2013

Fun Fact -- A Sherlock Holmes Novel AACR2. Only real people can be used as headings 100 1_ ‡a Meyer, Nicholas, ‡d 1945- 245 10 ‡a The seven-per-cent solution : ‡b being a reprint from the reminiscences of John H. Watson, M.D. / ‡c as edited by Nicholas Meyer. [no added entry] RDA: Fictional entities (persons or families; not corporate bodies) can be used as access points; not clear how this is going to be expressed, so this is a guess: 100 1_ ‡a Watson, John H., ‡e author. 245 10 ‡a The seven-per-cent solution ‡b being a reprint from the reminiscences of John H. Watson, M.D. / ‡c as edited by Nicholas Meyer. 700 1_ ‡a Meyer, Nicholas, ‡d 1945- ‡e editor. Added entries don’t need to be justified Fictitious characters--This champagne mojito is the last thing I own / ‡c Ross O'Carroll-Kelly (as told to Paul Howard) ; illustrated by Alan Clarke. Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse : ‡b my life in pictures / ‡c as told to his good friend Russell Schroeder. Vivian lives / ‡c by Vivian Livingston, as told to Sherrie Krantz. Currently only exist as subjects with qualifier fictitious character. LC will extend (9.0) to "real non-human entities" (e.g. Barbara Bush's cat) Fictional entities are an element of an author's fictional creation, pseudonyms aren't characters in the fiction but different names for the same author. 5/21/2013

Workflow 5/21/2013

Inconsistencies Application of RDA is still a work in progress Testing resulted in modification of RDA applications used during the test Expect inconsistencies of application; using RDA will become more standardized as more libraries adopt RDA Also: RDA allows much greater latitude for cataloger judgment, another source of inconsistencies 5/21/2013

OCLC OCLC will not permit 2 master records in the database where one is AACR2 and the other is RDA OCLC: RDA original master records may be contributed; AACR2 records already in WorldCat cataloged as blank, 1, 4,8, I, or L can now be updated to RDA (some flexibility for serials) Minimal & Descriptive Rules i or blank records should be updated/upgraded to RDA; once done, they cannot be re-updated to AACR2 OCLC: if a record in WorldCat is coded as RDA, do not update it to AACR2 Website: 5/21/2013

OCLC updates OCLC catalogers are allowed to do the following to AACR2 records: add relationship designators to the access points add complete statement of responsibility in place of [et. al.] spell out abbreviations in the non-transcription fields add 336-338 Adding RDA information to an AACR2 record does not make it RDA, so do not add 040 ‡e rda to a DescCat a or change the DescCat from a to i OCLC has plans to machine update legacy records by updating abbreviations to written out form or the RDA alternative term by adding fields 336-338 (GMD will be left in media records until 2016) by removing the ‡h gmd from media bib records (but not until 2016) by changing Bible headings, Koran, Dept., and other headings to RDA form Technically, the mass computer updating will be performed on LC's master authority file; and then OCLC will replace all NARs. 5/21/2013

What to Do Don’t interpret RDA differences from AACR2 as errors Don't interpret AACR2 records with RDA fields as errors-- or as RDA records Ask questions if you're confused (although the answers may be confusing); it's really useful to identify issues brought on by RDA 5/21/2013

Key Points Many RDA records have begun to appear in OCLC Know the 040/Leader configuration for RDA records Once the record is identified as RDA, leave it as is Since March 31 2013, all LC cataloging is RDA & all new or updated NACO records are RDA In March, a big update to the national authority file has occurred; OCLC is working on changing bib records to match major authority file changes. "Transcribe what you see"--capitalization, statement of responsibility, errors, no GMD No abbreviations in 250 and 264: transcribe what you see; significant reduction in supplied abbreviations (esp. Latin) in 300 5/21/2013

Key Points No brackets used: for errors or for statement of responsibility in 245; for unnumbered pages & leaves in 300 & 504, for parallel titles No rule of 3; expect big reduction in title main entry No date following Works/Selections for the first occurrence Take parallel titles & SoRs from anywhere on the book No copyright date in 264 _1; prefer bracketed publication date to 264 _4 New MARC fields: 264, 336, 337, 338, 775, 776 Notes of less importance; big exception: contents notes Access points: more relationship designators (‡e); locally limit to ‡e author, ‡e translator, different qualifiers, Bible, Dept., Koran; uniform title for translations limited to one language; no date in Works or Selections (Selections cannot be the 1st word in 240) RDA brings significant changes in descriptive cataloging of variant editions, including reproductions, that may affect workflow 5/21/2013

RDA Toolkit RDA is intended to be used online (unlike AACR2) Under the Tools tab, the mapping of MARC to RDA is very useful since the RDA organization does not follow ISBD order--and doesn't have an index 5/21/2013

Learn More About-- LC– full set of PPT training materials 20materials/LC%20RDA%20Training/LC%20RDA%2 0course%20table.html Questions? 5/21/2013